Alright this is annoying considering I have to type this on my phone at work.
Dragoons are the rogue like warrior, yes they are mobile, tanky, CC, and decent damage.
A ninja is not as mobile, please tell me you can aim a backflip as easy as a jump....
Super jump is amazing to get on tall building and such.
Spear and impale need I say more?
Dragoons also deal more damage to us with armor than we do to them, and when do you see Dragoons without armor?
All in all Dragoons are better than ninja with a group of people and ninjas are just made to be better for solo play or burst.
I think both are pretty balanced, and I like where both classes are at right now other than a few skills on ninja.
They have their own roles stop comparing And complaining about classes if you have never played them...
- If anything Samurai is closest to rogue.
- You have "One", which is not affected by lag, which jump is. "One" + backflip = more pvp mobility.
- Super jump has no use in pvp, and this is about pvp balance.
- Don't see what this has to do with anything. DKs get a better slow than Dragoons, and Force pull is way better than spear.
-What? Are you crazy? With armor on you would do around 90 per hit, maybe more. I would do maybe 55 to you, if you had armor. Eviscerate, goes through armor, IE 2.5 hearts in one click.
- Ninjas in a group are by design, ment to hunt down and kill the enemy Squishies, IE casters and healers, before the fight even starts.
-Dragoons by design, are ment to do basicly the same thing, except we don't have any damage output, so we end up impaling and waiting for our team to take them down.
- Don't tell me that we are both balanced. You can beat more than half the classes on HC in a 1v1.
- The only reason Dragoon is played so much, is that it is fun to jump around. Most Real PVPers have speced out of it, because it doesn't have a place in organized pvp, or 1v1s.