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random secrets i want to share


Mar 4, 2021
hi guys it's that guy from umbra ->tc.
@Kainzo @admins please delete all my posts and profile @samdiggity
I have stalkers. seriously. if you do it ill donate some cheddar. my life is in danger lol

i wanted to announce that life is good.
that when i was in TC in bastion, Mrpapodopolous got salty that I didnt give him the championship title even though he told me to give it to yoiyo.
He proceeded to get himself banned by spamming shit talk in o chat and I inherited Rangpur.
Sometime before or after he told me he had logged onto C12's account, since he had helped c12 level his runescape account, he tried using the same password to login to c12's minecraft. It worked and he went and talked shit to Kainzo and got him banned. anyways, when i was in Umbra i asked c12 what his secret was, back when he was the richest person on the server. he said he "mined a lot". secretly He had a fortune 5 pickaxe, from what was dropped by an admin, who didnt ask for it back. the people at the top always have secrets. anyways. i always admired c12 but i do agree there was no respect and we were children. c12 left me the pick and thornhollow, then left for basic. I think there was a fight about who wanted to mayor of a town on another server and thats why pap did it. It bothers me that there is such an hypocrisy in the practices and fraternity like manner that tc was. yall came from hackers, why the fuck arent i allowed to trash talk? mrpap was number two, but acted like a bully a majority of the time. anyone who says i wasnt core TC is right. i was a youngin who stunted on you all, i was fuckin better than core tc. One mistake i made was saving Glacial in his 1v1 against Lumont. I should not have made glacial, frozen ashes, TC. As much as everyone tells me i wasnt core TC, you're right. But i was mayor of thornhollow. i dont think any of you guys were. bitch. Glacial went on to host the TC teamspeak, and being an older person the trivialities of power dynamics and hierarchies in what was left put glacial into mayorship of papodopotroplus. c12 was right, it was an absolute shit name. Which i think is hiliarious considering glacial was absolute trash at pvp, had no basis for being mayor. Also I want to address Wonderbuck. This stupid fuck, goes on and on about his greatness and how he rejected us. maaan who the fuck do you think you're kidding. fucking wonderbuck. also miners from umbra, and delf. Guess what. I fucking made the town you guys were in, why the fuck you coming around and trying to tell me i cant do what i fucking want to secure the town. I went and pulled an all nighter upgrading umbra and tearing down the shit that haunted put up and you went and made a fucking scene about it. all yall are fuckin wankers. neurotics. liars. posturers. miners called me a megalomaniac. guess what bitch. maybe i am. and maybe you have no power, so you talk like a little snake that gets slapped around and pissed on by all the 15 years old the server. LOL

i do wish kainzo didnt pick the asskissers to work for him.
you know some people purposefully pick people that disagree with them to work with because it makes them sharper. chalenges them.
creativity comes to play here. Delf wasnt the right choice. c12 was.
i remember when alator banned me for using plaguebomb through iron bars. a kindergardner could figure out how to do that. The sheep simply spawned a block in a half front of you, of course it's going through an ironbar. fukin pussy alator admin favoritism. shizzdawgg did that shit to me all the time in umbra.
I didnt cry to a fucking admin about it. pussy LO.

i respect truecorrupter but dont like him cause hes kinda close to my level.
hes clapped me, ive clapped him.

oh yeah and DANDA.
Danda fuckin teleported me two blocks during the start of a tourny because i was overextended?

Bro danda
your admin favoritism was fucking obvious
you little bitch.

i was doin my thing dogging the other team starin em down letting em know i was da man.
and this fuck uses his asskissing privilege to alter my confience. you pussy.

ill always regard minecraft as my childhood.
life came and swooped me up and i am actively career focused, and doing lots of things to benefit my future that i never saw coming.
besides my trash talk i hope all of you outgrow being creeps and become lifers.

lmfao love this, this toxic post brings back the memories of herocraft


Mar 5, 2021
the iron bars sam spawned the sheep in
fucking true as shit i remember sitting there whining for sam to get banned cuz of the iron bar thing then doing it myself :) was some good fuckin times man i will always remember mrpap telling me if i didnt stop voicecracking in teamspeak he was going to come to my house and cut off my nijjer lips


Legacy Supporter 4
Retired Staff
Nov 25, 2012
United States
hi guys it's that guy from umbra ->tc.
@Kainzo @admins please delete all my posts and profile @samdiggity
I have stalkers. seriously. if you do it ill donate some cheddar. my life is in danger lol

i wanted to announce that life is good.
that when i was in TC in bastion, Mrpapodopolous got salty that I didnt give him the championship title even though he told me to give it to yoiyo.
He proceeded to get himself banned by spamming shit talk in o chat and I inherited Rangpur.
Sometime before or after he told me he had logged onto C12's account, since he had helped c12 level his runescape account, he tried using the same password to login to c12's minecraft. It worked and he went and talked shit to Kainzo and got him banned. anyways, when i was in Umbra i asked c12 what his secret was, back when he was the richest person on the server. he said he "mined a lot". secretly He had a fortune 5 pickaxe, from what was dropped by an admin, who didnt ask for it back. the people at the top always have secrets. anyways. i always admired c12 but i do agree there was no respect and we were children. c12 left me the pick and thornhollow, then left for basic. I think there was a fight about who wanted to mayor of a town on another server and thats why pap did it. It bothers me that there is such an hypocrisy in the practices and fraternity like manner that tc was. yall came from hackers, why the fuck arent i allowed to trash talk? mrpap was number two, but acted like a bully a majority of the time. anyone who says i wasnt core TC is right. i was a youngin who stunted on you all, i was fuckin better than core tc. One mistake i made was saving Glacial in his 1v1 against Lumont. I should not have made glacial, frozen ashes, TC. As much as everyone tells me i wasnt core TC, you're right. But i was mayor of thornhollow. i dont think any of you guys were. bitch. Glacial went on to host the TC teamspeak, and being an older person the trivialities of power dynamics and hierarchies in what was left put glacial into mayorship of papodopotroplus. c12 was right, it was an absolute shit name. Which i think is hiliarious considering glacial was absolute trash at pvp, had no basis for being mayor. Also I want to address Wonderbuck. This stupid fuck, goes on and on about his greatness and how he rejected us. maaan who the fuck do you think you're kidding. fucking wonderbuck. also miners from umbra, and delf. Guess what. I fucking made the town you guys were in, why the fuck you coming around and trying to tell me i cant do what i fucking want to secure the town. I went and pulled an all nighter upgrading umbra and tearing down the shit that haunted put up and you went and made a fucking scene about it. all yall are fuckin wankers. neurotics. liars. posturers. miners called me a megalomaniac. guess what bitch. maybe i am. and maybe you have no power, so you talk like a little snake that gets slapped around and pissed on by all the 15 years old the server. LOL

i do wish kainzo didnt pick the asskissers to work for him.
you know some people purposefully pick people that disagree with them to work with because it makes them sharper. chalenges them.
creativity comes to play here. Delf wasnt the right choice. c12 was.
i remember when alator banned me for using plaguebomb through iron bars. a kindergardner could figure out how to do that. The sheep simply spawned a block in a half front of you, of course it's going through an ironbar. fukin pussy alator admin favoritism. shizzdawgg did that shit to me all the time in umbra.
I didnt cry to a fucking admin about it. pussy LO.

i respect truecorrupter but dont like him cause hes kinda close to my level.
hes clapped me, ive clapped him.

oh yeah and DANDA.
Danda fuckin teleported me two blocks during the start of a tourny because i was overextended?

Bro danda
your admin favoritism was fucking obvious
you little bitch.

i was doin my thing dogging the other team starin em down letting em know i was da man.
and this fuck uses his asskissing privilege to alter my confience. you pussy.

ill always regard minecraft as my childhood.
life came and swooped me up and i am actively career focused, and doing lots of things to benefit my future that i never saw coming.
besides my trash talk i hope all of you outgrow being creeps and become lifers.

This is amazing.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
If I am going to be honest with you, in my own humble opinion without being sentimental of course, without offending anyone who thinks differently from my own point of view, but also by looking into this matter in distinctive perspective, I would like to say I have nothing to say.

don draper

Feb 6, 2021
bay area
quoting from other thread, part 2 for you.
I remember now, some nail in the coffin details to follow up my last thread since you all loved it so much youll love this one too

The reason why I had wanted Glacial to 1v1 Lumont is because I did not accept him to TC.

He put the TC skin on himself and imitated C12's mask

I didnt accept frozenAshes either!

Don't think I or c12 accepted Couch either.

But yall should have heard glacial cry out on teamspeak for me and couch to save him.

What really happened was Lumont was whooping his ass and I smacked lumont once with my sword after glacial cried for help(he really screamed like a blubbering baby crying for help begging), lumont was shocked and started wacking me, but couch was a ninja who smoked and backstabbed lumont appearing. just like lumonts story said. I wasnt going to kill lumont.
Couch did.

later couch asked me If I had a problem with glacial being leader, I told him no he shouldnt be leader. glacial was not a leader.

He went and told glacial, and glacial promptly threatened to kick me from ts through the forums if I did not comply.

a fucking 30 year old threatning a 15 year old for fucks sake, wasnt even man enough to do it on ts

now here we are

look at how you have

acted here, only participating to give negative feedback, you all criticized me and said: "bitch sam" "fuck you sam" after that incident and you all

effectively weakened us and TC by bickering instead of resolving things. saying I killed TC. You all killed TC because you preferred to be

jealous insubordinates to myself and TC. towards both myself and c12.

you were all to busy holding each other down

thats why nobody figured out c12's ban when it was obvious.

thats why delf got in control thats why code was broken

he deliberately broke Herocraft and thats why it's taking so long to bring it back.

just a few months ago myself and lumont met him in person and thats what he told me.

live with your decisions now everyone

even couch is an admin here ffs

and wonderbuck that video you posted 1v1ing me was when I was literally practicing 360's in duels.

if you didn't win that when i was fucking around then you really would be garbage.

oh wait, I did beat you when I did that in a match. LOL

get worked nerd.

I now hereby retroactively demote nuclearcouch, frozenashes, glacial reign, To non TC status.

you are expelled, and shamed

I also hereby retroactively name my dear friend Lumont an Tree Creeper.
He has a place higher than most in the hall of fame

i bestow upon him the blessings of the TC through the first of my name, under the Tree Creeper
Manifesto, and herocraft gods

Recognize I am and always have been the man.. peace. later


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