- Joined
- Mar 18, 2012
- In-game name: RedNeckScholar
- Location & Age: Michigain, USA, 29
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): Never had a ban. This will be my first none vanilla sever.
- Referral(s): mazzima
- Reason you should be accepted: I'm an avid builder in mine craft, have plenty of time to dedicate to it. I enjoy an active gaming community, and helping out/getting to know said community. An' quite honestly id just plain like to join my buddy who is already in the sever.
- Have you voted for Herocraft: Yes
- How'd you hear about Herocraft?: The fella I listed in referrals brought it to my attention.
- Special Key: HCR14
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
- Additional Info: Oh, I'm an experienced gamer of many different formats, mmo/rpg/rts/rtsg/fps/table top role playing and just plain ol' good fashion board games. I am, as my name implys, a red neck, so I'm a bit internet illiterate, but personable none the less. Personal motto is moderation, honesty, and wisdom in all things. Pretty easy going, but I have been told I'm an old soul. That is to say I have little tolerance for the stupidity of youth and readily ignore it. I truly enjoy the sandbox'idness of mine craft, but I find the idea of having a class in it as well greatly intriguing. When I'm not roaming the land of Notch I read (excessively,) shoot fire arms, archery, small game hunt, fish, ride horse and watch my old man news programs. Hope to see ya in the game soon.