I just mastered Ninja and I was trying it out. I realized that One has a 180 second cooldown, costs 50 mana, and last 15 seconds. I compared this to Quicken of the Bard which has a 2 second cooldown, costs 7 mana and last 15 seconds. I know that One gives you Speed 3 instead of Quicken's Speed 2, but my point is that even if I use One to get away from a Bard, or a party with a Bard, I can only use it once over 3 minutes while they can almost constantly use it. I don't think it really helps me get away from people because even if i gain the lead with Speed 3, in a medium to long range chase, the bard can easily catch up because after I wait for One to cooldown they can use Quicken. I was hoping that maybe One could have a shortened cool down, nothing like 2 seconds, but something shorter than 3 minutes so that i could use it a few times in battle. It would also be nice if the mana cost was lowered slightly although i agree that it should be a good amount of mana since you move fairly fast. I think the mana cost should be lowered because if the CD is lowered I might not be able to cast it that often if it takes half my mana. My idea for a good mana cost and CD for One would be 20-30 mana and 15-30 CD.