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[Town] Panorama [KO] [22/27] *Recruiting*


Mar 16, 2012
1. hyfygfx : Warriror 2: Crafter ?
2. Reason you want to join: I would like to join because you town looks very secure and i have a friend in your township
3. Describe yourself: I am 17yr old highschool football player that play's alot of videogames, in minecraft one of my favorite things to do is redstone
4. What can you contribute to the town: once i get to be a higher lvl i can contribute in battle and protecting other town members and can basically do anything you could ask me to
5. First C and if that doesn't work D
A town member stole your items, and you find out who he/she is, what will you do:
A. Kill him/her
B. Flame the person, raging
C. Ask him/her to give your stuff back
D. Ask a mod to solve the issue
E. Quit the game
F. Steal his/her stuff for revenge


Mar 12, 2012
1. IGN : Endinghero Rouge (7) : Crafter (7)
2. I am in need of a town. I was searching through and I met piggy. Me and my friend amazingzebra then went a did research. This town looks cool and accepting of any form of player. no matter what level. I hope to be part of a growing community and enjoy it with many.
3. Describe yourself I am 15 years old. I Presently spend most of my time devoted to playing games with my friends. I am a huge fan of rpg, fps, tps, and many more Genre of games. Don't let my age throw you off I can be very mature for my age..
4. What can you contribute to the town: I am good at keeping people cool and not fighting. I am an experianced builder who also is great at assisting otherbuilders. I also know a good redstone circuit or two. I'm not that bad of a PVPer if I do say.
5. Answer the follwing question by choosing A,B or C... etc (ex: 5. A):C
Mar 12, 2012
Ign: AmazingZebra Class: Healer Level: 2 Crafter: 0
Reason You Want to Join
I found out about this town from a player named PIGGY73, he seemed like a cool guy, and I needed a cool town, so he told me about it. I want a awesome place to level, train, farm, and play on this wonderful server. This seemed like the right place.​
Describe yourself
I am 17 years old, I live in the US and I like gaming. I like most games but my favorite are ones that involve PvP, and strategy. My favorite game besides Minecraft is Starcraft, a strategy game. Other than gaming I like to hang out with my friends, play soccer, all sorts of fun stuff :).
What Can You Contribute to the Town
I feel that I have a nice and easygoing personality, I hope to level to a Blood Mage, or possibly a cleric, not sure yet. I think I am a good pvper and builder. I am excellent at building structures that you didn't know you needed until I made them for you :p. I hope to contribute to the town in many ways if you accept me.​
5. Answer the follwing question by choosing A,B or C... etc (ex: 5. A):
A town member stole your items, and you find out who he/she is, what will you do:
I would choose C, and then if that resolves nothing D.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jul 5, 2011
Your applications look good you have been accepted! Pm Madlios or Sigpit to get you set up in game!


Mar 15, 2012
1. IGN : King_Sack Warrior (3) : Crafter (3)
2. I am in need of a town. Me and my friendAmazingzebra and Endinghero then went a did research. This town looks cool and accepting of any form of player. no matter what level. I hope to be part of a growing community and enjoy it with many.
3. Describe yourself I am 15 years old. I Presently spend most of my time devoted to playing games with my friends. I am a huge fan of rpg, fps, tps, and many more Genre of games. I have been very mature for a very long time.
4. What can you contribute to the town: I am good at keeping people cool and not fighting. I am an experianced builder who also is great at assisting otherbuilders. I also know a good redstone circuit or two. I'm not that bad of a PVPer if I do say.
5. Answer the follwing question by choosing A,B or C... etc (ex: 5. A):C


Mar 13, 2012
1.IGN: chatiocpie Warrior(2): Crafter(1)
2.My friends Endinghero, King_sack, Amazingzebra all joined this town and told me to join it with them. I looked at the pictures it looks impressive so i agreed
3. I'm 13 and willing to help the town in any way possible. i love rpgs and strategic game. i think im a very nice guy whose easy to get along with i like everyone as has my friend but i am a very bad person to have as an enemy
4.I will contribute all excess supplies i gather. I am decent at redstone and a decent pvper and i am a great builder. i plan on buliding a fort on which if we are raided we can go into for protection
5. i select answer c


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 25, 2011
King Sack: not accepted, you just copied Endinghero application, pls write your own, thank you.
chatoicpie please write more details in your application, we want to know the players who join us.

Endingzebra and amazingzebra accepted,


Mar 15, 2012
1.IGN: King_Sack Warrior(3): Crafter(3)
2.My friends Endinghero, Amazingzebra , Chatiocpie
3. I'm 15 and willing to help the town in any way possible. i love T(hird)PS, FPS, adventure, RPG, online and much much more games. FYI PS3 FTW
4.I will help with most not super crazy projcets and and a pretty good pvper *smirk* .i am a AWESOME builder.
5. C


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 25, 2011
... so short app, but ok we will accept you for now since ur friends made good applications


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 25, 2011

Thank you


Jan 26, 2011
Amherst, Nova Scotia
IGN : aceshooter11​
Class (lvl) : Ranger (55)​
Profession (lvl) : Merchant (55)​

I would like to join the town of Panorama because I have worked among the ranks of the kingdom alliance of Obscurity for some time now. and I find my self looking for the town to live in and from the experiences of helping this kingdom I have grown to like it and its people. So I decided I would want to be one of citizens of the glories kingdom and help it expand to further in the Herocraft universe.

I Describe myself as Strong dedicated member of this community, hard worker, and a creative person. I am 18 years of age and very responsibly. Some of my interest include Scottish Bagpipe folk/punk Music and Culture, Having a fun time, and movies and tv shows.

I contribute And extra hand in building large projects, helping come up with new and good ideas, and overall being around all the time.

I'm sorry but the actions I would do is not on the list so I would like to add my own answer
5. Answer the follwing question by choosing A,B or C... etc (ex: 5. A):
A town member stole your items, and you find out who he/she is, what will you do:
A. Kill him/her
B. Flame the person, raging
C. Ask him/her to give your stuff back
D. Ask a mod to solve the issue
E. Quit the game
F. Steal his/her stuff for revenge
I would go to the mayor telling of the problem that occurred and allow to deal with the problem as the felt necessary.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 25, 2011
i thought u are making town with carlover maw.
give me ur class lvl and proffession so i can add u


Mar 12, 2012
Lvl 40 (almost 41) Ranger, 15 Crafter Thanks
I haven't leveled up crafter in about a month, I plan to spec crafter after I master ranger.


Mar 16, 2012
1. IGN : Bas_jaune, Healer (1) : Crafter (1)
2. Because I need a place to live and I need it to be safe, so Panorama seems like the perfect place. Also, my friend fr0stysn0wm4n lives in this town and I would like to be in the same city as him.
3. I am 15 years old, I like to play all sorts of online games (halo, battlefield 3, and of course minecraft), but I also like to do sports like soccer, hockey, snowboarding and rollerblading. Finally, I play different instruments like guitar, piano and even accordion.
4. Because one things I love to do in minecraft is to help other people. Making new building, defending the city from monsters and raders, finding resources for other people, etc.
5. Answer the follwing question by choosing A,B or C... etc (ex: 5. A):
A town member stole your items, and you find out who he/she is, what will you do:
C. Ask him/her to give your stuff back


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 25, 2011
Just to inform that i wont be much online from now, i will still get on everyday to solve stuffs, and maybe build the city a bit, im also designing the upper part of panorama, once i have more free time ill start building it in HC