If I may put in my 2 cents here, the problem seems to lie in kick.
A 5 second silence is DEVASTATING to any class that relies mostly on skills, especially those with little to no armor.
My proposition would be to keep kicks current cost / cool-down but change it's properties from a silence to an interrupt.
This way it could be used situationally instead of an opener. For example, if you see me channeling a bolt you deserve that 2 seconds to hurry up and kick me in the nads to prevent my spellcast. I don't think you are entitled however to lock me down from all my skills with the press of a single button.
I'd say keep the silences skills for Bards/Beguilers (VoidSong/SonicBoom)
Thoughts/Comments welcomed from all.
alexhoff1 @
Aburido_burrito @
uin153 @
monkeyfatzer @