Well I've been trying to come up with some sort of way to prove that I did it legit, and this is all I've got.
As you can see I have killed 127 people in pvp and died only 55 times. Since I started playing again, I have died exactly 10 times in MA and once or twice in pvp. That leaves 44 deaths. Since I started playing the day of the map wipe, I was bound to die a lot. We had no food and starvation was a big issue. Plus I'm not the greatest miner, and I have a habit of falling into lava. Lets say that brings the total unexplained death count down to 15-20. Then we can start factoring in pvp deaths. I play this game because I like to pvp. In the first few weeks, before I started working on my streak, I died, lets say around 10 times. My town was pvp heavy and I can guarantee that I died in duels with my townmates ( @
jmoney222, @
look_out) at least another 7-10 times. This leaves anywhere from 1-5 deaths unexplained (estimated). That doesn't really give me a lot of room to be /killing every 5 kills into my streak.
My whole point here is that yes, I did do this completely legitimately, and the only proof that I can conjure up is based on you trusting me. I don't know what else I can do to prove this, but as you can see
I really want this title 
EDIT: One more thing to add. I did not even know that I was on a kill streak until I got my [Assassin] Title. Then I started keeping track. Even then I did not really try to keep it alive until I hit about 80 kills, and realised, "I could actually get to 100". I.e there were only about 20 kills in my entire streak that I was actually careful about not dieing. Why would I have /killed if I didn't even really know what I was aiming for. Plus I didn't even know about the /kills bug until @
GreekCrackShot got his slayer title. And by then I was already up at 60-70 kills.
Kainzo @