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Server Population


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 11, 2012
Ok I and many others have noticed that the servers population has decreased significantly as from what i've seen when usually there would be 90+ theres barely even 50+

I understand most people are on vacation and other stuff however I think we need to get the server advertised a little more and get new people to join.

Heres a thing for new people and I am guilty of doing this, is killing them the moment they step out of no pvp. This immediately makes them want to leave and never return so i suggest making it more newb friendly. With a pvp immunity for 2hours.
Also i feel a portal should be made or the starting area should be different and so newbs start off in a room thoroughly explaining every system and then they will go through a portal into dragongarde.

Please post suggestions and other ways we can raise the servers population.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 5, 2011
It's mostly the grind to be honest. Some new players do leave, yes but from the players I have seen quit it is from the grinding. New players get to around 15 in their base class and realize that when they spec leveling will be 5x harder than it is as a base class. I understand the server is supposed to be "hardcore" but how is it supposed to be hardcore when most players just switch servers because of the leveling? Just my thoughts.


Jul 11, 2011
There are tooooonnnnnnnssss of applications flowing in, keeping us busy.
I feel like most of our population is scattered around the world, thus making time zones different. Yes, people are on vacation/we are "cleaning house" so that is decreasing the population. However, I do like the idea of getting even more people on here that could possibly be more active. :3 Sounds sensational! :D *Oh look at me, using words like "sensational"*
Maybe get the herocraft youtube channel up a running.


Ancient Soul
Staff member
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Bearcat's video contest <-------

Enter it. We need a new 'trailer' and my video editing skills suck so I can't attempt it.


I remember when the server was always full. Lets try to get it that way again.


It's mostly the grind to be honest. Some new players do leave, yes but from the players I have seen quit it is from the grinding. New players get to around 15 in their base class and realize that when they spec leveling will be 5x harder than it is as a base class. I understand the server is supposed to be "hardcore" but how is it supposed to be hardcore when most players just switch servers because of the leveling? Just my thoughts.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Ok I and many others have noticed that the servers population has decreased significantly as from what i've seen when usually there would be 90+ theres barely even 50+

I understand most people are on vacation and other stuff however I think we need to get the server advertised a little more and get new people to join.

Heres a thing for new people and I am guilty of doing this, is killing them the moment they step out of no pvp. This immediately makes them want to leave and never return so i suggest making it more newb friendly. With a pvp immunity for 2hours.
Also i feel a portal should be made or the starting area should be different and so newbs start off in a room thoroughly explaining every system and then they will go through a portal into dragongarde.

Please post suggestions and other ways we can raise the servers population.
Map is 6+ months old. I've personally removed 10+ players for breaking server rules, it's just the way the population goes. Our server is the most hardcore server out and it's not easy to start on.

What we need?
Less newbie rape/gank - better transition of rules in the starter area.

We will always see less population before a major update. Every update has been like this.

At the start of this map we had over 200 players (220) on for several weeks. Once things get stale, players leave and come back later.


Feb 4, 2012
United States
What we need?
Less newbie rape/gank - better transition of rules in the starter area.

This right here. I don't know why servers forget that recruiting new players is half the battle. Making sure they stay is just as important.

It is possible that the week of the DNS being down is still affecting population, as new players at the time may have left waiting on that to get resolved.

Also unfortunately we got an update coming up, and updates in my experience greatly affect population and recruitment. Updating to 1.3 and utilizing its new features quickly could help. New players and potential new players usually immediately update their clients . So the ones that cannot log in because "server is outdated" sometimes leave, and potential players tend to ignore outdated servers.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Keep in mind, this map has also been on longer than any previous maps, around 7 months. People will get bored, and leave. Quite a few will probably be expecting a map wipe, though it may not happen for months. This, along with people slaughtering newbies mercilessly, both veterans and newbies are leaving. If more people were newb-friendly, we might have a better community, and a larger one at that.
I thought the deadline was up?
Bearcat moved the deadline to the end of July, but a few days late may be okay as he is on vacation in Europe. Besides, it would still get people's attention! ;)


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
We are DAYS away from 1.3 update - the population before an update DIES OFF. This has happened on every single update. This is nothing new.

Either case - I know that I myself have been playing more Blacklight Retribution than Minecraft the last month... you cant fault people for being a tad bored of a game that has been out for 2+ years.

We'll try to spice things up on 1.3 :D just be willing to work with us as it takes several days of our own life updating everything,


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 25, 2011
I stopped playing for like 6 months. You just get burned out after playing something a lot for so long. People get bored of things. :/


Sep 3, 2011
My personal view is that we need less townships, like at the start of maps. With less townships, everyone would be bundled up into a select few, whereas the communities within would grow very fast. It'll allow people to work together, train together, mine together, ect, ect, and basically do things in a group. I have a great feeling that many new players would like to work in a community, doing things they enjoy. Obliviously, when they join and work for lackluster ''townships'', which claim they are active, they don't enjoy it and leave. As for new players being killed over and over, I could easily see less of this if township communities were stronger, to help and support new players as they log in.

Less townships = Bigger communities

Bigger communities = More noob attraction

More noob attraction = More noob support

More noob support = Less quitting.

This'll increase ''server population'' because less people will quit. Some ex-member might return too if communities were stronger. But that's just my personal view.

@Alator The competition has been around for ages, and I don't think 1 video will help us that much. We need more videos, like of raids, PvP, special events (other than just the tournaments), locations and land marks (I heard that someone wanted to make special places around the map to visit), ect ect. :D

@Awhitespot1 Fail troll is fail.


Feb 24, 2012
I completely agree with majoras, there are way, way, way too many towns at the minute. I believe that a cap of 20 towns would be perfect, with just 20 towns, there would be more wilderness pvp, more raids, stronger communities and less graveyard camping. A way to decrease the current amount of townships is to let all of the inactive ones die, but don't let any others take their place. With a decreasing number of towns, people would be forced into new areas with new people, and will make new friends on the server. So everyone will have a more enjoyable experience.


Sep 3, 2011
I completely agree with majoras, there are way, way, way too many towns at the minute. I believe that a cap of 20 towns would be perfect, with just 20 towns, there would be more wilderness pvp, more raids, stronger communities and less graveyard camping. A way to decrease the current amount of townships is to let all of the inactive ones die, but don't let any others take their place. With a decreasing number of towns, people would be forced into new areas with new people, and will make new friends on the server. So everyone will have a more enjoyable experience.

Exactly! If citizen audits and tax days were actually carried out like they used to be, there wouldn't be this problem. :( Around 10-20 townships would remain if activity was actually checked. Those 10-20 would be the only towns on the server that actually have a sufficient number of active citizens or the correct funds for tax payments.