IGN: LagowDeLago
Age/Timezone: 18/Central ~
Are you able to use TeamSpeak3?: No but I am capable of attempting to obtain an account, if need be.
Are you available on Skype?: No
How long have you been on Herocraft?: I was on for about 3-5 months, give or take, before I took a few months off for school and work purposes. Now that I've more freetime I plan to be more active again.
What class are you, include level: As of current, I am a Cleric, Level 17.
What profession are you, include level(if crafter, what do you plan to be): Undecided. If there is a role that the town needs filled, however, I'll pick that gladly.
Why Tiltwo?: d3m0nc1ld invited me.
What do you enjoy most about HeroCraft, or Minecraft in general?: Helping others, exploring/adventuring, and building are the big three. I prefer a PvE Environment, and tend to play supportive classes, and make a very good Cleric.
Any previous towns?: Tilionius, Death Star
Why did you leave, or why were you kicked?: I left Tilionius to join the Death Star and be with my current clan, and my 3 months inactive caused me to lose my spot in Death Star.
Strengths?: Very good supporter and healer, on often unless I notify otherwise, very good at building and helping.
Weaknesses?: I'm not very good at actually hurting other people, and tend to leave the DPR to others. If need be though, I can put up a fight.