- Joined
- Jan 7, 2011
- Location
- The 7th Circle of Heaven
Greetings Heroes!
We wanted to tell you that today we're releasing the legendary crafting patch to Herocraft! This update includes over 1100 items to craft from various dungeon drops!
Feel free to read the indepth notes about the patch below!
Patch 8.3.0 - The Soul Crafting Patch! (11/13/15)
- Added 1100+ (gear/weps) items to be created using the new recipe system.
- 11 new sets of gear, each with specific lore, rarities and click-ables to make Herocraft even more encompassing!
- Added Golden Tome Fragments to each faction boss, drop rates are very low.
- Added Soul Tomes drops to bosses tables in T6
- Creation process viewable @ http://herocraftonline.com/wiki/Custom_Crafting#Components (Thanks to @Wyzards for the write up)
- Introducing Tier 6 full group boss > The Omega Prime > http://i.imgur.com/RW6TLZy.png
- Increased currency drops and amount per tier. Players will see a much higher drop rate on all minions, elites and bosses for soul drops.
- Fix spawn timers on a few bosses from t1>t6
- Removed 25% of spawns in Skycastles.
- Soul Fuses go on Sale from Exchange for 20c at 3PM CST
If you find any bugs or have any problems with the system take a screenshot of the message you get and please post them here:
For feedback and suggestions please use this thread here:
Custom Crafted Item Sets
Items have been appearing all throughout the dungeons. These custom crafting materials allow you to craft new and powerful equipment to help give you an edge in this harsh world.
Check it out on the Wiki:
Blessed - Support

We wanted to tell you that today we're releasing the legendary crafting patch to Herocraft! This update includes over 1100 items to craft from various dungeon drops!
Feel free to read the indepth notes about the patch below!
Patch 8.3.0 - The Soul Crafting Patch! (11/13/15)
- Added 1100+ (gear/weps) items to be created using the new recipe system.
- 11 new sets of gear, each with specific lore, rarities and click-ables to make Herocraft even more encompassing!
- Added Golden Tome Fragments to each faction boss, drop rates are very low.
- Added Soul Tomes drops to bosses tables in T6
- Creation process viewable @ http://herocraftonline.com/wiki/Custom_Crafting#Components (Thanks to @Wyzards for the write up)
- Introducing Tier 6 full group boss > The Omega Prime > http://i.imgur.com/RW6TLZy.png
- Increased currency drops and amount per tier. Players will see a much higher drop rate on all minions, elites and bosses for soul drops.
- Fix spawn timers on a few bosses from t1>t6
- Removed 25% of spawns in Skycastles.
- Soul Fuses go on Sale from Exchange for 20c at 3PM CST
If you find any bugs or have any problems with the system take a screenshot of the message you get and please post them here:
For feedback and suggestions please use this thread here:
Custom Crafted Item Sets
Items have been appearing all throughout the dungeons. These custom crafting materials allow you to craft new and powerful equipment to help give you an edge in this harsh world.
Check it out on the Wiki:
Blessed - Support
- The Clerics of the great divine were some of the best known healers in the land. Their connection to the divine was so strong, they were actually able to infuse items with the divines healing power giving the simple man a chance to call on their divine connection.
- Dark Pearl was the insignia of a warrior cast that worked closely with the Ethereal order of mages. These warriors served as the front line fighters by absorbing large amounts of incoming fire and disabling their enemies while their magus allies burned them down.
- The druids of Deep Root grove were known to be some of the most hearty and grounded people in these lands. Although they themselves were not fleet of foot, they had a tendency to slow their enemies down when near by actually having the ground itself grasp on to them while absorbing large amounts of incoming fire without worry.
- The Dusk Bane Hunters were the most well known group of monster hunters in all the world. Their legendary equipment was one of the main keys to their success in felling these terrible beasts. The powerful enchantment not only gave them protection against the denizens of the land. but also seemed to cut through them with ease.
- The Emberstone warriors were a sight to behold, their grasp of the flame had no equal. IT was said that they lived in the fires of the nether and that their blades and armors were actually forged in the lava that flowed through that cruel place.
- The Ethereal Magus were a powerful force and were rarely challenged. Although they were frail, they were as light as a feather and could surf on the wind as fast as the lightning their wielded against their foes dancing and dodging their enemies attacks with ease as they melted them with powerful magics.
- The assassins of the dark glade would use their connection to a powerful malevolent force to imbue their blades and armor with great strength. While these weapons and armors did tear at their life force, it also empowered them and protected them from physical harm. Their weapons were especially designed for the sacrifice of those around the assassins, burrowing into all those nearby while slowing giving that strength to the wielder.
- The Luminous mages were quick on their feet and strong in soul. Their enchanted equipment boosted their speed and made them hard to hit by spell or arrow, while they did seem to be weakened slightly by this armor, their skills were otherwise enhanced so greatly that they were often avoided when confronted in the wilds.
- The enchanters of the Prism Order were few, but their equipment was prized among those of all walks. Just as the prism shines all the colors of the rainbow, so did their enchantments cover their equipment. Those with the Prismatic items were generally well prepared for most encounters.
- Rare is it for stardust to fall from the heavens, but when it does, you can be sure that the brotherhood of the stars will be there to gather it. The equipment they created with it glinted with the sparkle and the power of the stars themselves and were prized for it's strength and protections.
- The greed of the rogues guild known as Zeal was well known, for all those within it were rarely caught and generally rich. They not only found their ways into the vaults of others, but also found themselves often hired as assassins as they seemed to be protected against all the elements of the world.

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