Age: 16
Time Zone: CST
How long have you been playing on HeroCraft: Over a year, since March '11
What is your experience withTekkit mods: No experience, haha!
What is your favorite Tekkit mod and why: I don't know anything about Tekkit, unfortunately!
Which Tekkit mod is your 'area of expertise': None of them!
Can you lead a group to finish a project or would you be better with a strong leader: Yes, yes I can. If I am shown/told what to do of course.
Reason you should be accepted: I was told by Barnubus to apply so that I could help her/you all build the spawn to the Tekkit server/world.
Additional Info: I just want to help build the spawn/whatever else needs to be built and test whatever needs to be tested of course!
Time Zone: CST
How long have you been playing on HeroCraft: Over a year, since March '11
What is your experience withTekkit mods: No experience, haha!
What is your favorite Tekkit mod and why: I don't know anything about Tekkit, unfortunately!
Which Tekkit mod is your 'area of expertise': None of them!
Can you lead a group to finish a project or would you be better with a strong leader: Yes, yes I can. If I am shown/told what to do of course.
Reason you should be accepted: I was told by Barnubus to apply so that I could help her/you all build the spawn to the Tekkit server/world.
Additional Info: I just want to help build the spawn/whatever else needs to be built and test whatever needs to be tested of course!