- Joined
- Oct 20, 2012
- Location
- Dungeon Heroes Server
Hrm, add a few mobs but as @whiteninja1970 said, we need skillsIs there a limit to how many one can put forward? Cause I might do nothing but these for a while.....

Hrm, add a few mobs but as @whiteninja1970 said, we need skillsIs there a limit to how many one can put forward? Cause I might do nothing but these for a while.....
Moar... o_oName: Arrow of Light
Effect: Mob X Launches an Arrow filled with light. It strike the target for 25 damage and causes them to burn for 40 damage
Name: Crusher!
Effect: Mob X crushes the target with a great force. The target takes 15 damage and is given slowness 1 for 3 seconds
Name: Reaper's Spirit
Effect: When Mob X dies, all players withing 3 blocks of death get
blindness for 3 seconds and poisoned for 5
Name: Dual Strike
Effect: Mob X strike twice with their weapon. They deal double the
normal melee damage, If the skill is interrupted while attempting this
attack, the skill is canceled and they instead deal 50% of the regular
Name: Dirty Fighting
Effect: Mob X plays dirty. He unfairly strikes at the target, Ignoring
their armor. The target is also stunned until they are hit by this
Name: UnHoly Smite
Effect: Mob X strikes the target with a power similar to that of
Smite. If the target is a Warrior/Rogue they are knocked back 5
blocks, take 50 damage, and are stunned for 2 sec. If the target is a
Caster/Healer they lose 350 mana, and take 40 damage.
Name: Mind Blast
Effect: Mob X unleashes a psychic blast that boggles the mind. All
targets withing 3 blocks get nausea 2 for 5 seconds and are silenced
for 3 seconds after the nausea ends
Name: Power of Blood
Effect: Tapping into the most forbidden magic, Mob X loses 500hp. In
turn they are granted speed 2 for 7 seconds, an extra 20 damage per
melee/ranged attack, and resist 100% of knockback.
Name: Icy Wind
Effect: A cold wind flows from the Mobs location. All targets 3 blocks
ahead an one to each side are slowed and take 20 ice damage
+ is mob, X is place where targets can get hit
I'm just gonna stop now......
If you want me to keep going I will..... I just didnt wanna flood you guys with skills and be the only one putting any forward. I've been thinking of skill and boss ideas for while actually XDMoar... o_o
Dude, worst case we don't use it all, best case we have a ton of skills. Go forth and flood a ton of themIf you want me to keep going I will..... I just didnt wanna flood you guys with skills and be the only one putting any forward. I've been thinking of skill and boss ideas for while actually XD
You might just regret that.......Dude, worst case we don't use it all, best case we have a ton of skills. Go forth and flood a ton of them![]()
Omg... This is awesome o_oRegular Mythic Mobs:
Name: False Strike!
Effect: The mob appears to use a different skill. Instead of the effects of that skill, it does 10 damage, applies a 5 second bleed for 50 damage, and pushed the target back 2 blocks. After the initial damage, it is revealed that this skill was used.
Name: Flash Step
Effect: The mob teleports in a bright flash, blinding player withing 3 blocks for 3 seconds, and appears behind one of them.
Name: Hyper flame
Effect: The mob launches a powerful flame ball at one target. This ball cannot miss, explodes with a radius of 2 (Should be 4 blocks wide) and does 80 damage. The initial target and all players caught in the explosion are set on fire and take 100 fire damage over 15 seconds.
Name: Ice Blade
Effect: The mob coats their weapon with ice. They deal an extra 20 ice damage and slow the target for 54 seconds upon their next melee strike.
Name: Life Drain
Effect: The mob grabs a target, then steals 100 hp.
Name: Shadow Dance
Effect: Requires low light/darkness. The mob uses the shadows to its advantage. It dances around the target rapidly, and then strikes doing it's base melee strike along with 25 Dark/Shadow damage.
Name: Vicegrip
Effect: The mob strangles a target with (Roots, claws, magical sticks of doom, etc). They are stunned for 3 seconds and take 25 damage. During the 3 seconds the mob that strangled them is also stunned and can be hit by the target.
Name: Steve's Lament
Effect: Zombie only. Seeing what they once were, the mob goes into a rage. They lash out at the target with a great hatred. They deal 90 damage and cause the target to deal 20% less damage for 10 seconds.
Name: Cold Skin
Effect: Undead, Snow golem only. Due to their lower temperature, the mob resists cold damage by an extra 30%. They take 5% more fire or lightning damage.
Name: Iron Defense
Effect: Iron Golem, Zombie only. The mob, either by nature or armor, guards themselves well. They take 10% damage from all sources for 10 seconds.
Name: Potato Cannon!
Effect: Potato Zombie only. The Zombie flings his potato at the opponent. It has: 40% chance of poison, 40% chance of dealing 50 damage, 20% chance of healing the target for 50hp (Think Present from Delibird for those who know pokemon)
Name: Backstab
Effect: Zombie or Skeleton only. Having once been an assassin, the mob knows where to strike for efficiency. When behind a player, they deal 200% melee damage, and have a 50% chance to cause a 4 second 20 damage bleed.
Stronger Boss Mobs:
TBBAN: To Be Balanced As Needed
Name: Lunarsault
Effect: This can only be used at night or in low light. Channeling the light of the moon or similar, the caster engulfs themselves in a protective flame. This flame burns anyone who touches it for 90 - 150 damage (Its random how much itll do). Each mele strike by the caster has a 23 - 27% chance of burning the target for 35 damage as well. The flame lasts 7 seconds, the melee strike chance lasts 10.
Name: Striek Raid
Effect: The boss throws his weapon at the target (Could simply appear as a snowball/other projectile). The weapon magically returns to the caster after hitting a target for an armor piercing 80% of its regular damage (More useful against heavy armor targets who would resist its regular strike), after which the boss repeats this action 4 more time against random targets within 15 blocks.
Name: Limit Breaker!
Effect: The boss has reached thier limit. Upon reaching X% (TBBAN) they unleash the last of thier power. They gain 5% resistance to all forms of damage, are immune to slow and knockback, and deal an extra 20 melee/ranged damage. However, the boss gets tired after 20 seconds, and is slowed down by 50%. After 30 seconds the boss can resume Limit Breaker.
Name: Armagedion
Effect: The boss has decided you need to die mroe than he needs to live. He rushes up to a player and binds himself and the player. The player cannot be broken out of this bind (Except thier own skills, no allies or damage). After 2 seconds he explodes with the force of 3 charged creepers (That's a lot right?), the player only take 80% of the damage, and cant be killed by this skill (Only down to 10hp. This only applies to the bound player, other players take 50% of the damage but can be killed).
Name: FlareBlitz (Original aren't I?)
Effect: Shoruded in flames, the Boss throws itself at a target with great force and impact. They deal 150 physical damage, 25 fire damage, and cause the target to get knocked back 4 blocks. The Boss then takes 20% extra damage for 5 seconds.
Name: Aeiral Blitz
Effect: The boss flings the target into the air, then controls the wind around them, causing the target to take 5 - 8 melee strikes, afterwards they are given bleed (TBBAN).
Name: One Hit Wonder!
Effect: The boss rushes a target. They have a 15% chance of knocking the player to 300hp. If they fail, they instead deal 400 damage.
Name: Feign Death (Boss Edition!)
Effect: The boss "dies". He will not drop loot or XP (So attentive players might catch it). The boss then teleports behind one player and strikes then for an armor piercing stike that deals 90% of the damage and heals the boss for 150% of damage done.
@devotedworker I warned you.
Glad you think so!Omg... This is awesome o_o
Well the more stuff we can look at for material, it makes it easyerMobtype: Skeleton Horse with a Wither Skeleton riding it
BossName: Pale Rider
Equipment(Armor/Weapon it holds): Horse has Iron Armor, Wither Skeleton has Iron Armor with Thorns and Protection 2 with a Player Head that makes his head invisible (Headless Horseman)
Health: 1500-2000 (750-1000 x2?) - We might need more here, I felt like underballing it. I would do 5000 for the fun of it tbh (2500x2)
Damage(per melee/or range attack): Horse melee 75, Skeleton shot 55
Skills: I would make the fight have 2 stages (if you can), the Horse and Rider stages...
- [Horse] -
[Passive] DreadAura: Permanent "DreadAura", "Water Breathing", and "ManaFreeze" effect within 4 blocks, but is 20% slower than normal.
[Active] Decay: Applies a DoT that deals 20 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds
[Active] Terror Shrek: pbAoE that applies the "Terror" debuff on everyone within a 3 block radius.
[Active] Dark Reflection: Self Buff that gives 80% reflect damage towards RANGED (Magic and Arrows) characters for 3 seconds. 1 second channel with voice indication, during this buff, passive is disabled and the horse takes 50% bonus damage from Melee attacks.
[Active] Purge: pbAoE that removes buffs from everyone within a 10 block radius, healing by 50 HP per buff removed.
- [Rider] -
[Passive] DreadAura: Permanent "DreadAura", "Water Breathing", and "ManaFreeze" effect within 4 blocks, but is 10% slower than normal.
[Passive] Famine: When attacked, has a 25% chance to apply "Famine" on the target.
[Passive] Lost Horse: Enraged by it's lost horse, he is empowered by darkness. All his attacks for 10 seconds after killing the horse apply Wither II for 4 seconds after being attacks. After 60 seconds, the horse revives with 100 HP, but with the same abilities.
[Active] Shadow Spear: Throws a dark spear of energy that pierces deals 50 damage +50% more damage per amount of targets pierced (if it passed through 3 targets, the 4th target would take 50(1.5) damage)
[Active] QuantumLeap: Its QuantumLeap.
[Active] Chain Lightning: Chain Lightning effect attack dealing 100 damage and then spreads to another target within 5 blocks, can bounce 3 times.
[Active] Create Undead: Creates 3 random undead (Skeleton or Zombie, not Wither Skeleton) with Haste 1 and Strength 1 on them. Creates 1 additional undead for each player killed before this skill was used.
[Active] Thought of Death: pbAoE, every player in a 2 block range of the Rider takes 250 damage, then, after 3 seconds, another 500 damage. 2 second channel warm up with a voice telegraph.
I like over thinking stuff and cutting out work for people. Oops.![]()
But it would be almost impossible for melee classes to killMobtype: Ghast
BossName: Balz'brax The Beholder king
Equipment(Armor/Weapon it holds):None (beefed damage and health
Health: 4000-5000
Damage(per melee/or range attack):75-100
Skill 1: Quivering fear (slowness 3 for 5 seconds)
Skill 2: Expolsive rage ( players will be set on fire for 2 seconds)
Skill 3: Last dying wish ( When Balz'brax has 5% health everyone attacking will have the wither effect till he dies)
The reason behind this boss is cause ive noticed that most the people have been doing Mainly ground mobs except the occasional blaze this boos whould be good for mages and rangers and i think it would be good to make 2 ghast bosses (king and queen) one for mage class gear and one for archer/theif type drops
Fireball DodgeBall of DEATH! >.< Hope you got good aim!But it would be almost impossible for melee classes to kill
NOT TRYING TO HATEBut it would be almost impossible for melee classes to kill
What?Fireball DodgeBall of DEATH! >.< Hope you got good aim!
If you really think that mages and ranger don't feel important then you obliviously haven't had much experience with the classes because they do the most dmg and will be used on all bosses just so they don't take too long to kill. Any boss can be killed by ranged classes, but not all of them can be killed by melee. A boss should be able to be killed by anyone, solo or with a group IMO. They shouldn't need to pay 500s just to switch classes so they have a chance at killing a boss.NOT TRYING TO HATE
It's not ment for melee not everyone wants bosses to be easy lol a challenge is always fun and my thought would be it being in a room with balconies and stuff like that so then melee fighters could fight too but the main focus would be needing an archer or mage for most the damage so then the people who like hanging back can feel important for once, this is called HEROcraft not MELEEcraft if we are gunna have countless of melee bosses its only right to have atleast one or two for mages and archers , From your friendly neighborhood ZERK/disciple - DAS Schminkinator
Regular skeletons already do that. So, damn, they're fast!you guys should make a skeleton boss that shoots an arrow at the player dealing 1 heart damage