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Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 30, 2012
Raiding your town.
I would love it if admins listened to pvpers and not let pvpers whine and then they get to make the pvp server, i hate the fact that there are lies or more like just saying heyy samy coming out but then they say o no sorry pls dont cry. Pls bring something like bastion back?
I love PvP and bastion as much as you do, that's why i gotta admit this. It's impossible to bring Bastion back, things live and you have to let them die, even if you restore the server files to Bastion it will never be the same and it will never feel like the old Bastion. Get over it.


Retired Staff
Max Legacy Supporter
Oct 20, 2012
Dungeon Heroes Server
My Long and mostly Uncensored Opinion Of Herocraft

The Player base is the best I have ever seen. On every other server a good 90% of people act like the jerks who troll and be jerks. On herocraft, its only a minor 5% that complain, Murder, and look like plain idiots. The other 95% are nice gentle people who are pretty nice.
9/10 Stars

The Staff Isn't the best but it works somehow. I think the primary issue is there simply aren't enough mods and Admins patrolling PE's, which I can understand why Kainzo would be reluctant to promote more, but he needs to get some more to give him a helping hand, it seems these days he is the only one helping the server along. I think in the entirety of my stay here ( Which is about a year plus the small amount of time in Bastion ) I have only seen 4 Bad Staff members, in which all of them where minor staff, like Balance team and guide. I love how the staff behavior is, most of the staff is pretty much a good example of Society, with the exception of a few people I constantly wounder how they ever got anywhere into the staff with the way they bash and ridicule other players constantly.
7/10 Stars

The Game Itself Is awesome, The way Kainzo crafted the game is really creative. By adding the features of MMORPGS and the freedom of Minecraft he made the potential of an epic social game. With the right managment and resorces, but again this relies on having a lot of staff... which we do not... but its still very creative, and its the reason I've played 4+ Hours of Herocraft every day for almost a year. And no... thats not because I am Devoted... -.-
8/10 Stars

Townships 3.0 is very complex and awesome for people who really like to manage stuff. I love how the Buildings interact with each other and the Hero's plugin. Its a very awesome thing. I truely love how Multi and Phoenix build it, I would love to see how they add to the plugin in the Future. There are a few things I don't like, like the Square shape of the town, the high money costs, and the pickyness for a specific biome just to establish a trade Route, but Its a great system. It still has its flaws though, but doesn't everything?
8/10 Stars

Complainers is a group of people who make me want to rip out my hair. I don't to go too far into how they just complain and don't give any opinions, facts, or fixes, but here are a few exceptions to people you may think as complainers, but actually are not
Irishman81 - Actually informed me of how its somewhat unfair for a class like Padlin to have the same survival rate of a turret as a less bulky class. I was pleasantly pleased to see he wasn't just another complainer.
malikdanab - Actually giving opinions on how to make Raiding easyer for those PVPers... instead of just complaing... and he's the one whose getting raided...
And a few others who give opinions and not just complaints.
So in all... I don't like you. Sorry.
4/10 Stars

The Comunity is really diverse. Here are a few examples
Higher Staff : They are nice funny people who will joke about murdering you with a Xanvil and set you on fire in spawn. I've yet to find staff as good as you.
PVE'ers : Are nice people who take a big job of helping out new players. Heck there are towns and structures just centered around helping new people
Etkenn and his group of Political and Social Analysts : These people are really nice for staying informed on Political issues and social problems, I truely love how they debate and don't plain argue
Some of the PVPers : Who genuinely will have a good time and fight for fun, not just to troll
The Quiet Stars : People whose level of Kindness and Devotion make me want to cry...
10/10 Stars


Legacy Supporter 2
Mar 31, 2013
You can open chests, doors opened by telekinesis

And as a 3.0 town owner, I can see new players love it, if they have somebody to go over it with them.
It really is not as complicated as you people make it out to be.
I have yet to come Across somebody in my town ( which 5/8 are lost souls/ new players) who have failed to understand the basic consepts of 3.0.

i just tried opening chests today, and it said that this region is protected. As an older player i prefer the old town plugin alot more, it isn't that it's complicated but that it restricts pvp and that's why i have a problem with it.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 24, 2013
Tbh can't open chests and there are safe zones yeah multi was right this will increase PvPPvP


Hey jup stop dissing multi, he as a lot...*laughs* good ideas that worked on his other server so they have to wo-
Lol I can't even type it's without cracking up.
@Multitallented you dun fucked up


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
Quite strange how you can easily tell which side someone is on just by seeing how respectful they are...


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
I would say I'm pretty respectful
Of course there are exceptions, but of those who are rude, most of them are against Township. 3.0. Heres a tip for everyone. If you want someone to do something, it helps if you aren't insulting them.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
There's no need to lock threads if people stay on topic. If you are disrespectful and violate our chat/forum rules - you will be removed.

Herocraft Changes. It's what we've done to survive, its how we don't get stale - not all changes are kept, not all changes are good, but it happens.
Last edited:


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
12.5k people have purchased mc in last 24 hours. But no one is playing Minecraft these days so it's not the server, it's the game
I wonder how that number compares to the numbers during DG and Bastion... Not to mention, at this stage it's mostly very young people or casual non-gamers who buy the game (Which is one of the main reasons behind the rise of Minigames)


Legacy Supporter 9
Oct 1, 2012
I wonder how that number compares to the numbers during DG and Bastion... Not to mention, at this stage it's mostly very young people or casual non-gamers who buy the game (Which is one of the main reasons behind the rise of Minigames)
That sounds like some lame expansion pack.


Nov 1, 2013
12.5k people have purchased mc in last 24 hours. But no one is playing Minecraft these days so it's not the server, it's the game

I don't feel that the game is dying out as quick as you say, I feel that more people are resorting to mods like FeedTheBeast and TerrafirmaCraft, due to the lack of content from vanilla minecraft.

My opinion about current HC is that I miss running around with 6 or so people and finding PvP in Freeper swamp or UK swamp. I liked when you had a safe place to just store your stuff that wasn't PvP free, but you still felt safe inside. I miss having to watch my back when I went to mine or level. I just feel like PvE ruined it for me, Im not saying that it was a bad move, but for me when it got later in the game and people started quiting and leaving, when the server population of 40 - 60 was split between servers, that was what made me not want to play much anymore. The lack of old players, and the lack of PvP, killed that vibe I had since before Aegis, that want to play to see what would happen if I went out to go kill people, the excitement of what would happen. I never understood why previous PvPers just played PvE instead, it ruined that feeling of who can I fight today.

Like in haven i would track miners as a ninja for money, I definately can't do that anymore. Sometimes you could find a group at AD swamp power leveling someone, you run in and start a fight, no one levels on PvP anymore. PvE just takes away some of those fun elements that made HC fun. At the beginning of Aegis it wasn't as noticeable due to the large amount of people always on PvP, but when the server population started to dwindle those elements start to become more and more important. The addition of conquest points was a great addition to PvP, but I don't feel that it helped as much as it should have.

Maybe because of the splitting up of servers with, PvP, PvE, Adventure, and FFA, maybe in a future map reset they can bring all of those elements together in one map, so that the server population is no longer divided. I believe that would bring people back. It would spark interest in me again that's for sure. Just my thoughts.


Max Legacy Supporter
May 19, 2013
Of course there are exceptions, but of those who are rude, most of them are against Township. 3.0. Heres a tip for everyone. If you want someone to do something, it helps if you aren't insulting them.
Malik why do you lie and say you enjoy pvp but your against it? I suggest the pve server it's nice and fun. It will surely make you happy since no pvp. I mean so far you have done nothing to act like you even enjoy pvp. It would be nice if you could quit this act and get off all the real pvpers cases, but I can only dream.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
Malik why do you lie and say you enjoy pvp but your against it? I suggest the pve server it's nice and fun. It will surely make you happy since no pvp. I mean so far you have done nothing to act like you even enjoy pvp. It would be nice if you could quit this act and get off all the real pvpers cases, but I can only dream.
I can enjoy pvp and dislike camping/unfair fights. TBH this most likely a useless explanation, because you disagree with everything I say, just because I said it.