@AdminsDonated 10$ for Tier 1
Updated you in-game!Donated 20![]()
PromotedJust donated $200 for T9
Generally speaking, we update it in game immediately - I announced it also in game but you were offline, your supporter rank has been updated on the forums as of now!Used the fail safe link and haven't had a reply back since Thursday. I just want confirmation that you guys got the donation. (considering the amount.)
Got you!Donated 50$ for tier 5
(From Tier1-Tier5)
Updated youDonated 20 for T6
Granted@Kainzo I spoke with you on discord a few days ago. I donated $20 two years ago but never claimed the benefits due to rl circumstances. I'd like to redeem them for my gf, as I originally intended to do. Her IGN is Lyssalass.
Amount was $20, receipt # 2622-2296-7617-9145 transaction date 5/30/15.