**Reviewing Application**
Here we go.
1. You seem to have quite a history on Battlecraft. I cannot access said pages but pleanty of accusations flung about, and at least 1 ban. Care to explain?
2. You are a member of a
Runescape botting forum, and have posts of bugs, which means you used said bots. How do we know you won't resort to cheating here?
3. Your application needs a little lengthening, and if you read the read BEFORE posting thread, you'd realise we don't need the speical key here. So under additional info, post things like "How can you benefit our community?" or "What do you enjoy doing in Minecraft?".
4. I can find no record of you running any servers? Were these small-scale or just under the radar?
Here are just a few, of many, ways you can utilize to increase your chances of getting accepted:
Be 100% honest on your application
- Use the proper application format
Include all of the information requested
- Post some screenshots of your past creations
- Lengthen your application
- Check your grammar/spelling
- DO NOT just re-post your previous application
- Make a great first impression
If you follow these tips, chances are, you will get onto the Whitelist.
After you have improved your application via editing, reply to it saying it's been updated.