- Joined
- May 9, 2015
Sorry i wasn't able to delete the post so i made it look like i never posted it, that was the least i was able to do.all good hope to catch you in game soon
accepted! We'l PM ingame!
Sorry i wasn't able to delete the post so i made it look like i never posted it, that was the least i was able to do.all good hope to catch you in game soon
accepted! We'l PM ingame!
Haha its all goodSorry i wasn't able to delete the post so i made it look like i never posted it, that was the least i was able to do.
accepted! contact @Nelspie43 to become an official tonw kniht, and hope to see yo catch some levels!ign: CryptidCelts
Time Zone: Central
Team Speak/Skype accessibility: Yes and Yes
Combat Class and Level: DreadKnight; lvl 2
Any other combat classes and levels: None
Profession class and level: None
Any other profession and level: No
Any extra info you would like to say about yourself: I am new to HeroCraft, that explains why im a low level. But I am a loyal soldier and always follow orders.
Accepted, hope to see you in game!Ign: drakenguard
Time zone: US Mountain.
Team speak\ skype accessibility: Both are available to me.
Combat class and level: Bloodmage lvl 4
Any other combat classes and levels:N/A
Profession class and level:Uh, crafter i think. Didn't exactly choose it. Not sure though.
Any other profession and level:
Any extra info you would like to say about yourself: I'm pretty new to Herocraft and want to join a town to help out and just be apart of a community. I enjoy helping out and definitely would not mind gathering materials or helping others in PVE/PVP as a healer.
acceptedIgn: KuroKy
Time zone: EST
Team speak\ skype accessibility: I have both but prefer TS
Combat class and level: Necromancer Lvl: 10
Any other combat classes and levels: N/A
Profession class and level: Crafter Lvl: 11
Any other profession and level: N/A
Any extra info you would like to say about yourself: Looking for a new player friendly environment. (AeonOfMagix recommended that i apply here)
Accepted, recommended you download team speak, hope to see you soon tho!IGN:SuperSayanNaruto
Time Zone:Central
TS/Skype:none dont have either
Combat class and lvl: Dragoon lvl 1
Any other: no
Profession class and lvl:none unless crafter lvl 9 counts
Any other:no
Any extra info: Will help and i dont like pvp but will if need be
Accepted, hope to see you in game!
acceptedhope to see you soon!
Accepted, recommended you download team speak, hope to see you soon tho!
Accepted! I will be out of town this week, talk to FlameOtter, a co mayor, in game. Tell him hype sent you!Ign: Temperestre
Time zone: EST US
Team speak\ skype accessibility: My skype is Temperestre
Combat class and level: Necromancer and 6
Any other combat classes and levels: no
Profession class and level: Crafter and 1
Any other profession and level: no
Any extra info you would like to say about yourself: I like to build and learn a lot about this server. Please help me learn.
Thank you. I greatly appreciate your quick response.Accepted! I will be out of town this week, talk to FlameOtter, a co mayor, in game. Tell him hype sent you!
Congratulations @Perboni. I give the offical charge. Long Live Tilionius, under command of Perboni!My fellows from Tilionius, I'm now with the honor and the duty of being the Lord of Tilionius, by the wish of our founder of many names, ccolin75 or Hyperion_the_II. I promise to try my best to be fair and respectful, and conduct our town for glory days ahead. Please, if you need assist in anything, look for me and I will help. Work hard, play hard, that is my goal.
Ign: AvatarmaikoOrigin (lorewise): There once was a boy named Tilionius. The young child lived in a small village with his parentsin happiness. However, his young life was ruined by an attack by a neighboring village killing his parents
and forcing him to run off into the unknown world. After awhile, he was on the verge of death. While laying on the shores of the lake a fisherman saw him. The ever so kindly fisherman brought him to his town and raised him. As he grew he became a fearsome warrior and politician.
Eventually the ruler of the fisherman's town passed, and a new ruler came into power. The new ruler created an alliance with the village who had killed Tilionius's parents and destroyed his town years ago. While visiting the ruler of Tilionius's new town the wicked king caught a glance of the boy, now grown. He only could remember the boy from when he had tried to catch him before he escaped. The evil king acted as so he didn't reconize the boy at all. However, when he entered and talk with the king of his current town, he convinced him to kill him because he was a threat and traitor. The king feared the power of the evil king's town and ordered his execution almost immediately. The boy had grown strong and smart, but he was no match for the royal guard. He was beheaded the same day.
The fisherman who had found and raised him mourned greatly. He left the town and built a house by the lake he found Tilionius's at. He burned the remains of Tilionius to ashes, and casted them into the lake. The fisherman lived alone for many years, until one day a woman appeared out of the woods searching for a place to take refuge from her tyrant king, the same king who ruined and destroyed Tilionius.
The fishman and she lived together and had a son. The fisherman told the son the tale of Tilionius, and the woman told her son of the struggle all refuges face, including Tilionius before he was discovered by the fisherman. Once his parents passed, and the boy became fully grown, he created a village of his own. He named it after the boy his fatherhad raised in mourned for, Tilionius. Like Tilionius, the boy was a fearsome warrior and politician. Once created, the boy looked for dedicated and loyal people to populate the town. He wanted the town to be a great nation of trade and commerce, but also be a town that makes a name in combat. And that is the story on how the town came to be.
Rules: 1. Obey all server rules 2. No stealing from townmates. 3. No giving away town info to other townships. 4. Enjoy yourself! 5. Use common since, if I friend type down a rule like, "don't spawn a weither in the town." Doesn't mean you can do it, use common since. 6. If you have to go inactive for awhile find a way to inform me, 1 weeks with no reason will result in removal.
A house of law will begin construction soon wich will have more in depth law
Goals: To connect with multiple nations in trade, but also getting a good amount of PvP involved. However, strict PvE'ers are welcome. To become a town full of FREINDS, not a town of grudges and a corruptcore.
Time zone:
Team speak\ skype accessibility:
Combat class and level:
Any other combat classes and levels:
Profession class and level:
Any other profession and level:
Any extra info you would like to say about yourself:
Rember I want this to be a fun place for its members! If there are any problems, I will do the best to solve them. Any questions you have about the town message me in game or through the fourms, although it is likely I will answer quicker in game.
Until next time, bye heroes!
Ign: Avatarmaiko
Time zone: central
Team speak\ skype accessibility: Maybe team speak, no skype
Combat class and level: I'm good with archery, Im still levle one druid
Any other combat classes and levels:
Profession class and level: Im a level 6 crafter, I like tomineand hunt food, Im good with a bow.
Any other profession and level:
Any extra info you would like to say about yourself: if i join and start swearing, its my brother who always has the computer