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Suggestion Pvp for Professions


Dec 22, 2012
These are the changes we would like to have considered for each profession to add some sort of distinction or
compliment to pvp.

Miner - [ExplosiveQuery/TNTThrow] You are able to throw and cause TNT Damage
(Possibly through Flint & Steel or Directly throwing it from the Hand)

Enchanter - [Overchant] Increase the enchantment of the in-hand item by a certain amount for a period of time.

Farmer - [FillErUp] Restore a portion of stamina and health to all targets within a party.

Alchemist - [ToxicGas] You release Toxic fumes within a set area that deals damage over time.

Merchants - [DrownInRiches] Have gold blocks layer the battlefield suffocating your everyone for a certain amount of time.

Runesmith - [BreakRunestone] Unleash the power of the Runestone within your hand causing all players around, except you, to
fly into the air depending on the runestone.

Engineer - [Trap] Encase your enemy inside a 5x5 (Obsidian and Cobble) Square.

Blacksmith -[AnvilDrop] You drop an anvil on your opponent dealing damage if it hits and dealing damage once again in an area around the anvil.

This Idea was brought up by Piptendo in a recent balance meeting and I just happened to think up these ideas and jot them down over the course of a few days.


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2015
These are the changes we would like to have considered for each profession to add some sort of distinction or
compliment to pvp.

Miner - [ExplosiveQuery/TNTThrow] You are able to throw and cause TNT Damage
(Possibly through Flint & Steel or Directly throwing it from the Hand)

Enchanter - [Overchant] Increase the enchantment of the in-hand item by a certain amount for a period of time.

Farmer - [FillErUp] Restore a portion of stamina and health to all targets within a party.

Alchemist - [ToxicGas] You release Toxic fumes within a set area that deals damage over time.

Merchants - [DrownInRiches] Have gold blocks layer the battlefield suffocating your everyone for a certain amount of time.

Runesmith - [BreakRunestone] Unleash the power of the Runestone within your hand causing all players around, except you, to
fly into the air depending on the runestone.

Engineer - [Trap] Encase your enemy inside a 5x5 (Obsidian and Cobble) Square.

Blacksmith -[AnvilDrop] You drop an anvil on your opponent dealing damage if it hits and dealing damage once again in an area around the anvil.

This Idea was brought up by Piptendo in a recent balance meeting and I just happened to think up these ideas and jot them down over the course of a few days.
This is just...just no. This is not how professions are supposed to work, they have no PvP value because they have utility value. This type of set up could make certain classes way too strong due to how well it could compliment that classes' strategy. I suggest you spend a bit more time on the server experimenting with classes to get a better idea of what I mean, it takes a long time and a lot of experience to really grasp how fragile class balance is.

Many professions can provide unique utility to PvP, whether or not it's game changing, it doesn't deal direct damage or heal. An example of an efficient utility skill is "Miner's Ultravision, which is a situational skill that'd useful for fighting in the dark (it provides night vision.) I could see things like this being used in PvP. Another example of this is Runesmith's ability to scan players and see their class, level, and health. They have no direct effect on combAt but provide some usefulness anyway.
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Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
This is just...just no. This is not how professions are supposed to work, they have no PvP value because they have utility value. This type of set up could make certain classes way too strong due to how well it could compliment that classes' strategy. I suggest you spend a bit more time on the server experimenting with classes to get a better idea of what I mean, it takes a long time and a lot of experience to really grasp how fragile class balance is.

Many professions can provide unique utility to PvP, whether or not it's game changing, it doesn't deal direct damage or heal. An example of an efficient utility skill is "Miner's Ultravision, which is a situational skill that'd useful for fighting in the dark (it provides night vision.) I could see things like this being used in PvP. Another example of this is Runesmith's ability to scan players and see their class, level, and health. They have no direct effect on combAt but provide some usefulness anyway.
There has been talk though of each prof offering some Utility to combat, a good example is Blacksmith having all swords (Though this was more of a side affect of Repair than anything).


Dec 22, 2012
This is just...just no. This is not how professions are supposed to work, they have no PvP value because they have utility value. This type of set up could make certain classes way too strong due to how well it could compliment that classes' strategy. I suggest you spend a bit more time on the server experimenting with classes to get a better idea of what I mean, it takes a long time and a lot of experience to really grasp how fragile class balance is.

Many professions can provide unique utility to PvP, whether or not it's game changing, it doesn't deal direct damage or heal. An example of an efficient utility skill is "Miner's Ultravision, which is a situational skill that'd useful for fighting in the dark (it provides night vision.) I could see things like this being used in PvP. Another example of this is Runesmith's ability to scan players and see their class, level, and health. They have no direct effect on combAt but provide some usefulness anyway.

What I want more than anything is for their to be more strategy, and different ways to play the game. This idea is to encourage players to go and create unique ways to play and customize classes together. It does not seem that class balance is all that fragile due to certain changes in recent patches. Such as, adding summonfood as a level 5 skill on Beguiler for whatever reason a combat class needs food when it has no skills that take away from its health and it's tier two class does not have the skill at all.

Some professions can provide utility in pvp but most classes do not in the right sense. For example, profession skills for runesmith seemed to all but become a dump for unnecessary or useless skills.

"For years Scribes were the gatherers of wisdom and keepers of records. They could Scan players to determine their health, use FarSight to see into the distance, and call up Light to illuminate their surroundings."

Scan is now useless with the new damage indicator, Farsight is very much outdone by using the optifine zoom, and skills like overgrowth have no use with a profession that uses neither plants or herbalism in its progression style. These skills bring utility to the table but none whatsoever to this profession or to Pvp because it has already been done or it is not needed.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
If professions ever brought anything to the table pvp wise, it would have nothing to do with damage. A good example @LordZelkova mentioned was smiths using swords for knockback, or runesmith using gills. I wouldn't really consider any of these for those type of skills


Legacy Supporter 3
May 29, 2015
What I want more than anything is for their to be more strategy, and different ways to play the game. This idea is to encourage players to go and create unique ways to play and customize classes together. It does not seem that class balance is all that fragile due to certain changes in recent patches. Such as, adding summonfood as a level 5 skill on Beguiler for whatever reason a combat class needs food when it has no skills that take away from its health and it's tier two class does not have the skill at all.

Some professions can provide utility in pvp but most classes do not in the right sense. For example, profession skills for runesmith seemed to all but become a dump for unnecessary or useless skills.

"For years Scribes were the gatherers of wisdom and keepers of records. They could Scan players to determine their health, use FarSight to see into the distance, and call up Light to illuminate their surroundings."

Scan is now useless with the new damage indicator, Farsight is very much outdone by using the optifine zoom, and skills like overgrowth have no use with a profession that uses neither plants or herbalism in its progression style. These skills bring utility to the table but none whatsoever to this profession or to Pvp because it has already been done or it is not needed.
I like the idea of combat utility with professions, but not getting skills that deal direct damage. Slight advantages, not large differences.

Balance is more fragile than you think, but we can usually reverse errors within a while of adding them. Were you present when ultimate skills were added? It takes a long time to add new skills or classes, and it takes longer for balances to occur. Changes to classes can have MASSIvE balance side effects.


Dec 22, 2012
Ok, I understand it. Direct damage added into a profession skill may have too much of an impact on the server as a whole but, I believe professions should feel different from each other and not just the regular minecraft rules. It would make for a very unique and thrilling experience for players as well and I will revise my list of skills to seem more "Utility Oriented".


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
I said it out loud, but to toss it here:
Damage, heals are bad. They can add it to a class that shouldn't have it, or add even more to a class with a controlled amount.
Locking things in blocks is bad. Ignoring technical issues that may arise, it's basically a free Stun for AOE casters.

Basically, it shouldn't directly do the combat (see above two) and others should be able to do it (KB can be gotten on other items, some classes have AOE water breathing and potions of it exist).

I heard an offhand comment about summoning food; that'd be fine but possibly underwhelming.