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Thidis the Town of Riches


Aug 5, 2015
Age: 25

Time Zone: Pacific

Activity: Moderate-High

Current Class and Level: Dragoon - 23

Current Profession and Level: Smith - 32

If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: n/a

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes

What is your favorite color: Blue...

What is your favorite animal: Hawk/Birds of Prey

How long have you been playing Herocraft: 3 Days

What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Progress! Anything that levels my class or profession. Love the rpg progression element.

What are your strengths: I'm very aware of my surrondings in game. I beat Minecraft legitimately on Hardcore mode and thoroughly enjoyed it. Brings your best playstyle out of you.

What are your weaknesses: I only have a few months experience with Minecraft.

Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No

Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: n/a

Additional Information: Excited to be apart of this server and equaly excited to see how the new content will be.
Mar 20, 2012
Age: 25

Time Zone: Pacific

Activity: Moderate-High

Current Class and Level: Dragoon - 23

Current Profession and Level: Smith - 32

If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: n/a

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes

What is your favorite color: Blue...

What is your favorite animal: Hawk/Birds of Prey

How long have you been playing Herocraft: 3 Days

What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Progress! Anything that levels my class or profession. Love the rpg progression element.

What are your strengths: I'm very aware of my surrondings in game. I beat Minecraft legitimately on Hardcore mode and thoroughly enjoyed it. Brings your best playstyle out of you.

What are your weaknesses: I only have a few months experience with Minecraft.

Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No

Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: n/a

Additional Information: Excited to be apart of this server and equaly excited to see how the new content will be.

see how the new content will be.

Looks good to me! Wait on Just_Jeff94 or Lester to confirm!
Aug 8, 2015
Age: 21
Time Zone: EST
Activity: Available most of the time, but I may be eaten by a league addiction.
Current Class and Level: 0 (haven't played on server yet)
Current Profession and Level: as above
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: unsure
Do you have Teamspeak: yes
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: of course
What is your favorite color: purple
What is your favorite animal: fox
How long have you been playing Herocraft: a little on aetherys (sp?)
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: being with cool peeps
What are your strengths: chill, friendly, handsome
What are your weaknesses: distractable
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: nope
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: nope
Additional Information: i like churros
Aug 8, 2015
The town of Riches

play this while reading the page

Thidis is a Dwarven town deep within the mountains. We have been hidden from the world due to our goal to mine and gather riches.We have finally come to the surface to expand our knowledge and to seek new riches in this world. I write to you as Thidis' Ruler, My name is Jeffery Artis. We seek those who wish to join us.

Greetings from the House of Thidis,
My name is Jeffery Artis current Ruler of Thidis. You are recieving this letter on my behalf for I wish to offically invite you to join our town and kingdom. We seek the diligent, the greedy and the adventurous. If you happen to be any of those then Thidis is the place for you. I welcome all letters of application for Thidis so please fill out the following areas and send this back to me by carrier pigeon. Thank you kindly for your time and I hope to make your aquantance soon.

Please fill out this application and post it as a reply to this thread and I will respond to you asap.
Age requirement is 15 but exceptions can and will be made. This is more of a guideline as I know some younger people who are very mature. Crafting professions and Hero class levels should be minimum of 10 when you apply. Be as detailed and honest with your application, honesty shows good character.

Thank you very much for your time Jeff

In Game Name (IGN):
Time Zone:
Current Class and Level:
Current Profession and Level:
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:
Do you have Teamspeak:
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules:
What is your favorite color:
What is your favorite animal:
How long have you been playing Herocraft:
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft:
What are your strengths:
What are your weaknesses:
Have you previously been in any towns on this server:
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:
Additional Information:

Thidis is a town that focuses heavily on gathering ores and minerals from the land. The town was founded by the Noble House of Thidis which it is named after. The Noble House of Thidis has always ruled the town and the current Ruler is Jeffery Artis of House Thidis. It was Jeffery's idea to reach out and expand Thidis by going to the surface. Some disagreed with his descion but in the long term it will greatly benefit the town. Now seeking those who wish to work and earn riches and glory he has set his sights upon becoming a very wealthy kingdom that is friendly and welcoming to all who may visit seeking knowledge on their ancient mining techniques.
Thidis has Houses, these Houses determine your social status amongst those in the Kingdom.
House Thidis
Noble Houses
Labour Houses
Citizen Houses

Be Respectful to other town members and other players
Do not steal or grief stuff in the town
Obey the server rules
Listen to Jeff and other leaders
Lastly have fun

Town leaders

disclosure, joining Thidis means you are a part of Jeff's Harem and have also sold him your soul
In Game Name (IGN): Avatarmaiko
Age: 13
Time Zone: central
Activity: I go on when I can and school is back on in two weeks, my brother always steals the computer
Current Class and Level: Druid Crafter level 1
Current Profession and Level: same thing right?
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:
Do you have Teamspeak: no
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: yes
What is your favorite color:
What is your favorite animal: Horses and
How long have you been playing Herocraft: I just started
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Archery, and I dont have a bow yet
What are your strengths:Archery, mining,
What are your weaknesses: pvp with out partner or bow, using to much arrows
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: no
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:
Additional Information:


Jul 25, 2015
In Game Name (IGN): PureData
Age: 13
Time Zone: Currently (UTC+07:00) But Usually (UTC+03:00)
Activity: 2-3 Hours Usually spread out the day
Current Class and Level: Dragoon, Level 58 (I have Mastered Paladin and Dread-knight as well in case this isn't enough :D)
Current Profession and Level: Smith, Level 60
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: I wish to stay as a smith
Do you have Teamspeak: No, Unfortunately not
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes, Of course
What is your favorite color: Bluish Green
What is your favorite animal: Don't mind any animal
How long have you been playing Herocraft: two months
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: I have the patience to grind mobs for hours
What are your strengths: I think i'm pretty well rounded in everything except building
What are your weaknesses: I can't Build to save myself
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Yes i have been in Pemben (now called Solitude)
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: No
Additional Information: Even though i have only played for 2 months, i think I have adjusted to the server very well.
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Oct 29, 2014
In Game Name (IGN): AChopinNocturne (Username change)
Age: 16
Time Zone: Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time
Activity: At least one hour a day
Current Class and Level: Cleric - Level 30
Current Profession and Level: Crafter - 10
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Farmer
Do you have Teamspeak: No
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Of course, they are very reasonable rules.
What is your favorite color: A nice dark green
What is your favorite animal: I'm partial to cats
How long have you been playing Herocraft: 1-2 months
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Doing things with friends. I enjoy healing and supporting them in dungeons
What are your strengths: I like building. Not the greatest however. Also, I'm good at typing things and I guess "administrative-like" work. I would not mind working this thread.
What are your weaknesses: I am not a strong PvPer.
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: N/A
Additional Information: I have a brother that is in this faction. I also wish this site had BBCode
Aug 6, 2015
In Game Name (IGN): xXKiller4HireXx
Age: 15
Time Zone: EST
Activity: At least an hour a day, if not more.
Current Class and Level: Ninja, Level 16
Current Profession and Level: Crafter Level 15
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Either Smith or Farmer
Do you have Teamspeak: Indeed
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite animal: Turtles :D
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Four days now
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Mining, killing spiders, and building nice bases
What are your strengths: Probably building. I pay close attention to detail.
What are your weaknesses: I'm really not very good at PvP.
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: No
Additional Information: I like cookies, watermelon, and pumpkin pie. :3


Glowing Redstone
Apr 19, 2015
In Game Name (IGN): Dank_MelonZB (To be changed soon)
Age: 15
Time Zone: EST
Activity: Average-High
Current Class and Level: Samurai 12
Current Profession and Level: Crafter 8
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Alchemist
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes.
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes.
What is your favorite color: black
What is your favorite animal: snow leopards
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Relatively short time (few days)
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Fighting
What are your strengths: Fairly decent pvper, and generally very organized person.
What are your weaknesses: I have a relatively quick temper, and I'm not the best builder.
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No.
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: Haven't been.
Additional Information:
Jul 8, 2013
Age: 16

Time Zone: Eastern

Activity: Whenever im free

Current Class and Level: Very new- Pyromancer level 2

Current Profession and Level: Crafter- 0

If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: n/a

Do you have Teamspeak: Yes

Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes

What is your favorite color: Blue and Red

What is your favorite animal: Dog

How long have you been playing Herocraft: Just started

What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Progress! Anything that levels my class or profession. Also very good at pvp and active <3

What are your strengths: Well talented pvper

What are your weaknesses: None. Except building <3

Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No

Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: n/a

Additional Information: Hope to be able to join your town and to be able to see you all soon <3


Glowing Redstone
Oct 27, 2014
Game Name (IGN):Lostkai
Time Zone: hawaiian
Activity: I trie to be on everyday
Current Class and Level: Necromancer level 55, though i have others mastered
Current Profession and Level: smith/60
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:
Do you have Teamspeak: not yet
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Of course
What is your favorite color: i like vibrant colors
What is your favorite animal: i love animals

How long have you been playing Herocraft: bout a year or two
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: herocraft, skywars, CTF.
What are your strengths:I am skilled with a bow
What are your weaknesses: i will gather and burn money like its nobody business
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: I'm currently in bowerstone, and the_kingdom
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: Nope
Additional Information: I have two IRL friends in your town that recommended you to me i also have one more that'd like to apply. ALSO HULLLOOOOO how ya'll doing would be nice to be part of your town.


Glowing Redstone
Jun 23, 2015
@Starfish500 to low of a level, so at the time it is DENIED but please level up and re apply. Then i shall reconsider it. @Lostboi007 Everything seems good, would like to talk to you in game or on teamspeak just to get to know you more, all in all its a good app and once i speak to you it should be accepted.


Aug 11, 2015
In Game Name (IGN):MissingID
Time Zone:GMT+1
Activits: Depends.
Current Class and Level:Ranger- Level 9
Current Profession and Level: crafter level 9
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Probably smith
Do you have Teamspeak:Yes
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules:Yes
What is your favorite color: Purple
What is your favorite animal:Cat
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Not very long, to be honest.
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Dungeons, I guess.
What are your strengths:Bow and arrow? Building?
What are your weaknesses: PvP up close.
Have you previously been in any towns on this server:No
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:No
Additional Information: :)
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Aug 11, 2015
In Game Name (IGN): CheshireHeart
Age: 14
Time Zone: Central
Activity: Gaming
Current Class and Level: Ninja 4
Current Profession and Level: Crafter 8
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Runecrafting
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes
What is your favorite color: Black
What is your favorite animal: none
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Played for about a month and came back recently under a new name
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Farming anything
What are your strengths: Gathering, Farming
What are your weaknesses: Building, good strafing
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: No
Additional Information: you can count on me being online 99% of the time


Aug 11, 2015
Time Zone:EST
Activity:2-5 hours
Current Class and Level:Ranger 5
Current Profession and Level: Crafter 5
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Runecrafter or Enchanter
Do you have Teamspeak:Yes, I prefer to use it Often
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes
What is your favorite color: Green
What is your favorite animal: Dolphin
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Today
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Building
What are your strengths:I love to build, decent with redstone, slightly addicted to alchemy
What are your weaknesses: I work construction so a daily 2-5 hours isnt always gonna happen
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Nope
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:
Additional Information: I have 4 years of mostly head admin and head builder staff exp, I know how to react to childish people