• Guest, we are doing a new map (refresh) for Herocraft. Gather your friends and get ready! Coming next Friday, 06/28/24 @ 7PM CT play.hc.to
    Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

October Notes


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Made the vote reminder 4 lines smaller. Added Vote Position to show what # you are in voting overall.
- Crate Changes
-- Added Orb of Tiny Sacks (Tradable backpack9) and removed Backpack9 Prize.
-- Removed Pet Naming from Crate 3.
- /gignore now functions for Private Messages, /ignore is for Herochat private messages
- Resolved Timezone issues with Buycraft, new days now start at 12AM CST.
- Increase chunk distance of Citadel by 2
- Global Market now takes 15% for a winning auction and 5% to place.

- Rolled out new private message changes (some of the styling will be changing based on user feedback)
- Updated Herocraft's Launcher to use the latest version of MorePlayerModels. @draconis99
- Restarted Proxy to push various changes and improvements.
- Updated classes with latest Balance changes. @Balance Team
- Mark and Recall now obey Towny Regions. @0xNaomi
- The "use" for Doors (all) will be turned on for all Towny Regions Oct 10th.

- Warshards (FFA PVP Resource) map has been released, 2500R will increase in 500R every 30 days.
- Portals now available in the Nexus to Warshards.

- Resolved the crashing issue with Survival - this was an OS issue thanks to the Spigot guys for helping me research!
- Adjusted the distance view for the HeavensGate dungeon world.
- Downloaded latest Spigot that fixes minor issues
- http://hc.to/leaderboards now has town and market stats to see who the top dogs are!

- New Skill Mechanics (Block Throw Skills @Soren_Endon )
-- GreatChasm (Chaos Skill)
-- DivineRuination (Order Skill)
-- SeismicAssault (T2 Dragoon)
-- Quake (T2 Druid)

- Made necessary optimizations on the Operating system to prevent OOM and crashes on the server.
- Added Fake title to Crate III's
- Pets now disappear when a player is in combat. (@0xNaomi)
- LWC can no longer be used in a town you do not have build rights for.
- Patch 8.2.0 play-testing is available Friday on /test via Survival. 6 Tiers of dungeons, with 10 total.
-- 1300 spawners, 150+ items, 200+ types of mobs, over 30 bosses.
- Paysafe Cards are now accepted through Buycraft using the PaymentWall Gateway!

- Global Market now has an expiration of 1 week for all items placed.
- Listings are now restricted to 20 per person unless they are merchants.
- Mastery Badges now give +25 hp when held.
- hc.to/utility now offers Herochat Channel creation for $5.99 on the store!
- Up coming target changes and name binding removal - read more here at the dev-dev notes
- Spike skill mechanics now have the proper damage applied to them.

Revamped Towns Tax and Bank System
- Towns are now charged tax based on a flat rate and size.
- New Town plots now cost 75c (down from 100c)
- Per-plot tax has been removed in favor of a more robust system for town growth.
- Smaller resident towns will be charged a base of 100c and get a bonus or a penalty depending on size. 1 member towns start at 10c and scale to 10 being 100c. Metro will be 250c based on the multipliers, exact configs will be released soon.
- Nations can now have 10,000c in their bank, while towns can have 5,000c. Any town with above the amount will not be able to deposit more until its below that amount.
- Nation cost has been reduced to 5000c
- A max-tax perday has been set to 1000c, down from 5000c.
note DOORS/TRAPDOORS etc will not be toggled on the list of usable (everyone will be able to use them)
Heroes Targeting System Changes
- Name binds have been removed for a much more indepth system encouraging more effective targeting with better hit %'s
- PVP medal drops should no longer happen for anyone under level 45.

A little bit of more information on the towny / upkeep system we have in place.
Towns who join Nations get an automatic 25% off upkeep from the server. Nations can set tax rates on each Town that joins individually.
If a nation falls, the towns stay and nothing changes except the bonus is missed for the upkeep incentive.
Upkeep = money taken from the server to fight inflation and prevent decaying/dead towns from flourishing
Tax = something a leader charges their underlings or townlings.
- Slightly adjust the tiers of the Nations. Largest now is 80+ members.
- Added Valorous Title to the Legacy Map Pack in hc.to/titles

- Custom items and recipes are now based on a better future-proof system. Far less breaks will happen due to misspellings or enchantment randomizations. This is a backend change for the future of items
- Removed nonplayers from /pve top
- Slimes and MagmaCubes now spawn as "small".

- Added /Lottery for 25c per ticket - auto-fires every 2 hours.
- /kit starter now provides iron tools and arrows in its starter set!
- Temp removed Backpacks from Overflow, preparing for its departure and fixing a possible exploit.
- Introduced the Casino in the Event World on Survival. Go use them slots!
-- 10c to 500c slot machines that pay out randomly, can also win item-prizes such as cratekeys, tokens, etc.
- Added "towny.command.town.here" to Nomad perms

- Increased tax cut on items sold in the global market by 20%
- Increased tax on lottery tickets to 15%
- increased bonus pot for lottery to 100c
- Added color specific suffixes to iron, gold and diamond subscriber perks.
- Disable the sound on ChainLightning (hopefully)

- All skills will now scale based on level against PVE. At level 60 you will be doing max damage towards mobs. (Not players)

- Ivory Castle area now has the void removed.
- Fixed random mobs not showing up as the proper entity.
- Walled off Skycastles with Barrier blocks to prevent void deaths.
- Adjusted drop rates slightly so gear wasnt dropping every other mob.
- Added PVP-ON signs to the final 4 dungeons (T5 & T6)
- Resolved Crafting issues with the new level cap being 50 for professions.

- Increase party exp gain by 30% (totaling to 45% extra exp in parties split amongst people in them)
- Professions now level 25% faster (base is 125% of all exp gain)
- T6 mobs now give 25-50% more exp base. Bosses now give 1500xp.

- Professions no longer EXP on PVE deaths.
- Tier 1 and Tier 2 classes now only lose 1% exp on PVE deaths
- Tier 2 classes now level 60% faster ( same rate as T1)

- All melee damage left-swings now scales in damage per level against PVE.
- All arrow damage now scales in damage per level against PVE.
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Increase chunk distance of Citadel by 2

- Global Market now takes 15% for a winning auction and 5% to place.
Last edited:


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Rolled out new private message changes (some of the styling will be changing based on user feedback)
- Updated Herocraft's Launcher to use the latest version of MorePlayerModels.
- Restarted Proxy to push various changes and improvements.
- Updated classes with latest Balance changes


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Mark and Recall now obey Towny Regions.
- The "use" for Doors (all) will be turned on for all Towny Regions Oct 10th.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Warshards (FFA PVP Resource) map has been released, 2500R will increase in 500R every 30 days.
- Portals now available in the Nexus to Warshards.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
Here are the balance changes for this patch- lot's of changes for skill distribution in preparation for the new leveling changes:
- Layhands now drains the user of all remaining mana, with a minimum of 100 mana required


- Increased armor from chain chest to iron chest

- Lowered stamina cost and cooldown on lunge to 200 and 15 seconds

- Lowered stamina cost on headbutt to 300

- Removed slow on whirlwind

- Changed skill order, Headbutt: 20 Rupture: 45, Undyingwill: 55, Provoke: 50, Frenzy: 60


- Changed skill order, Dreadaura: 20, Empathy: 30, Harmtouch: 37, ManaFreeze: 43, Curse: 50

- Lowered Harmtouch cooldown to 8 mins - the skill now slows and reduces target's healing by 50% for 12 seconds

- For t2: Empathy: 10, Dreadaura: 10 Harmtouch: 15 Manafreeze: 15, Curse: 20, Terror: 25


- Removed all Sword durabilities from skills

- Reduced hp per level from 4->2 (-118 hp)

- Masamune to 40, honor to 60

- Removed healing of Murasame

- Changed Murasame to scale with intellect, and is now an Interrupt

- Lowered base damage of mightyblow from 60->50

- Honor now works!


- Holywater to level 10, Blessing to 50

- T2: Blessing 20, Holywater 1

- SacredGlimmer down to 180 mana


- Boilblood 25, Enlightenment 42

- Steal Essence 25 seconds->1 min

- T2: Enlightenment 15, Boilblood 5

- Removed int portion from enlightenment


- Innervate 30, bruteforce 55

- T2: Bruteforce 20, innervate 5


- Add chain helmet

- Safefall: 30, Alacrity 50, Flyingkick 15, Chakra 5, Barrier 55, Meditate 25, Quiveringpalm 45

- T2: Chakra 1, Meditate 5, Alacrity 20


- Shockingstrike 15, Firestrike 5

- Primal 45, Force 55, Windgale 40, chainlightning 50, reincarnate 60

- T2: Firestrike 1, Shockingstrike 5, primal 15, force 20, windgale 15, chainlightning 20, reincarnate 25


- Greatcombustion 40, curse 50

- T2: GC 15, curse 20


- Web 45, Plague 15, Despair 40, Famine 55

- T2: web 15, plague 5, despair 15, famine 20


- Aimedshot 50, Icevolley 60, Gills 45, maim 40

- T2: Explosiveshot 5, camo 10,


- Shuriken 55, eviscerate 25, blitz 5, envenom 45

- T2: shuriken 15, evis 5, envenom 15


- Flash 15, Firerune 25, icerune 40, devourmagic 45

- T2: Firerune 10, Icerune 15, Devourmagic 20


- Complete redone skill order: Kick 1, warsong 5, melodicbinding 10, manasong 15, envenom 20, accelerando 25, battlesong 30, boastfulbellow 40, voidsong 45, respiration 50, healingchorus 55, dropthebass 60.

- T2: Kick 1, envenom 5, drop the bass 25, voidsong 15, battlesong 10, boastfulbellow 15, respiration 20, manasong 1, accelerando 5


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Rolled out new private message changes (some of the styling will be changing based on user feedback)
I really hope we can find a way to change channel to a private convo. Having to type /msg or /tell or /pm then name then message every time is really messing with my productivity and enjoyment. @name was so useful.

- Increase chunk distance of Citadel by 2
Viewing distance?

Global Market now takes 15% for a winning auction and 5% to place.
To clarify: a successful sale will mean 20% of the list price goes to the server, is this right? (I understand the intent is to make it less OP compared with Merchant trading and player shops at TD?)

- Updated classes with latest Balance changes
Awesome effort, @Irishman81

- Mark and Recall now obey Towny Regions.
So pleased this has been sorted. Thanks @0xNaomi for figuring it out.

The "use" for Doors (all) will be turned on for all Towny Regions Oct 10th.
What exactly does this mean, please?

I've been trying to test which entry mechanisms currently work or don't and how their use/access is affected by LWCing. If this is changing it would really help me to know how.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Since Irish posted a bunch of stuff, this is what I've done since Monday so far on skills, which might or might not be in or redundant with Irish's list:

  • Consecration now only harms Undead mobs, and no players
  • Toss can now be name bound, though it still checks potential line of sight
  • HarmTouch now applies a slow which reduces the target's healing for its duration
  • Masamune no longer heals its user
  • Kotesu and Murasame now scale of Intellect to match their Magical damage
  • Ashura has been changed to Magical and scales off Intellect (the push is still Strength)
  • Murasame now interrupts casting when used
  • Honor now actually sets the user's health to 1% on use and applies both buffs to party members
  • ExplosiveShot can no longer direct hit, and the arrow used is destroyed on impact


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Just type /tell playername and hit enter.
You'll enter a temp private chat channel.
The entire messaging system was switched. It went from a mix of Herochat/Bungee to a new system altogether.
Good news: /r works cross-server
Bad news: No more /w or /r to enter a convo channel (since that's Herochat functionality)


Ashen One...
Legacy Supporter 8
Jul 3, 2011
The entire messaging system was switched. It went from a mix of Herochat/Bungee to a new system altogether.
Good news: /r works cross-server
Bad news: No more /w or /r to enter a convo channel (since that's Herochat functionality)
Oh..... my bad :p


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Resolved the crashing issue with Survival - this was an OS issue thanks to the Spigot guys for helping me research!
- Adjusted the distance view for the HeavensGate dungeon world.
- Downloaded latest Spigot that fixes minor issues
- http://hc.to/leaderboards now has town and market stats to see who the top dogs are!


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I really hope we can find a way to change channel to a private convo. Having to type /msg or /tell or /pm then name then message every time is really messing with my productivity and enjoyment. @name was so useful.

Viewing distance?

To clarify: a successful sale will mean 20% of the list price goes to the server, is this right? (I understand the intent is to make it less OP compared with Merchant trading and player shops at TD?)

Awesome effort, @Irishman81

So pleased this has been sorted. Thanks @0xNaomi for figuring it out.

What exactly does this mean, please?

I've been trying to test which entry mechanisms currently work or don't and how their use/access is affected by LWCing. If this is changing it would really help me to know how.
view distance is the chunks you can see in front of you, we increased this so players can see more but at the cost of a little server-side performance.

20% for tax for a successful auction, selling in trade is better, but more hassle.

We're disabling the ability to toggle who can use doors. This is for two reasons 1) we cant control it at the moment so raiders can exploit with LWC (its trackable) and 2) non knowing players will actually properly LWC their items either with locks/doors etc.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
We're disabling the ability to toggle who can use doors. This is for two reasons 1) we cant control it at the moment so raiders can exploit with LWC (its trackable) and 2) non knowing players will actually properly LWC their items either with locks/doors etc.
We can't? I already did that in HeroFeatures, only issue is loss of money for whoever tries to LWC in an area they aren't allowed to.
I already tried it on Test, it seems to work...


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
- Made necessary optimizations on the Operating system to prevent OOM and crashes on the server.
- Added Fake title to Crate III's
- Pets now disappear when a player is in combat. (@0xNaomi)
- LWC can no longer be used in a town you do not have build rights for.
- Patch 8.2.0 play-testing is available Friday on /test via Survival. 6 Tiers of dungeons, with 10 total.
-- 1300 spawners, 150+ items, 200+ types of mobs, over 30 bosses.