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Silver cancer


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Ok so I was really happy when I was winning this game because I knew I only needed 20 more LP to reach promos, and since I got as much as +24 LP last match when winning a 17 min game against team with 1 afk I assumed that a legit 27 min victory would grant atleast 20 points. But nooope, Riot decides to fuck with me and gives me 18 points, leaving me TWO points away from getting to Gold promos. I hate this game.



Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
It keeps happening, another game where I end up at 98 LP :(


Edit: Finally got into promos, game 2 turned out to be a huge feeding-fest though. I as the support earned more gold than jungler, mid and adc.
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Legacy Supporter 1
Nov 19, 2012
@EtKEnn, go download Garena Philippines, then download League of Legends Philippines and join me in a normal PvP... You'll see a whole lot more dickwads who say in Filipino "fuck u u fucking ks'ed my kill", I get that the most when I play Yasuo, who I'm apparently best at, due to his OP 2x crit chance, when I legit kill someone with my Last Breath when they start butting in for the actual killsteal.

C'mon, join me one of these days and you'll know what I mean. It's so piss annoying I end up reporting AT LEAST 1 player each game of League for offensive language and being a sore loser.

And they say "fucking yasuo weak-ass" when your bascially the ADC-Melee of your team and the whole goddamn team just play like a noob and you're the only one playing seriously!!!

Oh yeah, and if you make a simple mistake that was so inevitable, they say in Filipino "you fucking noob" or "stupid <champion you're using>", instead of saying "it's kewl, it happens" and stuff like that...

No hate on my race when it comes to MOBA games but yeah, this is the truth...
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Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
@EtKEnn, go download Garena Philippines, then download League of Legends Philippines and join me in a normal PvP... You'll see a whole lot more dickwads who say in Filipino "fuck u u fucking ks'ed my kill", I get that the most when I play Yasuo, who I'm apparently best at, due to his OP 2x crit chance, when I legit kill someone with my Last Breath when they start butting in for the actual killsteal.

C'mon, join me one of these days and you'll know what I mean. It's so piss annoying I end up reporting AT LEAST 1 player each game of League for offensive language and being a sore loser.

And they say "fucking yasuo weak-ass" when your bascially the ADC-Melee of your team and the whole goddamn team just play like a noob and you're the only one playing seriously!!!

Oh yeah, and if you make a simple mistake that was so inevitable, they say in Filipino "you fucking noob" or "stupid <champion you're using>", instead of saying "it's kewl, it happens" and stuff like that...

No hate on my race when it comes to MOBA games but yeah, this is the truth...
All Normal games on every region is like that. The fact that people are just as cancerous in Ranked is what gets me.

Edit: Failed Gold promos, so been taking a few days break from League to reset myself.


Legacy Supporter 1
Nov 19, 2012
@EtKEnn Those kind of people is what got me into Bronze III (Bronze IV now due to toxic idiots who probably played Beginner Coop vs. AI their whole League life)...

Oh and if I had a better PC (still on this craptop, gonna get a new one on my graduation from highschool [DxD hahaa] this March) I'd deserve Silver or Gold, as to what my friends who I play with all the time say.


Legacy Supporter 4
Oct 19, 2013
To be Honest EtKenn, blaming your team is the bronze/silver way.
Look at it like this,
Can you change the fact people rage and don't play well?
Can you change the fact they blame you for everything?
As long as you know you are playing the best you can, keep playing. If someone is afk then that is that but just play on, keep your team motivated and stay happy, after all it's just a game! Enjoy it :D

P.S Are you on EUW? My Name is TheSquidBot if you wanna add me to play
P.P.S Afk players on the other team = Less LP

@EtKEnn, when I play Yasuo, who I'm apparently best at,

Ken, yasuo is not a champ anyone is best at, He wins pretty much any combo and even with a recent nerf he is still one of the strongest counters to an AP midlaner ever. Try Orianna if you like him. I have got 14 Quads and 2 Pentas with that motherfucker


Legacy Supporter 1
Nov 19, 2012
To be Honest EtKenn, blaming your team is the bronze/silver way.
Look at it like this,
Can you change the fact people rage and don't play well?
Can you change the fact they blame you for everything?
As long as you know you are playing the best you can, keep playing. If someone is afk then that is that but just play on, keep your team motivated and stay happy, after all it's just a game! Enjoy it :D

P.S Are you on EUW? My Name is TheSquidBot if you wanna add me to play
P.P.S Afk players on the other team = Less LP

Ken, yasuo is not a champ anyone is best at, He wins pretty much any combo and even with a recent nerf he is still one of the strongest counters to an AP midlaner ever. Try Orianna if you like him. I have got 14 Quads and 2 Pentas with that motherfucker
You say that, but I'd like to refer to a world-famous player: Faker of Korea, who belongs to team SK Telecom T1, who is best at mid-lane Yasuo and mid-lane Riven, go watch his plays and come back later...

Also, an error on your part Squiddo, Yasuo is the champ I play BEST AT AMONG all the champions I OWN, I Played League since July and still don't own even half the whole champ pool yet (to be exact only around 20+ champs, because I'm main solo top/support, not ADR/mid... I'm better at Yasuo than Master Yi (who is easier to play and combo) if I were to compare myself playing the two killer champs...

Plus Yasuo is not just an anti- AP, he's technically an anti-tank due to his extra passive if he lands Last Breath... Still, Thornmail kills this guy hard...
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Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
To be Honest EtKenn, blaming your team is the bronze/silver way.
Look at it like this,
Can you change the fact people rage and don't play well?
Can you change the fact they blame you for everything?
As long as you know you are playing the best you can, keep playing. If someone is afk then that is that but just play on, keep your team motivated and stay happy, after all it's just a game! Enjoy it :D

P.S Are you on EUW? My Name is TheSquidBot if you wanna add me to play
P.P.S Afk players on the other team = Less LP
Well considering I was Bronze III this entire season until 1.5 months ago when I decided to climb, it shouldn't be too surprising that I'm influenced by it.

Basically what I've been doing lately is trying to analyze what I did wrong after each game, and then take a break if I continue to play poorly. Helped me a lot through Silver II and I.

I'll add you when I get home, or you can just add Kenneth Ich (EUW)


Legacy Supporter 1
Nov 19, 2012
My irl friends are quitting League because of one of the reasons Squid pointed out: the fact that players rage and play poorly, and that they blame you for all their problems...

My irl friend says: "If you suck at LoL, then why play LoL?! If you don't wanna play, why are you in the fucking matchmaking queue?!" He said that while he was pissed off because me and him lost a match (we played duo) because one of our teammates DC'ed midgame...

I'm keeping my Bronze IV until the end of this season, then I'm going duo with my one friend who never gives up on League.


Jun 26, 2012
To be Honest EtKenn, blaming your team is the bronze/silver way.
Look at it like this,
Can you change the fact people rage and don't play well?
Can you change the fact they blame you for everything?
As long as you know you are playing the best you can, keep playing. If someone is afk then that is that but just play on, keep your team motivated and stay happy, after all it's just a game! Enjoy it :D

P.S Are you on EUW? My Name is TheSquidBot if you wanna add me to play
P.P.S Afk players on the other team = Less LP

Ken, yasuo is not a champ anyone is best at, He wins pretty much any combo and even with a recent nerf he is still one of the strongest counters to an AP midlaner ever. Try Orianna if you like him. I have got 14 Quads and 2 Pentas with that motherfucker
Man you're spouting out so much bs, it's funny.. Yasuo has the lowest winrate in high elo, he's not even close to as strong as he used to be. You have no pentas/quads/ or even a triple in ranked, so i doubt you got what you said you did with him. Normals doesn't really count since it's not even recorded. You have no games played with him too in ranked, so you're playing him against low silvers/bronzies in normals so it's not hard to play yasuo in low elo. Nobody really knows what they're doing.

oh and lol "To be Honest EtKenn, blaming your team is the bronze/silver way."
*squid is silver* looooooooooool
