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The application - nuttrbutr


Sep 2, 2011
Minecraft In-game name: nuttrbutr
Location & Age: I am from San Diego, California (15 years old)

Previous Bans (Includes other servers): I have one ban for fly hacking but I would like to explain this ban in the additional information section.( Checked w/ Mcbans a while back)

Referral(s): None

How did you hear about Herocraft?: Just me searching for a great server with great RPG aspects and a very strong built community.

Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes I have

Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes I have thoroughly looked over both to make sure I clearly know what is expected of me a player.

Reason you should be accepted: First off I have read your online service rules thoroughly and agree to them. I hope to be what you expect out of your candid players. Your guide wants to know what I can bring to your community, well I am an ardent minecraft player who is a quite good Pvp’er (If I do say so myself), and I would like of someone who would like to build some great medieval towns and creations which I would watch over and just feel at peace. I love to roleplay, so this is why your server appeals to me so much. I would like to make some great friends who I can share these great times with and also participate in exciting battles and wars.I would compete in your events and enjoy the times. Thats what I would like to do to and bring to your server, but I can also offer, if anyone would need it, some computer hardware advice/aid, because recently I created myself a great gaming computer (I’ll have some pics because i’m proud of it )!

Additional Info: I am a freshman in highschool and currently i’m in honor/AP classes and I’m on varsity tennis so if I were on less it would be because of that. In my spare time I like to, well..practice tennis, play an assortment of video games on my PC (My favorite being minecraft), and discover new hobbies, Like: I learned a mass amount of information on airsofting, I learned how to build computers, and I'm reading up on the fundamentals of college.

I would like to add that I applied once before, but it got denied straight out because of the ban, I guess because I didn’t explain it. Here I would like to explain that ban. I believe that happened sometime last year on minecraftcc server, It was a great server, but sadly at the time Fly hack came out and Decided to try it out. I honestly have no idea why I did it, I just wanted an unfair advantage. Anyways a mod caught me in the act and asked “Nuttrbutr are you fly hacking?”. I found it very fair that he would ask me that , so I felt remorse and just straight-out said “Yes:(“. He said once more very respectfully “I’m sorry ,but I have to ban you. You can appeal on the forums.”
After that I decided to do exactly that and I wrote an appeal here: http://www.minecraftcc.com/index.php?threads/ban-appeal-for-nuttrbutr.1079/
Since that though I’ve been pretty clean ,but if you have any questions i’ll be happy to answer.

Heres those pics of my computer :]



Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Alright, I have read the application and it is a great one. My question is however, your ban you mentioned seems to have been forgiven, I do though see a ban for griefing and one for language.

Please explain these bans, and when they occurred. Thanks!

[2] => escapecraft.com .:. vulgarities
[3] => rp.shatteredlands.net .:. griefing


Sep 2, 2011
escapecraft.com: I don't really quite remember this at all, but if it were for vulgarity, this is probably this one day (don't remember date) that me and my former friends one day needed a new server (our old one had completely went A-Wall, the admin stole our donations ). This one never really met our requirements, so basically since we knew we were leaving (and a little grumpy), we decided to be douchebags (basically picking on this poor admin). Which I completely regret now. I really have no excuse for what I did that day, but all I can say is that I felt great guilt. The admin was actually very nice and respectful, and excited to see new players. The poor guy, I honestly feel terrible looking back at that. So if I could get in touch with that admin I would definatley apologize. Thats really all I can say about that server, don't remember a thing about it.

rp.shatterlands.net: I don't really remember this one to much either, but the ban mentioned, was right before I appealed to Mincecraftcc. Minecraftcc was the server which I was banned for flying, and after I got banned (up above in additional info). I am very sure I went on the server, and just tried to cheer myselft up(because my friend was still on Minecraftcc), by I guess making people feel as bad as I did then. Which is also another horrible thing, I was going around putting mushrooms everywhere. and just griefing. After that though I was still sad because my friend was still at Minecraftcc, so then I appealed for Minecraftcc, and went back there. That was a brief moment of weakness which I apologize dearly for.

With these bans I have no fake sibling that was doing this and that, and I have no person who hacked my account, all I can do is be honest and man up to some of the regrettable things i've done to people and apologize. I hope that you believe me when I say I'm not that person anymore, and you can believe this by the amount of effort I am putting into my application, the devotion I am putting towards being what you expect of me as player.

I would like to also note, even if I do or do not get in, that you should give your proctor Angyles some proctor promotion or something! She's been helping me with my application, she works hard to make time for being a proctor and her job, and she seems like a real great person to have on your team. This all seems very kissup-like, but regardless who was reviewing my application I would have put this note in anyways.



Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 7, 2011
Southern California
Lol, all I did in regards to helping you was tell you to be honest on your application and make sure it is a great one so whomever reviews it, was impressed. All of that is a part of my job nothing more, nothing less, but thank you, even though I think your praise is a bit over the top, because like I said it is my job.

As for your application, I see the appeal for the ban you first mentioned was back in March 2011, and your history is clean since then. The other bans, if going by your time line, are around the same time. You seem to have a year of being a good boy without issues, from what I could see.

I am going to go ahead and give you the chance I believe you deserve. Welcome to Herocraft, follow the rules, behave and do not disappoint me.