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Silver cancer


Legacy Supporter 4
Oct 19, 2013
Man you're spouting out so much bs, it's funny.. Yasuo has the lowest winrate in high elo, he's not even close to as strong as he used to be. You have no pentas/quads/ or even a triple in ranked, so i doubt you got what you said you did with him. Normals doesn't really count since it's not even recorded. You have no games played with him too in ranked, so you're playing him against low silvers/bronzies in normals so it's not hard to play yasuo in low elo. Nobody really knows what they're doing.

oh and lol "To be Honest EtKenn, blaming your team is the bronze/silver way."
*squid is silver* looooooooooool


Bruh, I don't really play on this server much anymore so I can't be fucked to argue with you, but I just want to put this to bed before I set the forum on fire with flames. I was not moaning at kenn, I'm friends him and we have played a few duo lanes games before. Never said I got triple's, Quad's or Penta's in ranked. My KD in ranked is a pile of shit. It's like 0.47 or something. Normals are recorded into overall Score and seeing as you have to play normals all the way up into you complete your provisionals, they do mean something. Also dude, HP/DMG masteries and 5% crit runes makes yasuo still a death machine despite nerfs. He snowballs hard with 2 kills and, failing on that, does have the ability to catch up later game. Finally, do you think I give 2 fucks about high elo?
Do I look korean?
I don't care what winrates in high ELO are, I'm in Silver 2 with 0 LP

So peace my friend, See you on the rift.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
Bruh, I don't really play on this server much anymore so I can't be fucked to argue with you, but I just want to put this to bed before I set the forum on fire with flames. I was not moaning at kenn, I'm friends him and we have played a few duo lanes games before. Never said I got triple's, Quad's or Penta's in ranked. My KD in ranked is a pile of shit. It's like 0.47 or something. Normals are recorded into overall Score and seeing as you have to play normals all the way up into you complete your provisionals, they do mean something. Also dude, HP/DMG masteries and 5% crit runes makes yasuo still a death machine despite nerfs. He snowballs hard with 2 kills and, failing on that, does have the ability to catch up later game. Finally, do you think I give 2 fucks about high elo?
Do I look korean?
I don't care what winrates in high ELO are, I'm in Silver 2 with 0 LP

So peace my friend, See you on the rift.
I was just going through old threads about league cuz league is fun and tbh, you look super Korean


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Best thing about urf is that all the lolbabbies are so busy with it that SoloQ is almost troll-free.


Jan 7, 2012
The best thing about NURF is that people take it super serious and the trolling is more entertaining.


Jun 6, 2013
Why are silver players so cancerous? Literally every game has either: 1 AFK, 1+ rager(s) or 1+ troll(s)

Look at this for example. Not just did Lucian rage all game because I got 3 kills in lane as Leona, even though he got 4 kills in lane himself, but he also went afk 30 min into the game because he got 5-man ganked while splitpushing alone, (Note that the game lasted 53 min) so we had to play 4v5 for 23 minutes. This almost never happened to me pre-silver (Bronze II & I), so why exactly are Silver players such cancer?

Cause is SILVER ! Low elo pls