Fallen Cleric (Class):
Passive: 50% Drk damage resist
Passive: 50% Light damage weakness
Passive: Nullify Undead (Smite doesn't do extra damage)
Warriors Rage (Class Passive, Zombie Only)
25% more damage with swords
Sap Sipper
If on grass/dirt/leaves: +50 hp, -1mp
If not on grass/dirt/leaves: +1hp, -3mp
Duel stance
The mob challenges a player to a duel. During this time (lasts 40 seconds or until one dies) both players get 20% damag resist on damage from other, and 5% more from each other. AoE skills bypass this.
200 light damage, 3 range, 3 block AoE effect
Uzi Punch
The mob discard their weapon and rapidly punches a target. Ignoring armor, each lunch does 20 damage and cannot miss (exception being invul and blade grasp) will hit target even if they are invisible or behind a block. 5-10 punches.
These are all from a few month old sheet of paper I found in my backpack. Expect more from me eventually (I found my only notebook too. I'm sure I'll find some in there)