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[Town] Panorama [KO] [36]


Jan 28, 2012
1) What is your IGN? Seano299​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? About 2 hours, maybe 3 hours.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? Caster. I plan to become a Wizard.​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you? Because I believe I would be able to help around town, I enjoy building and I'll most likely be on Herocraft a lot of the time.​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? I have a Skype account. It is sean.os1 if you need it.​


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
Who We Are:
Panorama is the continuation of the Realm of Truth from the previous Zeal map. Although we have lost members, we still stand strong as a loyal community, and hope to prosper in Dragon.​
Mayor: Madsplatter​
SiC: nafets121​
Banker: Troppicz and Dils1​
1) Madsplatter​
2) nafets121​
3) microsim​
4) Daanor*
5) The_Player_189​
6) Piggy37​
7) plob5​
8) DerpSquirrel​
9) Ejh16​
10) xXAmonicXx​
11) Roow505​
12) mawaty​
13) BigguthDickuth​
14) nielhessel​
15) Qsa123456789​
16) krunkn_munky​
17) Roflceroflol​
18) pandaman7*
19) Sigpit*
20) Troppicz*
21) time_warp1*
22) Upb34t*
23) dils1*
24) Carlover1234​
25) ChicagoFire​
26) Shadownub​
27) patr12​
28) Michael42​
29) imagurl​
30) KenHTMS​
31) Anor​
32) THE_BRA1N​
33) Sean31555​
34) leafninja44​
35) Madlios​
36) MagicalPanda​
37) Karnier​
Panorama will be a lovely town, a society built upon a river. A lively port and market, beautiful architecture, and attention to detail will make Panorama a landmark to many.​
Overall View​
Town Hall​
Town Inn​
Wall Template​
1. Follow all overall Herocraft rules.
2. No stealing from townsmembers, including snooping around in others' houses.
3. Do not kill townsmembers or allies.
4. No being an asshat in public chat, or anywhere really.
5. Worship the walrus.
6. Laugh at Lee while drunk.
7. Wear sexy firey skins
8. Repeat step 6
Dragon Empire, the highest alliance. Treat them like you would our own.​
Valley Communities​
Kingdom of Edolas​
Tree Penises​
Talking about Status
To Do
A list of things that must be done, in order from highest importance to least. Red being of most importance, green not as much.​
Level up, spec, get some monies in your skimpy wallets!
[33%] Build Panorama public buildings
[100%] Dig Undercity
[90%] Make the floor of undercity all grass
[80%] Make a farm beneath undercity (tree, pumpkin, melon, auto-wheat, etc)
[10%] Remove old piece of shit base
[30%] Border River with wooden slabs
[30%] Pretty up land around Panorama
[0%] Make a boat in the river
[95%] Make a windmill
Want to join the sexiest kingdom around? Look no further! Please fill out the application belooooowwww.​
1) What is your IGN?​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft?​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to?​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you?​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it?​

@madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter

Quoted :eek:


Jan 27, 2012
1) What is your IGN? llamamasta02​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? 2 Days on Herocraft.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? Wizard​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you? I Am easy to get help from and I will offer it when it is needed. I am easy to get along with.​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? Yes​
Addition info: I know Sean31555, The_Brain and Leafninja44​


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
1) What is your IGN? llamamasta02​
2) How long have you been playing Herocraft, Minecraft? 2 Days on Herocraft.​
3) What class are you/plan on speccing to? Wizard​
4) What could you bring to KO - why should we recruit you? I Am easy to get help from and I will offer it when it is needed. I am easy to get along with.​
5) Do you have TS3/Skype? If not, could you easily obtain it? Yes​
Addition info: I know Sean31555, The_Brain and Leafninja44​

Are you a... llama? :confused:


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
@madsplatter called me an asshole, I'm not sure why @madsplatter would do that, it isn't like @madsplatter to use insulting names. However, @madsplatter seems to be developing the habit of doing so. @madsplatter should probably get on Skype because @Shadownub (Hellz yuss, self-alerts) is extremely bored without @madsplatter to talk to. O_____o

In the meantime, @madsplatter should edit his thread and remove @Shadownub from the charter (26) because @Shadownub is not an official resident or citizen of @madsplatter 's town. @madsplatter Please do so immediately :eek:

EDIT: Sorry, I think I forgot to tag you. @madsplatter


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
@madsplatter called me an asshole, I'm not sure why @madsplatter would do that, it isn't like @madsplatter to use insulting names. However, @madsplatter seems to be developing the habit of doing so. @madsplatter should probably get on Skype because @Shadownub (Hellz yuss, self-alerts) is extremely bored without @madsplatter to talk to. O_____o

In the meantime, @madsplatter should edit his thread and remove @Shadownub from the charter (26) because @Shadownub is not an official resident or citizen of @madsplatter 's town. @madsplatter Please do so immediately :eek:

EDIT: Sorry, I think I forgot to tag you. @madsplatter
So. Much. Win.


Jul 5, 2011
@Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub @Shadownub


Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
See that? @madsplatter used inappropriate language again! @madsplatter should be ashamed. This is not the way @madsplatter usually acts, but @madsplatter does so nonetheless because @madsplatter thinks it is fitting for the situation. @madsplatter is wrong. The only time that @madsplatter is allowed to use such language is when fighting noobs ( @dmil23 ) or when responding to other people who are using such language ( @The_Player_189 ). However, @madsplatter deserves punishment for calling a sexy user not just an asshole, but also a prick. Seeing as I am unable to slap @madsplatter personally, I'm afraid I'm going to take down @madsplatter the hard way. (twss @time_warp01 )

@madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter 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That'll do.


@madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter@madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter
@madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter
@madsplatter @madsplatter @madsplatter
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Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Why can I like only once w/o Unliking?
*Gasp* Idea.
/like posts 404 408 410 412 /like posts 404 408 410 412 /like posts 404 408 410 412
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/like posts 404 408 410 412 /like posts 404 408 410 412 /like posts 404 408 410 412
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Legacy Supporter 3
Mar 21, 2011
@Plob5 I love you

/me spams like button on Plob's post
Hold on, let me test this.

/like post 414
EDIT: Damn, I'm stupid :oops:


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Dear Panorama,

I am so terribly sorry for this. Please refer to the Q&A below as to why.
  • Question: Why are you "terribly sorry for this"?
    • Answer: I took advantage of you slightly.
  • Question: How did you "take advantage" of us?
    • Answer: I used your thread to make it so I beat RA in the top 10 posters, to number 9.
  • Question: Why do we care, exactly...?
    • Answer: You probably don't but I thought this would be funny, and I couldn't just dismiss my thought, now could I?
  • Question: Uh, well, congratulations, I guess!
    • Answer: That's not a question, silly. /skill fireball
Best Regards,​