- Joined
- Sep 14, 2015
Age: 17
IGN: BiskitzFoU
Timezone: Australian Standard Time
How long have you played HeroCraft: about 3-4 months
Class/profession and level: Lvl 1 Dreadknight and Lvl 1 Crafter(obvious reasons)
Why do you want to join Misthalin: i want to join this town because I dont want to rough the difficulties of the server alone because we all know this server is much more enjoyable with comrades. I also want to join this town because I need a safe, friendly place to seek a home.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: When I lag 4 when i dont, 8 I dont usually lag that much on this server.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: building is around 8
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have Skype: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes
How active are you on Average per day: avergae? round 3-4 hours but i can be more active if i have the right incentive
IGN: BiskitzFoU
Timezone: Australian Standard Time
How long have you played HeroCraft: about 3-4 months
Class/profession and level: Lvl 1 Dreadknight and Lvl 1 Crafter(obvious reasons)
Why do you want to join Misthalin: i want to join this town because I dont want to rough the difficulties of the server alone because we all know this server is much more enjoyable with comrades. I also want to join this town because I need a safe, friendly place to seek a home.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your pvp ability: When I lag 4 when i dont, 8 I dont usually lag that much on this server.
On a Scale of 1-10, what would you consider your Building Skills: building is around 8
Do you have Teamspeak: Yes
Do you have Skype: Yes
Can you follow the rules of the Town and Server: Yes

How active are you on Average per day: avergae? round 3-4 hours but i can be more active if i have the right incentive