- Joined
- May 18, 2011
- Minecraft In-game name: RobertDH
- Location & Age: Sanford FL, 18
- Previous Bans from other Servers : None
- Referral(s): ACars
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: From a friend
- Have you voted for Herocraft?: Yes
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes
- Reason you should be accepted: I was a Fan before im a Fan now and still hate Greifing and Morons, iv played this server once before and loved it and all the stuff about it. Im shure it has changed since iv stopped playing for a while and would love to get back into it.
- Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!): HCR8
- Additional Info: Mmm I figured I'd list this to be Truthfull I was Whitelisted once before and somehow had a suspension when i was not playing MC for a while if the reason is being gone to long then ok but otherwise i was not aware of being suspended or being off the whitelist.