- Joined
- Dec 22, 2012
So I am here to suggest some new skills for the admin to see, as gabizou suggested. I can only create skills for Farmer, Smith, Alchemist, Miner and scribe, because i don't really know what the other class is all about. So here we go.
(Sorry for the bad grammar, I am not from any western country, so i am not really good at English)
-Remove Summon Bat
-Add Skill Quick Bread
L.V.60 Quick Bread Mana:10 C/d:15sec Reagent : 1 Wheat
Smelt 1 barley into bread
-Add Skill Instant-Chop
L.V.60 Instant-Chop Mana:50 C/d:1 min
In 3 seconds, u can chop down a whole tree by cutting the bottom log. The durability will decrease(The amount of log chopped*2)
-Add Skill Cook Meat
L.V.15 Cook Meat Mana:5 C/d:5 sec Reagent:The meat held in ur hand
Cook the meat u are holding, have a (10+0.2 per level)% chance of getting an extra piece of meat u are cooking.(Meat: beef, porckchop, chicken, fish)
-lower the cost of repairing leather by 50%-75%(Kainzo say he would)
-Add skill Infuse
L.V.50-60 Infuse Mana:60 C/d: 5 min
Weapon/any unplaceable item:
Purify Reagents:1 Glowstone Effect:Only good karma are trained to use+ Adds 4% total armor reduction when held
Blood Thirst Reagent:3 Soul sand Effect:Only bad karma are trained to use+Adds 2% skill damage when casts.
Glory Reagent:5 Glow Stone+2 Diamond Effect:Add 10% mana and stamina regen per a tic
Despair Reagents:10 Soul sand+1 Ghast Tear Effect:Takes 5 mana away every hit and 10% chance to take away 1 stamina per a hit
Judgement Reagents:16 Glow stone+1 Diamond Block Effect: If ur enemy is not good karma, then u deal 7% more damage+Adds a total of 10% armor reduction
Murderous Reagents:32 Soul Sand+4 Gold Ingot Effect:If ur enemy is not bad karma, every hit, u have 5% chance on setting enemy on fire for 5 sec+Adds a total of 10% skill damage when held, but mana and stamina regen will reduce by 10%
Justify Reagents:32 Glow Stone+1 Gold Block Effect:1% chance to steal 50hp from enemy if enemy is not good karma every hit(not a skill)+When held, regens 5 hp per a tick(does not cancel during battle)+5%chance penetrates armor(must not be a skill)
Devil Reagents:64 Soul Sand+1 Emerald Block Effect:5%chance to steal 25hp,5%chance to steal 10mp, 5%chance to steal 0.5 stamina from enemy+5%chance to set enemy on fire for 5 sec if got hit(when held)(must not be a skill)+regens 10hp per a tick+Damage received will increase by 5%
Reinforce Reagent:1 Diamond Effect:Adds 100 durability to armor
Plated Reagent:1 Iron Block Effect:Adds 2% damage reduction
Spike Reagent:1 Diamond+64 cactus Effect
eals 10 damage back to the player who hit u.
Reflect Reagent:1 Diamond+64 Glass Block Effect: Bounce back 2% damage per am piece of armor
Lighten Reagent:2 Speed 1(8:00)potion+1 Diamond Block Effect:If whole armor have this ability, u will get a speed 1 boost
Ignite Reagent:5 Flint and steel+1 Diamond Block Effect:While getting hit by a weapon(not a skill) there is 2% per a piece of armor to ignite your attacker for 5 second
Vine wrap Reagent:64 Vine+32 Cactus+1 Diamond Block Effect: When got hit by a weapon(not a skill) u will slow ur enemy(slow 1)for 2 second, and deal 5 damage to them(only applies when all has this ability)
Coward Reagent:1 Gold Block, 1 Diamond Block Effect: When moving backwards, you gain a speed 2 buff, but also receive 5% more damage
Haste Reagent:1 Diamond Pick+1 Diamond Block Effect: Haste 1 when full armor have this ability
Helios Reagent: 10 Ghast Tears+16 Glow Stone+1 Diamond Block Effect:4% damage reduction per a piece of armor+a decrease of 5% mana regen per a tick+(+1)stamina regen per a tick+3% chance of setting enemy on fire if being nit(not a skill)(per a piece of armor)
Suicidal Reagent:64 Spider eye+32 Soul Sand+1 Diamond Block Effect:20% weapon damage+10%skill damage+25% damage income received+Armor penetration(for weapon held)
*Remember, if these armor/weapon are being repaired, it will see as an enchantment, ehich could be removed.
-Add Transmute______(The first one is cobble)
L.V.20-60 Transmute_____ Mana: 25 C/d:2 min
20 64 cobble to 8 Stone Bricks
20 64 dirt to 8 Sand
20 64 gravel to 1 Flint
25 64 Flint to 8 Coal
30 64 Charcoal to 16 Coal
35 64 Redstone Dust to 8 Glowstone Dust
35 32 String to 4 Spider eye
40 20 Spider eye to 1 Ender pearl
40 10 Bone to 35 Bone meal
45 32 Seed to 1 Sapling
45 Sand to 2 Clay Block
50 16 Ender Pearls to 1 Blaze Rod
50 32 Stone to 16 Nether Rack
55 16 Coal to 16 Torch
55 64 Coal Block to 10 Diamond
60 2 Diamond to 1 Gold Ore
60 32 Red Stone Blocks to 1 Emerald
60 16 Nether Rack to 1 Nether Quartz
60 25 Rose to 1 Apple
-Add more Cauldron Use
to one Blaze Powder
to one burning Furnace
to one Emerald
to one Nether Star
to two bucket of lava
to two Glowstone
to two Gold Ore
to two Iron Ore
to three Blaze Rods
to three Books
For more Cauldron recipes, check out post 6-9
Thank you for reading the post, it is a long one i know.
Btw i am sorry for the grammar, i am not really good at it. Hope u guys give some advice on this, like is it code-able? Is it op or not worth it etc etc.
(Sorry for the bad grammar, I am not from any western country, so i am not really good at English)
-Remove Summon Bat
-Add Skill Quick Bread
L.V.60 Quick Bread Mana:10 C/d:15sec Reagent : 1 Wheat
Smelt 1 barley into bread
-Add Skill Instant-Chop
L.V.60 Instant-Chop Mana:50 C/d:1 min
In 3 seconds, u can chop down a whole tree by cutting the bottom log. The durability will decrease(The amount of log chopped*2)
-Add Skill Cook Meat
L.V.15 Cook Meat Mana:5 C/d:5 sec Reagent:The meat held in ur hand
Cook the meat u are holding, have a (10+0.2 per level)% chance of getting an extra piece of meat u are cooking.(Meat: beef, porckchop, chicken, fish)
-lower the cost of repairing leather by 50%-75%(Kainzo say he would)
-Add skill Infuse
L.V.50-60 Infuse Mana:60 C/d: 5 min
Weapon/any unplaceable item:
Purify Reagents:1 Glowstone Effect:Only good karma are trained to use+ Adds 4% total armor reduction when held
Blood Thirst Reagent:3 Soul sand Effect:Only bad karma are trained to use+Adds 2% skill damage when casts.
Glory Reagent:5 Glow Stone+2 Diamond Effect:Add 10% mana and stamina regen per a tic
Despair Reagents:10 Soul sand+1 Ghast Tear Effect:Takes 5 mana away every hit and 10% chance to take away 1 stamina per a hit
Judgement Reagents:16 Glow stone+1 Diamond Block Effect: If ur enemy is not good karma, then u deal 7% more damage+Adds a total of 10% armor reduction
Murderous Reagents:32 Soul Sand+4 Gold Ingot Effect:If ur enemy is not bad karma, every hit, u have 5% chance on setting enemy on fire for 5 sec+Adds a total of 10% skill damage when held, but mana and stamina regen will reduce by 10%
Justify Reagents:32 Glow Stone+1 Gold Block Effect:1% chance to steal 50hp from enemy if enemy is not good karma every hit(not a skill)+When held, regens 5 hp per a tick(does not cancel during battle)+5%chance penetrates armor(must not be a skill)
Devil Reagents:64 Soul Sand+1 Emerald Block Effect:5%chance to steal 25hp,5%chance to steal 10mp, 5%chance to steal 0.5 stamina from enemy+5%chance to set enemy on fire for 5 sec if got hit(when held)(must not be a skill)+regens 10hp per a tick+Damage received will increase by 5%
Reinforce Reagent:1 Diamond Effect:Adds 100 durability to armor
Plated Reagent:1 Iron Block Effect:Adds 2% damage reduction
Spike Reagent:1 Diamond+64 cactus Effect

Reflect Reagent:1 Diamond+64 Glass Block Effect: Bounce back 2% damage per am piece of armor
Lighten Reagent:2 Speed 1(8:00)potion+1 Diamond Block Effect:If whole armor have this ability, u will get a speed 1 boost
Ignite Reagent:5 Flint and steel+1 Diamond Block Effect:While getting hit by a weapon(not a skill) there is 2% per a piece of armor to ignite your attacker for 5 second
Vine wrap Reagent:64 Vine+32 Cactus+1 Diamond Block Effect: When got hit by a weapon(not a skill) u will slow ur enemy(slow 1)for 2 second, and deal 5 damage to them(only applies when all has this ability)
Coward Reagent:1 Gold Block, 1 Diamond Block Effect: When moving backwards, you gain a speed 2 buff, but also receive 5% more damage
Haste Reagent:1 Diamond Pick+1 Diamond Block Effect: Haste 1 when full armor have this ability
Helios Reagent: 10 Ghast Tears+16 Glow Stone+1 Diamond Block Effect:4% damage reduction per a piece of armor+a decrease of 5% mana regen per a tick+(+1)stamina regen per a tick+3% chance of setting enemy on fire if being nit(not a skill)(per a piece of armor)
Suicidal Reagent:64 Spider eye+32 Soul Sand+1 Diamond Block Effect:20% weapon damage+10%skill damage+25% damage income received+Armor penetration(for weapon held)
*Remember, if these armor/weapon are being repaired, it will see as an enchantment, ehich could be removed.
-Add Transmute______(The first one is cobble)
L.V.20-60 Transmute_____ Mana: 25 C/d:2 min
20 64 cobble to 8 Stone Bricks
20 64 dirt to 8 Sand
20 64 gravel to 1 Flint
25 64 Flint to 8 Coal
30 64 Charcoal to 16 Coal
35 64 Redstone Dust to 8 Glowstone Dust
35 32 String to 4 Spider eye
40 20 Spider eye to 1 Ender pearl
40 10 Bone to 35 Bone meal
45 32 Seed to 1 Sapling
45 Sand to 2 Clay Block
50 16 Ender Pearls to 1 Blaze Rod
50 32 Stone to 16 Nether Rack
55 16 Coal to 16 Torch
55 64 Coal Block to 10 Diamond
60 2 Diamond to 1 Gold Ore
60 32 Red Stone Blocks to 1 Emerald
60 16 Nether Rack to 1 Nether Quartz
60 25 Rose to 1 Apple
-Add more Cauldron Use

For more Cauldron recipes, check out post 6-9
Thank you for reading the post, it is a long one i know.
Btw i am sorry for the grammar, i am not really good at it. Hope u guys give some advice on this, like is it code-able? Is it op or not worth it etc etc.
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