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Megalodon. Does it still live ?

Mar 11, 2013
Megalodon for sure went extinct (not sure when) for two reasons in my opinion;
1) All of the bodies of water Megaladon lived in were poisoned with sulfer and ash during a mass extinction
2) If any survived, they were over fished by people, because a megalodon could feed so many and its teeth were good for tools.

What if they had evolved to the modern day looking shark?
Mar 9, 2013
Maybe the Megalodon lacked adaptability, and when the Ice Age came Great Whites moved to the colder waters, but the Megalodon was forced to stay in warm waters. Thus the Great Whites would hunt most of their prey.

Another thing I found while googling was that the Orcas were grouping up and hunting them down ( they were smaller probably, but highly intelligent ). Or by the end of the Pliocene whales were getting quicker and were harder for Megalodon to hunt ( that's a valuable source of food gone for Megalodon )
What a mystery :p


Legacy Supporter 7
May 18, 2012
In my opinion it is possible that it still lives in the unexplored seas. It is a fact that 95% of the ocean has not been explored or has been seen by human eyes. The megalodon wouldn't live in the bottom of the sea's because it is cold and dark at the bottom when it probably needs heat from the sun.

It is possible that it still lives but it is a VERY unlikely chance that it has because surely it would have been seen or spotted by boats since it stays near the surface of the water.
Jan 15, 2013
Palos Verdes, CA
Things don't say "Oh hey, I want to evolve." It just happens through natural selection - If the environment changes, those that did well before might not anymore, and new traits would become the norm.
Well for one, things cant really evolve. Maybe megaladon adapted to that size, but again, what benefits would that have?


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Well for one, things cant really evolve. Maybe megaladon adapted to that size, but again, what benefits would that have?
The oxygen level on Earth was a lot higher some million years ago than now which meant that the animals back then could grow to an insane size due to the huge lungs. However as the oxygen level fell, all animals on Earth decreased in size or died out (Dinosaurs, huge ass predator dinosaur fish)

Digger 360

The oxygen level on Earth was a lot higher some million years ago than now which meant that the animals back then could grow to an insane size due to the huge lungs. However as the oxygen level fell, all animals on Earth decreased in size or died out (Dinosaurs, huge ass predator dinosaur fish)

So that's why oxygen levels were actually raising right?

Mar 11, 2013
Well for one, things cant really evolve. Maybe megaladon adapted to that size, but again, what benefits would that have?

Things cant evolve? Are you braindead or something?
Fish and sharks,amphibians and a ton of reptiles have evolved over time. Google it.

So how do you explain that they are some fishes that have evolved and can now survive in toxic water? MAGIC???

Heres an example: This is notch when he was 3000 years ago :kainzo: 1000 years ago:shadrxninga: and 200 years ago:Seratt: and here is Notch today :notch:

Notch(my god) has evolved over time since he is 3000 years old... (im such a troll)



Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
So that's why oxygen levels were actually raising right?

I read it in a leksikon about Evolution. It also makes more sense that the oxygen level fell with the coming of humans as we cut down forests for our own use.

Explain this: More oxygen, bigger lungs, requires bigger bodies. Why aren't animals and bugs much bigger now then back then if there is more oxygen now?


Glowing Redstone
Feb 10, 2013
I feel like it most likely doesnt exist because a big predator at the bottom of the ocean would most likely get turned into something the size of a rabbit. Water pressure is a b*tch.
Jun 8, 2013
Unless Remains = Carcass, your logic is flawed^
I expect that the majority of extra-large animals (theres a word for it, too lazy to google and pretend I'm smart) have died off as their food supplies did. The Megalodon would require a lot of food. Ofc, sharks are one of the least changing species according to accepted evolutionary beliefs, so they still retain that badass quality that is so apparent in Mega's.

I hate sharks. Because I feel less confident in the water than on land, when it comes to a fight with one of the few remaining predators that exist for man.
I'd rather 1v1 a lion or a tiger or a bear than tangle with a shark.

Well The Carcass may still have the meat on it. And the megalodon might've tasted crazy delicious


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
If big fishes like that really existed today in "unexplored" areas, what would they eat?
Imagine how much food a fish on that size would require, someone would notice less fish in areas.
(If there is one of those beast there would be many, so then multiply the food needed by amount of fish, and get a huge number).

To compare it with something known. The loch ness lake.
It's prooved that a lake on the size of loch ness can't produce enough food for one single creature on the size of the "loch ness monster" (witch I assume is about the same size, if not smaller).

They're dead, all of 'em.