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More classes and a dual class system!


Oct 6, 2011
I havent actually played Herocraft but i've seen ppl use the Hero server mod. Also 1.9 is coming up and Potions are going to be big thing.
So i thought of some ideas for classes:

Crafter: Apothecary: Masters of enchantment and potions:
Apothercary Skills;
Potion Craft; Lv1, Cost nothing, Summary; Uses Brewer Stand and (Potion) Cauldron to create potions up to II.
Elixer Throw; Lv1, Cost 1 potion (affects varies from potion,) Summary; Throws Potions for buffs, debuffs, or damage depending on potion.
Enchantment; Lv10, Cost 20 MP, Summary; Uses Enchanter to enhant items.
Toxicity Resistiant +1; Lv10, Cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that increases the amount of potions used at once by 1 to 4 potions at once.
Potion Expertise +1; Lv20, Cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that allows player to craft potions up to IV.
Potency Restistiant +1; Lv 20, Cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that allows player to use potions up to III.
Toxicity Resistiant +2: Lv30, Cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that increases the amount of potions used at once by 1 to 5 potions at once.
Toxicity Resistiant +3: Lv40, Cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that increase the ammount of potions used at once by 1 to 6 potions at once.
Toxicity Resist Accel: Lv50, Cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that allows player to use potions that have multiple affects.
Potion Expertise +2: Lv50, cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that allows player to craft potions that have multiple affects.

Caster: Elementalist: Masters of the elements and spells:
MP x2: Lv1, cost nothing, Summary; Passive skill that doubles player's MP.
Teleporting Eye: Lv1, cost 20 MP and 3 ender pearls, Summary; Allows player to teleport in a 75 radius with 30 cooldown and 5 cast time.
Earthen Tower: Lv10, cost 20 MP and 28 dirt blocks, Summary; Creates 2x2 tower 7 blocks high under target and will dissappear after 20 seconds (15 dirt will return to inventory.)
Fireburst: Lv30, cost 20 MP, 1 gunpowder, and 1 netherrack, Summary; set 2x2 area on fire of choice.
Twin Lightning: Lv40, cost 20 MP, and 2 glowstone blocks, Summary; cast 2 lightning at once in a 2x1 area of choice.
Raging Rain: Lv40, cost 20 MP, and 2 water bottles, Summary; summons rain in a 5x5 area for 15 seconds dealing 1 dmg per second.
Twister Spawn: Lv40, cost 40 MP, and 5 enderpearls, Summary; stuns all being in a 7 radius for 5 seconds and tossing them outward and upward 7 blocks.
Inferno Spawn: Lv50, cost 40 MP, 25 netherrack, and 1 full flint and steal, Summary; creates 5x5 layer of netherrack and lights it on fire over the area of choice (players and mobs will be pushed up.)
Glacier Spawn: Lv50, cost 40 MP, 5 ice blocks, and 10 glowstone dust, Summary; creates a 64 ice glacier to cover enemies over are of choice (will not drop ice blocks or create water.)
Lightning Spawn: Lv50, cost 40 MP, 10 glowstone blocks, and 5 redstone dust, Summary; creates 15 lightning in a 4x4 area of choice.

Cleric: Naturalist: Masters of nature and plants:
Flower Seal: Lv1, cost 1 Flower, 1 bone meal, and 15 MP, Summary; Cast No PvP, and dmg for 10 seconds, and the player it is used on cant inflict damage.
Vine Contrictor: Lv10, cost 2 vines, 1 bone meal, and 15 MP, Summary; deals 5 dmg and roots enemy in place for 10 seconds, and the player inflicted with it takes fourth of all other dmg.
Leaf Guard: Lv10, cost 40 leaf blocks, and 20 MP, Summary; creates a 2x4 wall of leaves 5 blocks high for 1 minutes (leaves can only be destroyed by fire and half of all leaves left will return to inventory if odd number left it is rounder down.)
Cactus Wall: Lv30, cost 21 cactus blocks, 7 sand blocks, 3 bonemeal, and 25 MP, Summary: Creates a zig-zag wall of 7 cactus that are 5 blocks high. (cactus can only be destroyed by fire and sand blocks cant be destroyed, all sand blocks will return to inventory and half the cactus blocks will return to inventory.)
Branch Jail: Lv30, cost 40 wooden fences, 3 bone meal, and 50 MP, Summary: creates a 4x4x3 jail out of fence with a 2x2x2 space in it (all the fence will return after 20 seconds or if broken.)
Tower Tree: Lv40, cost 5 regular sapplings, 4 bone meal, and 30 MP, Summary: creates a 2x2 tree that is twice as high (will disappear after 1 min if in a regioned area that player doesnt have access to build in.)
Pine Swarm: Lv40, cost 5 pine sapplings, 4 bone meals, and 30 MP, Summary: creates 5 pine trees in a 4x4 area, and can toss up players and mob with it (will disappear after 1 min if in a regioned area that player doesnt have access to build in.)
Birch Bridge: Lv40, cost 5 Birch Bridge, 4 bone meals, and 30 MP, Summary: creates a bridge or stairs of birch wood between a gap with max of 25 blocks limits and 12 is going upward or downward. (wont go straight up r stright down, and will disappear after 1 min if in a regioned area that player doesnt have access to build in.)
Yggdrasil Spawn: Lv50, cost 10 saplings, 10 bone meal, and 100 MP, Summary: creates a 3x3 tree that is 4 times taller then normal under you (will dissappear after 5 min if min if in a regioned area that player doesnt have access to build in.)
Garden of Eden: Lv50, cost 10 flowers, 1 grass block, 1 water bottle, and 75 MP, Summary: creates a 7 raduis are of grass blocks with source water block in the middle covered in flowers which negates all PvP, heals 1 hp per second, hostile maps cant c into the area, and last 2 minutes.

Rogue: Scout: Masters of recon and maps:
Warrior: Demolishmen: Masters of explosions and destruction:
Also if you master 1 class u can keep it as a permanent class and another class to choose from!

Dual Class system in detail: Once you mastered your first class u get the option to keep it as a permanent class then start on a secondary class!
The Secondary Class gear will only be the armor that class can wear and the type of weapon specialized for them such as: Theif speciallize in Swords.
You get to all the skilsl from both classes and are able to change out second class at will but you cant ever change your permaclass or reset it!
The extra class might be a bit over the top but i think some ppl might like it! i would :3
Sep 20, 2011
9x9x9 explosion cost by 3 TNT
If this bomb destroys blocks then you're out of luck. Admins and Mods just dont like their server to look like a crater.
And the caster Costs and Effects are WAY op


Oct 6, 2011
Dante the Explosion would be insta repaired (there are plenty of server mods that do that), i guess the caster powers are pretty strong but the cost to get them is the problem! what do u think can be done to fix the spells of the Elementalist? Glacier also wont spawn water if broken but be the a great way to stop large group of enemies and the cost is OP but for OPish move u need a high cost to balance it out :p and 64 ice blocks seems worth it and add some Mana cost to the side.
PS: the explosion if they dont have nsta repair and make explosions not destroy blocks the 9x9x9 radius would be the explosion damage.
PPS: how long does it take from Whitelisters to reply on the Minecraft forum? waiting for the OK
Sep 20, 2011
I dont know if you saw the wiki but if you dont then you should know that to make two blocks of Ice takes 4 Buckets of Water and 4 Snow(The buckets dont stay there...they're reagents too) so...12 Iron Ingots for 2 Blocks of Ice...384 Iron Ingots...To make One.Single.Spell. Not its not worth it. I like the Idea of new classes but the Caster is just out of Balance.


Oct 6, 2011
o really? srry i didnt notice :< i didnt really go indepth with crafter skills just rogue xD lets c. what would be a more effective cost? 1 Block of Ice, some glowstone dust, and a bunch of mana?
Sep 20, 2011
That seems a bit more like it. Well I gtg and idk when the whitelisters will check the application nothing I can do.


Oct 6, 2011
ok. thx! i guess it just takes time :p o well. I mightthink of adding special naturalist moves that correspond to each tree type.


Oct 6, 2011
Updated Naturalist Skills and Dual Class system. Thinking of adding speciality Super Skills which cant changed out like the Perma Class and cost large amounts, take either long cool down or casting time or inbetween. It would be overall an EXTREMELY powerful attack if harsh side effects like: Overheat Max which cost alot of mana, 5 HP, and 1 full flint and steels (full dura so unused) and sets fire over a large area like 15x15 or 20x20 for a 1 minute or 2 minute. what do u think?


Retired Staff
Jul 24, 2011
Portland, Oregon
I'm someone you want to read this, but until the OP gets formatted in a legible manner I will not be reading it or taking any of the suggestions. The wall of text is just too painful. If you really do want your ideas looked at, please take the time to format your post better. use coding tags if necessary, Thanks!


Oct 6, 2011
ok Sleaker revise it, also coding tag? srry i'm not that good at computers yet, i'm thinking of taking a hacking course.

ok Kainzo i'll revise it tommorrow it is a bit sloppy.

Bay, i would have to say no on that. Wizards already have an arsenal of spells at their command, think of giving them a IV potion! I decided that a new class for potions, Apothecary would be the smartest idea to keep potions from becoming common and overused in gameplay. Also Apothercaries only get low grade armor and gear but can use the full extent of potions making them the perfect class for crafting and fighting in one. Also in the reality of it all classes would be able to use potions but to very limted extent such as: can only use 3 potions at a time, or cant use III+ potions. I would hate to c a Wizard pumped up on IV strenght potion and throwing a IV Poison and Weakness potion at the enemy just befor fireballing them. You c how OP that is?


Oct 6, 2011
Revising rite now!
Edit 1: Apothecary skills DONE.
Edit 2: Elementalist skills DONE.
Edit 3: Naturalist skills DONE.


Oct 6, 2011
i dont think so Dante. It seemed like the only use so i thought it make a good move since Apothecaries would be very weak without potions due to low armor, weapons, and HP. Also i think Notch might add that the throwing feature also, i know i would xD


Oct 6, 2011
Alchemist make blocks and such and have a more variety of skills.
Apothecaries can only craft potions, use them to the furthest extent and throw harmful potions. and thats it.
So the different is how specialized they are and what they make.


Retired Staff
Jul 24, 2011
Portland, Oregon
I havent actually played Herocraft but i've seen ppl use the Hero server mod. Also 1.9 is coming up and Potions are going to be big thing.

I probably should have noticed this portion before, but now that I re-read your OP this statement makes me not really want to listen to anything you have listed here. We already have plans to use systems built into minecraft with heroes.


Oct 6, 2011
well i say all crafters should be able to use enchantment tables, but potions are going to be a VERY large amount of crafting. So if Alchemist can make it also would be OP. they could have a passive skill that allows them to use a certian potion or something.