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Lord_Zango's Whitelist Application


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 23, 2012
  1. Minecraft In-game name: Zangofett2
  2. Location & Age: USA, 19
  3. Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
  4. Referral(s): Mitchodak, Hoodoo2060
  5. How did you hear about Herocraft?: Word of Mouth
  6. Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: No
  7. Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: Yes
  8. Reason you should be accepted: Why not? I like gaming and playing with friends, Minecraft satisfies both of those, what better choice is there?
  9. Reason Edit: What I said applies to both, however. And I apologize for making this short, I did not mean to disrespect the question, I just felt like if I told much about myself it would be like I was gloating, or posturing. I am applying to play with a friend of mine on his Twitch.tv livestream and the idea of taking a sandbox game like Minecraft and mixing it with the MMO style formula. I've been playing Minecraft since the first beta release and have dabbled in everything from Bukkit to Singleplayer mods like Buildcraft, Equivalent Exchange and many more. I also have hosted multiple modded, and un-modded servers as well as participating on several Mega-Build projects. Having the extra challenge of trying to build and survive while avoiding and fighting other players seems to be a fresh take on the game for me. Note: Because of this I do not intend to join any Towns.
  10. Background on Me: I've been born and raised in the Southern USA all my life. I have a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, and achieved a 5-kyu in Aikido, this took me twelve years to gain. I fought in tournaments all over the United States and my team went to the Beijing Olympics, sadly I was not able to attend due to work and financial issues. Some of my hobbies include Anime (I actually prefer Drama, Romance and, Horror genres.), weight lifting, archery, and of course gaming. I tend to be collected, and rational but, I do like to party and I've been told I should be a comedian instead of an accountant, which is what I am going to school to get.
  11. Additional Info: Twitch.tv Broadcaster.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
  1. Reason you should be accepted: Why not? I like gaming and playing with friends, Minecraft satisfies both of those, what better choice is there?
The question was not "why minecraft" but "Why should Herocraft accept you?"
Give us some background on yourself - Why you're applying, what you bring to the server as a player, and a little information about you personally. Are you an astronaut? Ninja? Tech support?
Help us to get to know you.
Edit your application above, and reply here letting me know it has been updated.


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 23, 2012
I have updated my application. Thanks for taking the time to look at it. To be honest, the fact that you actually took the time to look at anything other than my username for Minecraft is surprising and a nice change of pace from what I see on most internet boards.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
Neat, we're twins. Southern US, Taekwondo, Anime!
Any anime recommendations? Favorites? What rank did you attain in Taekwondo?

Just personal interests. Welcome to Herocraft Zango, check your inbox for our server information.

Oh, and yes. Herocraft has very high standards for its members, and our whitelist team is very thorough. Rest assured, I searched the darkest depths of the web looking for a good reason to deny you!


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 23, 2012
Thank you. I was a first Dan Black Belt. I could have gone farther with it but, I decided to pick up the Sparring part of the art instead of practicing the forms and techniques, and then I got a job >_<.

My favorite anime would probably have to be Spice and Wolf. Close followers would be Higurashi and Clannad. If I were to recommend some I would have to say: Mushishi, Ghost Hunt, Bakuman, and all of the ones mentioned above. I actually keep track of all my anime on MAL, if you ever want to look through more of them, my list is pretty long: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Zango

What genres do you prefer? And, did you ever compete in Tae Kwon Do, maybe I saw you or faced you before? Do you still take TKD?


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
I took TKD up until last year, when I had to stop attending to keep my grades up. I competed in some national tournaments held be the USTF/UTA, and placed in a few, but none of the more serious tourneys, and no open circuits.

Mushishi and Ghost Hunt are both great, as well as spice and wolf.
Haibane renmei is one of my favorites. Fam the Silverwing is good in that it's building on Last Exile's story and world, but beyond that it's a litttttle unremarkable. Might just be because Last Exile is my #1, though - Hard to compare.
As for Genres - Anything at all. Really.

Oh, Claymore is kind of good, but I don't think they're ever going to do a second season. Kind of ruins it since the first one is a bit of a massive cliff hanger.


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 23, 2012
I loved Last Exile, it was beautiful, and mysterious. It kept me glued to monitor the entire time, and the world it was set in was beyond fascinating. I never knew they made a sequel, I'll have to make time to watch it. And yes, I have heard about Claymore, almost as good an ending as Evangelion it seems.

I looked over your list, we share a ton of anime. Including Azumangah Diaoh, dear baby Jesus that was one hell of a show to get through. I mean, I thought Lucky Star was mind numbing but, AD showed me, showed me good. Not that I didn't like it though, still was hilarious. And great material for AMV Hell. Speaking of which, have you ever been the Anime Weekend Atlanta? Or watch TFS Abriged series? They just came out with Episode 28 of DBZ yesterday, my chest still hurts from laughing.

And nice on the TKD, placing in even smaller tournys is impressive, from my experience the smaller ones are a bit tougher sometimes because they might pair you up with someone way better or larger than you. For example, during on in South Carolina I did not have anyone in my weight class so I had to fight a large African American man who was in his early 30's and could have been an NFL lineman. Don't get me wrong I'm 6'3" and 200lbs and in good shape but I got my butt kicked. The guy knocked my out cold AFTER I had dislocated his jaw (Which was illegal btw, I got hell for that from coach).

The larger ones seemed to be more structured and actually had a enough people in my class to fight, so I usually did better at those. It was also a good move not to do open circuits. My coach called them grassroots tournys but, I assume they are much the same. They were great ways to injure yourself before the real tournys.

One quick question too, Herocraft server is not updated to 1.2.4 is it?


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
I loved Last Exile, it was beautiful, and mysterious. It kept me glued to monitor the entire time, and the world it was set in was beyond fascinating. I never knew they made a sequel, I'll have to make time to watch it. And yes, I have heard about Claymore, almost as good an ending as Evangelion it seems.

I looked over your list, we share a ton of anime. Including Azumangah Diaoh, dear baby Jesus that was one hell of a show to get through. I mean, I thought Lucky Star was mind numbing but, AD showed me, showed me good. Not that I didn't like it though, still was hilarious. And great material for AMV Hell. Speaking of which, have you ever been the Anime Weekend Atlanta? Or watch TFS Abriged series? They just came out with Episode 28 of DBZ yesterday, my chest still hurts from laughing.
Lord no. I'm as close to a shut in as you can possibly get while still leaving the house when you must. I'd love to attend a convention, cosplay and all, but it would involve joining a horde of people, and probably travelling out of state.
TFS - nope, first time hearing of it =o

And nice on the TKD, placing in even smaller tournys is impressive, from my experience the smaller ones are a bit tougher sometimes because they might pair you up with someone way better or larger than you. For example, during on in South Carolina I did not have anyone in my weight class so I had to fight a large African American man who was in his early 30's and could have been an NFL lineman. Don't get me wrong I'm 6'3" and 200lbs and in good shape but I got my butt kicked. The guy knocked my out cold AFTER I had dislocated his jaw (Which was illegal btw, I got hell for that from coach).
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. One of the last tournaments I went to, there was only one girl in my division, so we were allowed to mix with the boys division for the same age and rank group. I survived, but I took a beating and ended up with a broken leg ._.
The men's divisions are brutal. More recently, I watched the 2nd degree 18+ division, and it was frightening. Those guys are there to WIN, and they break noses and knock each other out to do it. Our group gave one warning for excessive contact, so it seemed that most people's strategy was to go for one devastating attack to disorient the opponent and then finish up with touch sparring for the points. Men are brutal ._.

The larger ones seemed to be more structured and actually had a enough people in my class to fight, so I usually did better at those. It was also a good move not to do open circuits. My coach called them grassroots tournys but, I assume they are much the same. They were great ways to injure yourself before the real tournys.
That's what I was always told. Our instructor said he'd never approve of his students doing open circuit - that they weren't safe.

One quick question too, Herocraft server is not updated to 1.2.4 is it?
We aren't, so you'll need to downgrade back to 1.2 to login.


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 23, 2012
Aww, haha. Anime conventions are fun it's basically a bunch of shut-ins that get together and shut themselves in for a weekend of awesomeness xD. There usually smaller local anime conventions but, I live in Georgia and Anime Weekend Atlanta and Dragon Con are the big ones that are held usually every September. Momo Con is another one but, smaller and hosted in March. I will concede that it is indeed crowded.

Oww, I've broken my foot before but, never my whole leg, that must have sucked royally. And yes, the mens division is pretty brutal. But, I was one of the guys who would try and win by knock-out. I am pretty strong but, lack speed so my best bet was to hit you across the ring until you gave up, haha. I'd never hurt a girl purposefully if she was put in my division, that is just rude. I've fought girls before and while I did not go easy on them, I didn't hurt them and certainly did not break their leg :S.

Shizz, ok, I'll un-patch.

Oh, and:
Hellsing Abriged:

DBZ Abriged:

Don't feel rushed by any means to watch them. Hopefully you will find them as hilarious as I do and can use them for when you need a good laugh.

My friends and I have watched these so much we can nearly quote all the lines from them, haha. Kinda sad really :p. It is fun to type out lines in game chats and see if anyone recognizes them. I take it you play more than Minecraft, what other games do you play?

I jumped on the gaming scene in 1997 when I was only 5, played Mario 64 and Total Annihlation (an RTS). Still prefer RTS style games to this day but, play nearly anything that interests me and that I can afford, haha.

Edit: Hopefully posting those links are not against any forum rules, they seem to have auto-embedded themselves, I was planning to just leave them as URL's to save space.


Legacy Supporter 5
Jan 14, 2011
In a basket
The leg thing was an accident, and as much my fault as it was his :I He was as more panicy than I was, actually, though I was pretty out of it.

I mostly play single player games, since I didn't really have anyone to play with growing up. I was playing final fantasy and other RPGs about the same age as you, starting on the PS1 and N64, and graduating as the newer consoles were released. Highlight of my childhood: Hiding behind the couch WELL past bedtime in order to watch mom and dad play Ocarina of Time in the den :3

N64: Bomberman series, mario series, zelda, pokemon snap/stadium, randoms like Vigilante 8
PS1: Final fantasies, breath of fires, legend of dragoon EVERYTHING. So many games.

Now I mostly play PC, and stick with whatever I'm decent at. Terraria, killing floor, civilization, space empires, XCOM <3
I prefer turn based strategy, though. Empire building and micromanagement. I avoid FPS MP like the plague, since I'm terrible at them. Too competitive.

If you're on steam, add me: search Plelo

Oh, and the links are fine. Our ToS outlines what's against the rules, which is pretty much common sense. No illegal stuff, no other servers, no mature content.


Legacy Supporter 4
Mar 23, 2012

I added you on Steam so, you can see what I play but, Killing Floor = <3. I play a bit of FPS but, not much. Mass Effect as of late and Europa Univ. 3.