MajorasMask it's not all about the loot. Some people just want to
Also, I'd like to see a TNT cannon used as accurately as you say they will be used. I'm not convinced.
Also, you don't need to be a donor to push your community to
kingdom status so you can just suggest people get off of their asses and do it instead?
Alot of people do not like the cost of kingdom and think it's worth the investment. Now it will be. It's greater protection against TNT cannons than obsidian fortifications IMO.
Also, the most practical use of TNT cannons to breach towns will be undergound in tunnels that lead up to the edge of a town. Plus, the most common use for these cannons I can forsee will be underground against undercity walls. A fitting punishment for living underground instead of building both above ground and below like the good old days.