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Thidis the Town of Riches


Aug 2, 2015
Time Zome Estern
Only On Day Offs
7 RuneBlade
4 Crafter
I Dont Have TeamSpeak
3 Days
Pvping And Building
Pvping Bowing And Building


Glowing Redstone
Jun 23, 2015
@Damion03 Denied I'm sorry but your application was lacking information and didn't seem to have much effort put into it as well you are under our age requirement. Wish you the best of luck and maybe try to apply for pemben
Jul 31, 2015
In Game Name (IGN):SlippySalone
Age:14 (but 15 in a month
Time Zone:GMT
Current Class and Level:Wizard 11
Current Profession and Level:Crafter 12
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:enchanter
Do you have Teamspeak: no but i can get it
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules:yeah i dont see why not
What is your favorite color:Rainbow
What is your favorite animal:human
How long have you been playing Herocraft:like 2 weeks
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft:eatin cheese
What are your strengths:no joke fifa(JK) but am ok at pvp and buildin
What are your weaknesses:when you get bronze playaaas in packs and no one loves me
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: yeah bridgeton
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:nah
Additional Information:beef a wockawae


Glowing Redstone
Jun 23, 2015
@SlippySalone DENIED sorry to tell you this, but you are denied . wish yout he best of luck and I would like to send you to look into applying for pemben one of my allied towns


Aug 2, 2015
Ign Damion03
Age 14
Timezone Eastern
Class RuneBlade Level 7 And A Crafter Level 10 :D
I Dont Have Team Speak Sadly D:
I Have Read The Rules And Will Respect Them
Faverite Animal Is A Dragon
5 Days
Pvping And Building
Pvping And Building
Potion Makeing
Yes RebrithCraft
I Have Not Been Removed Because Im The Owner Of My Town In RebirthCraft
Jul 6, 2014
In Game Name (IGN): nangord
Time Zone:central
Activity: when im board (always) like every day
Current Class and Level:pyromancer 14
Current Profession and Level: crafter 18
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: enchanter
Do you have Teamspeak:no
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: yes
What is your favorite color:blue
What is your favorite animal:lion
How long have you been playing Herocraft:1 month
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: pvp/ fighting
What are your strengths:smart quick thinking
What are your weaknesses: none

Have you previously been in any towns on this server: yes
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:no
Additional Information:hi


Glowing Redstone
Jul 10, 2013
In Game Name (IGN): Mario3515
Age: I am 13 years of age.
Time Zone: I live in the central time zone.
Activity: I am on everyday.
Current Class and Level: I am Wizard level 53
Current Profession and Level: I am Alchemist level 48
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:N/A
Do you have Teamspeak: Yessir I do.
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: I have and I will follow and respect these rules
What is your favorite color: Why? (By the way it's red.)
What is your favorite animal: Again why? (It's a dog)
How long have you been playing Herocraft: For about a year or two.
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Helping out around town.
What are your strengths: Honestly I don't know my own strengths.
What are your weaknesses: I don't know my weaknesses
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Yes, Caernarvon, and Pemben.
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: That's a bit personal.
Additional Information: Just to clear this out I wasn't removed from Pemben, I left pemben due to the fact that I wasn't of any use there so I decided to leave. I promise to help out the best possible way.

If there is anything you need to ask or tell me msg me in game other than that I wish to be of some help around town.
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Aug 2, 2015
In Game Name Damion03
Time Zone:Eastern Time
Activity:1 Week
Current Class and Level:RuneBlade 7

Current Profession and Level: Crafter 10
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: Rune Smith
Do you have Teamspeak: No Sadly D:
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes
What is your favorite color: Red
What is your favorite animal: Dragon
How long have you been playing Herocraft: 1 Week
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Pvping And Mining
What are your strengths: Pvping And Mining
What are your weaknesses: Building
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: No
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:
Additional Information:
Jul 20, 2015
In Game Name (IGN):KissMeDeadly
Time Zone:central
Activity: Everyday
Current Class and Level:60 ranger
Current Profession and Level:32 smith
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:N/A
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Of course
What is your favorite color: Purple
What is your favorite animal: Cats
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Since the beginning of June
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Just doing things with friends honestly, anything is fine but i do enjoy pvp a bit
What are your strengths:Mastered Leach Illusionist Bard Pyromancer Necromancer and Druid
What are your weaknesses:I dont like being on my own
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Yes Caernvon and Pembem
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why:N/A
Additional Information: Pembem is falling since hype left and i remembered your kindness after our mistake in trying to kill ArtsAngel(Sorry) I'm just looking for a place to call home


Mar 3, 2013
In Game Name (IGN):Henukie
Time Zone: EST
Activity: Usually on for a couple hours a day going on and off
Current Class and Level:Beguiler leve 38
Current Profession and Level:Engineer level 20
Do you have Teamspeak: I have teamspeak 3
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: I have read the rules and I agree to follow them.
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite animal: Cat
How long have you been playing Herocraft: 2 years
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Mining/ Building
What are your strengths: PvP, and parkour.
What are your weaknesses:Building skills, and fast reflexes.
Have you previously been in any towns on this server:I have, but it was before the server wipe
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: I have not been removed from a town.
Additional Information: I like travelling around the world in herocraft


Jul 14, 2015
In Game Name (IGN): The_Outlaw
Age: 17
Time Zone: Central
Activity: Every day - every other day
Current Class and Level: Diciple level 25
Current Profession and Level: Enchanter 35
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite animal: I love doges
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Since June
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Murdering people and /hunt
What are your strengths: I'm a level 61 shadowblade and im also a very good pvper
What are your weaknesses: lag lol
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Ive been in Caearnervon and Pemben
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: I have not im not a bad egg
Additional Information: Im only occasionally funny and I can offer my enchantment services to townies for cheap :)


Feb 9, 2014
In Game Name (IGN): NiggyNog, had a name change
Age: 15
Time Zone: GMT
Activity: Very Active 4-5 hours a day, some days I'm out though
Current Class and Level: 30 Dragoon
Current Profession and Level: haven't been mining i will start to though, Crafter 4
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: either smith enchanter
Do you have Teamspeak: yes
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: yes
What is your favorite color: orange
What is your favorite animal: your mum, nah kidding a small pig probably there cute as!
How long have you been playing Herocraft: Feb 2014
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Leveling a PvPing
What are your strengths: Pvp
What are your weaknesses: Building
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Nope
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: Nope


Glowing Redstone
Jun 23, 2015
@whitayy DENIED sorry but i dont feel you to be mature enough to join the town. I wish you the best of luck and maybe look into whiterun or solitude


Legacy Supporter 7
May 15, 2014
New York City
In Game Name (IGN): J2BH

Age: 17

Time Zone: EST

Activity: Very Frequent

Current Class and Level: Runeblade lvl 11

Current Profession and Level: Smith lvl 52

If Crafter, what is your intended Profession:

Do you have Teamspeak: No

Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes

What is your favorite color: Cyan (As you can tell haha)

What is your favorite animal: Llamas. Llamas are godly

How long have you been playing Herocraft: Well around 2 years on and off

What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: In herocraft it is trying all the unique abilities of all the classes, and fighting other
players :p, in minecraft i love building structures and expressing my own imagination

What are your strengths: Skilled at pvp, and good at designing structures. Also very determined on what i have my mind set on

What are your weaknesses: Very indecisive, especially when pressured.

Have you previously been in any towns on this server: I was apart of the town called Hyperion in the armistice alliance, 2 resets ago

Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: I was never forcibly removed from a town.

Additional Information: Of all things, my friend jonicster and i are seeking protection. The amount of land on the server left is minimal to none at all. We make an excellent team and always venture as a team. We would contribute many things to thidis such as enchants and smithing services. We are very humble and would appreciate anything this town has to offer us, Thank you for your time.
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May 31, 2014
In Game Name (IGN): Jonicster
Age: 16
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Activity: A few times a week
Current Class and Level: Ranger LVL 60
Current Profession and Level: Enchanter LVL 60
If Crafter, what is your intended Profession: N/A
Do you have Teamspeak: No
Have you read and do you agree to abide by these rules: Yes
What is your favorite color: Blue
What is your favorite animal: Cat
How long have you been playing Herocraft: 2 years, on and off
What is your favorite activity in Herocraft/Minecraft: Designing and Progressing in my world
What are your strengths: Very good at decision-making
What are your weaknesses: Not being able to get my thoughts out efficiently
Have you previously been in any towns on this server: Hyperion (two resets ago) , and Armistice
Have you ever been forcibly removed from a town; if so, why: No
Additional Information: My friend (J2BH) and I, make a great combination. Unfortunately, we recently had trouble finding a safe place to settle. We would contribute as much as we can to Thidis. We even built a tunnel connecting PVE and PVP worlds for our last town Armistice. With school starting in a month, we may not be able to be online a lot, but we will definitely be on as much as we can. Thank you for your time.