IGN: Zaxtremist
Age/Timezone: 19 / Pacific ~
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3?: Yes
Are you available on Skype?: Preferably not
How long have you been on Herocraft?: I played for quite a bit for the past year, but took some time off.
What class are you, include level: I am a Beguiler, level 13 (Which I mastered awhile ago, but the data appears to be reset now)
What profession are you, include level(if crafter, what do you plan to be): Crafter->Runesmith, but can become whatever the town needs me to be.
Why Tiltwo?: I received a large number of people saying to join the town, the island aspect sounds absolutely charming. The people who sent out the invites also seemed lovely!
What do you enjoy most about HeroCraft, or Minecraft in general?: The Heroes plugin is just fantastic and the community I remember was just enjoyable.
Any previous towns?: I forget its name, was too long ago and appears to be gone now
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: I left due to exams and just recently decided to get back into the game.
Strengths?: PvP and a cheery disposition!

Weaknesses?: Most likely architecture