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Port Royal - [Recruiting!]


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 2, 2011
All members will recieve their region permissions within 24 hours by either Beast or the managers.. If not, you can cut off Beast's balls and hang them up on a chestnut tree.
@Beastmannn @Aiyeris @Ropsux


Glowing Redstone
Jan 8, 2013
IGN: Docxm7
Age: 16
When did you join Herocraft? ages ago.
When did you start playing Minecraft? 3 years ago
Did you read all of the town rules? Young Moolah Baby!
Previous Towns/Guilds?Newerth
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Inactivity, I was on vacation
Class/Profession | Level: Lost Soul/Crafter 28/15
What can you contribute to Port Royal? I can contribute work and help out around the town!
Why do you want to join Port Royal? Port royal is very active right now!
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 20-30
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes and Yes
How did you hear about Port Royal? I've been there before
Additional Info: :)


IGN: Docxm7
Age: 16
When did you join Herocraft? ages ago.
When did you start playing Minecraft? 3 years ago
Did you read all of the town rules? Young Moolah Baby!
Previous Towns/Guilds?Newerth
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Inactivity, I was on vacation
Class/Profession | Level: Lost Soul/Crafter 28/15
What can you contribute to Port Royal? I can contribute work and help out around the town!
Why do you want to join Port Royal? Port royal is very active right now!
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 20-30
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes and Yes
How did you hear about Port Royal? I've been there before
Additional Info: :)


Glowing Redstone
Jan 8, 2013
IGN: Docxm7
Age: 16
When did you join Herocraft? ages ago.
When did you start playing Minecraft? 3 years ago
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets
Previous Towns/Guilds?Newerth
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Inactivity, I was on vacation
Class/Profession | Level: Lost Soul/Crafter 28/15
What can you contribute to Port Royal? I can contribute work and help out around the town!
Why do you want to join Port Royal? Port royal is very active right now!
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 20-30
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes and Yes
How did you hear about Port Royal? I've been there before
Additional Info: :)


IGN: Docxm7
Age: 16
When did you join Herocraft? ages ago.
When did you start playing Minecraft? 3 years ago
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets
Previous Towns/Guilds?Newerth
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Inactivity, I was on vacation
Class/Profession | Level: Lost Soul/Crafter 28/15
What can you contribute to Port Royal? I can contribute work and help out around the town!
Why do you want to join Port Royal? Port royal is very active right now!
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? 20-30
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? Yes and Yes
How did you hear about Port Royal? I've been there before
Additional Info: :)
Accepted, get with me in-game. I'll be on in like 45-60 minutes.


Application to Join (Copy and paste):
When did you join Herocraft? In the beta
When did you start playing Minecraft? In the alpha
Did you read all of the town rules? I don't like stealing chicken fackers
Previous Towns/Guilds? Xlr8moop
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)? Rubber_Duckies
Class/Profession | Level: Class with the jumping
What can you contribute to Port Royal? Beat the shit out of that knightmare kid
Why do you want to join Port Royal? I love rockband
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? Over 9000
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? It's a laptop mic so there's a fan
How did you hear about Port Royal? I raided it
Additional Info: I rove rockband and aiyeris
and Boucher.
Troll application, please deal with this @Angyles


Aug 18, 2011
Application to Join (Copy and paste):
IGN: Nexeoes
Age: 18
When did you join Herocraft? Well, if you want me to be completely honest... About 2 and a half years ago. I was once part of IronPass. I was High Chancellor. But my crew went away after the wipe.
When did you start playing Minecraft? Indev
Did you read all of the town rules? Chicken Nuggets
Previous Towns/Guilds? None so far.
Why did you leave the previous Town/Guild(s)?
Class/Profession | Level: Level 3 Crafter gonna be Bloodmage or Druid
What can you contribute to Port Royal? I can do anything really. In Ironpass I spent 7 hours building 100 block high 10 layer thick walls to keep invaders out. All around a 300x300 area. I could do it anytime again
Why do you want to join Port Royal? I need a town and I hate not being able to do anything.
How many hours are you able to be on HC per week? As much as I like really.
Do you have a mic and/or are able to use Teamspeak? I don't see why not. And I do have a mic.
How did you hear about Port Royal? BeastRecon
Additional Info: