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The Application of a Lifetime- Aka Kusugari's Application.


Jul 15, 2013
  1. Minecraft In-game name: Kusugari. (It was a spelling error I don't bother to correct.)
  2. Location & Age: Canada, Ontario. I am 18. Legal bby ;)
  3. Previous Bans from other Servers (If yes, explain where/when): Not a one. I've joined Roleplaycraft and WynnCraft, go ask them if I have ever been banned yourself.
  4. Referral(s)[Optional]: Sadly, no one comes to mind at the moment...
  5. How did you hear about Herocraft?: So, one day, I was on this site called 'google', and I typed in 'rpg minecraft role plays' while fighting raptors with superman in order to cure the zombie infestation (unfortunately, the time-space continuum collapsed so it was wiped from history) and saw Herocraft near the very top of the search list.
  6. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: I have voted for you guys. Do I gets treats and pats on the head?
  7. Have you subscribed to our YouTube Channel? (Optional): I have not.
  8. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't. I agree! Just don't clone me.
  9. Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCK8 (not sure how to make do the lowering on the number... sorry.)
  10. Reason you should be accepted to Minecraft RPG Server: Well, I am a well-adjusted individual, who likes to make friends and tries to generally keep the peace. Also, I'm not the kind of guy who needs to have the big spotlight or whatever. I'm more than happy to be an aggressive supporting character (need a sniper in DUST 541 or a status bowgunner in Monster hunter? I'm your man.) which can mean sneaking in and stealing stuff so we still get rewards when a raid is lost, picking off weaker fighters, going for key targets, etc etc, so long as I don't get taken for granted. I also like to be a tactician, scouting out areas and trying to find weak points. Want a scout? I'm more than happy to go out and explore. (I may be part squirrel, or just insane, I don't know.)
    So, to summarize: I'm possibly part squirrel , am willing to be a scout out towns or new areas, be a thief, and I am willing to support my teammates. EVEN IF IT COSTS ME MY L-.... well, MINECRAFT LIFE.
  11. Additional Information: I'll be blunt: I am sarcastic, very dryly so, but I don't go out of my way to insult others. Also, I enjoy dark humour, but I don't go for the dead baby or rape jokes because I know most people don't like that kind of humour. Apparently, a man getting shredded by helicopter blades is much more acceptable than a woman getting a smack in the head by daddy or baby falling out of his crib. (See? SARCASM!)
I'm done now. Hope that last little bit didn't ruin it for me.


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
  1. Minecraft In-game name: Kusugari. (It was a spelling error I don't bother to correct.)
  2. Location & Age: Canada, Ontario. I am 18. Legal bby ;)
  3. Previous Bans from other Servers (If yes, explain where/when): Not a one. I've joined Roleplaycraft and WynnCraft, go ask them if I have ever been banned yourself.
  4. Referral(s)[Optional]: Sadly, no one comes to mind at the moment...
  5. How did you hear about Herocraft?: So, one day, I was on this site called 'google', and I typed in 'rpg minecraft role plays' while fighting raptors with superman in order to cure the zombie infestation (unfortunately, the time-space continuum collapsed so it was wiped from history) and saw Herocraft near the very top of the search list.
  6. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: I have voted for you guys. Do I gets treats and pats on the head?
  7. Have you subscribed to our YouTube Channel? (Optional): I have not.
  8. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't. I agree! Just don't clone me.
  9. Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCK8 (not sure how to make do the lowering on the number... sorry.)
  10. Reason you should be accepted to Minecraft RPG Server: Well, I am a well-adjusted individual, who likes to make friends and tries to generally keep the peace. Also, I'm not the kind of guy who needs to have the big spotlight or whatever. I'm more than happy to be an aggressive supporting character (need a sniper in DUST 541 or a status bowgunner in Monster hunter? I'm your man.) which can mean sneaking in and stealing stuff so we still get rewards when a raid is lost, picking off weaker fighters, going for key targets, etc etc, so long as I don't get taken for granted. I also like to be a tactician, scouting out areas and trying to find weak points. Want a scout? I'm more than happy to go out and explore. (I may be part squirrel, or just insane, I don't know.)
    So, to summarize: I'm possibly part squirrel , am willing to be a scout out towns or new areas, be a thief, and I am willing to support my teammates. EVEN IF IT COSTS ME MY L-.... well, MINECRAFT LIFE.
  11. Additional Information: I'll be blunt: I am sarcastic, very dryly so, but I don't go out of my way to insult others. Also, I enjoy dark humour, but I don't go for the dead baby or rape jokes because I know most people don't like that kind of humour. Apparently, a man getting shredded by helicopter blades is much more acceptable than a woman getting a smack in the head by daddy or baby falling out of his crib. (See? SARCASM!)
I'm done now. Hope that last little bit didn't ruin it for me.
