Legacy Supporter 9
- Joined
- Jul 15, 2012
- Location
- Australia
@Multitallented I'm very excited about this direction but I'm struggling for understanding somewhat. I'm going to ask some questions that might be pretty naive, but I need to get this basic understanding sorted before I can move forward to asking more intelligent questions. 

- Kingdoms: I'm just checking that these will now be off the agenda, is this the case? The current concept of Kingdoms is 3 or 4 towns in close proximity ie that can be surrounded by a ring of no more than 50 pylons that are no more than 100 blocks apart each. This gave players a reason to search for alliances between towns or an opportunity for a larger group of players to align across several bases. However the last few maps have had no more than 2 kingdoms, or 1, or none, which is pretty unbalanced, and they're sure as heck troublesome to manage! So I'm fine with them going, I just want to be really clear that this is what's happening.
- Town shapes: What shape are the town/super-regions? Do they cover only the sub-regions, or do the sub-regions need to be located within a certain area? What happens to the regioning in the space between sub-regions?
- Town sizes: From your Sub-regions thread, the sizes currently allocated for towns are considerably smaller than at present. For example, you've proposed 36x36 for Hamlet when the current size is 150x150, the size you are proposing for Metropolis.
- I don't see a town hall and and 5 homes fitting into 36x36 blocks.
- It would certainly be good to see much greater differences in size between the towns than we have currently. The current Hamlet size is so big there's little incentive for upgrading, so having the smallest towns be much smaller than at present would be great with bigger steps between sizes. But the town sizes do need to be a little larger than is currently proposed.
- Personal regions: I'm understanding that shacks will replace personal regions? I applaud this! Bringing player-size regions into the same management structure as towns is a definite plus. However I see you are proposing just one shack per player, and currently higher level donors are granted 2 or 3 personal residences. @Kainzo will need to review this impact on donor benefits. I would also like to see spawn plots brought under the same management structure, and the impact of spawn plots on towns be taken into consideration. For example, I'd like to see the larger spawn plots only being available to the larger towns and so on, and that spawn plots for individuals only be large enough to keep maybe 4 chests secure.
- Distance between super-regions: Currently there must be at least 300 blocks between town centers to prevent towns overlapping when they upgrade in size. How will distance between super-regions be managed? Is the Town Hall the center of the town region, or not necessarily?
- Moving townships: Will a township be required to stay where it is initially created, or is there potential for towns to relocate if, for example, they lose all their perms or decide to abandon them to start again elsewhere? (Actually, I have visions of Howl's Moving Castle here
with towns wandering about across the map.)
- Destruction by TNT: Do I understand correctly that TNT regeneration will be turned off again? (It was only recently introduced.) How about the situation where a town is struggling for whatever reason and it loses power and gets blasted to smithereens and that's enough for those townsfolk to throw in the towel.
- Can this be avoided? and
- How can we prevent the map from being littered by abandoned town ruins?
- Mayor/Successor perms and titles: Will these be automatically allocated by the code when a township is created? Also, following on from this other thread, might it be possible for the Mayor and SiC to be able to investigate incidences of possible town theft by checking logs on chests, please? How will succession and/or sale of a town be conducted.
- Power: Various things reduce power, but what increases it? From your Sub-region thread, I see that a Soul Harvester "consumes items and money to create power hourly". How else is power created? Is there any connection between power generation and, for example, player activity? Also what sorts of amounts of power are we talking about getting destroyed and created in your "average" day?
- Activity requirements: Will there be checks on when players last logged in to ensure a certain number of active players in the last fortnight, etc?
- Town decay "via timestamps or some other method" (quote from Kainzo): Does this refer to player activity?
- Taxes: May I have more info on how these will work, please?
- Chat channels per super-region: Will these be auto-allocated without the need to petition staff? (If so, yay!)
- PvE: I liked the diagram on how Strongholds might be focused differently for PvP and PvE. I'm looking forward to what else will be proposed for PvE, but I understand the need to get PvP sorted first.