- Joined
- Dec 24, 2012
- Minecraft In-game name: Sports4life732
- Location & Age: I am a 16 year-old boy from Canada.
- Previous Bans from other Servers: I have received three server bans in my few years playing minecraft, but all were very innocent and eventually lifted. My first ever ban was on ObsidianCraft and I was banned for "surface mining sand". Apparently they don't like how deserts look after being mined, so they want you to mine sand right next to oceans. I explained in my appeal that I had never seen such a rule before, and that I would adhere to it in the future - I was then unbanned. My second ban was on PridePVP. I was banned on this server for "x-ray/hacking" but it was actually just a misunderstanding. Apparently, there are diamond blocks deep beneath the server spawn that only x-rayers could see. People were mentioning diamond blocks in the chat, so I asked "Where are the diamond blocks?" - or something to that effect - and I was banned. I appealed and explained that I was only curious what people were talking about, and that I didn't use x-ray. My appeal was accepted. My final ban was more politics than anything. I was banned on Minederp for being a staff member on NobleDynasty. The owners of the two servers didn't get along at all, so the owner of Minederp banned all staff members of NobleDynasty from his server. Eventually, things loosened up between the two owners and all people banned for this reason were unbanned.
- Referral(s):
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I found HeroCraft from a simple google search. I had been looking for a server with an RPG style of game-play with classes and skills to level up. This was the 2nd result on my google search of "RPG Minecraft Server" and based on what was described it seemed to be exactly what I had been looking for.
- Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes, I voted on all 6 websites today.
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes, I agree to all rules and terms of service.
- Reason you should be accepted: I believe that I would make a great addition to what probably is an amazing community on the HeroCraft server. I am an kind, an excellent PvPer, and an active player who is willing to help anyone who needs it. While this server has many features that I have not seen before, I am a fairly quick learner, and would be more than happy to help new users once I become relatively experienced.
- Special key: HCS14
- Additional Info: Here is a quick little autobiography. Honestly, I am far from a gamer, but I absolutely love playing minecraft. I am a good student, but Minecraft is my procrastination heaven. I am also an extremely competitive athlete. I play at a very high level in baseball, and also compete in swimming, basketball, volleyball, golf, and soccer. Baseball is my bread-and-butter though. My baseball team won the provincial championships in Ontario for 4 straight, and 6 of 7 years. I believe I am a well rounded person that would make a great addition to your server.