Why do you wish to join Lightforge?: I'm really excited for the map wipe; it's always fun to start over and rebuild completely from scratch. However, it's much more fun to do this with a great group of people, and from what I've seen, that's what y'all are.
How long have you been on the server?: I joined in mid-November of 2011, so about 9 months.
What will your class be (Spec included)?: I was Rogue on Zeal, and Warrior on Dragon, so I'll be going Caster, and specing to Geomancer or Necro; I haven't decided yet. I'll be going Miner as my crafter spec, unless y'all need some other crafter spec for helping the town.
Past towns?: On Zeal, I was in Incursion (ARC Kingdom). On Dragon, I was in Lorien at the beginning of the map and moved to Mortem with Shadow later.
What do you believe you can contribute to the town?: I can help build (not much of a designer, just placing blocks ^-^). I can contribute funds to establish the new towns in XD.
How often can you be online?: More often than my doctor recommends, heh. I can be online very, very often from the map wipe until school starts. After school starts, I'll be online less, but still every day.
Age? I am 16 going on 17.
Are you a builder or a fighter?: Examples?
More of a Fighter than a Builder, but I can help place blocks/clear blocks/terraform for the construction of the town. As for examples of a Fighter, I was a master Dreadknight on Dragon and did my fair share of PvP.
How inclined would you be to donate money or gold to the town?: Pretty willing, I enjoy contributing to a community of people, especially helping with the starting costs of towns.
Thanks for looking at my application.