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Herocraft & You

the wolfe

Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 18, 2011
There is a run on sentence above.

yay i've been noticed by a official grammer nazi, now to find my long distance muffins and scare the brown carp outta someone:cool: but seriously i really need to work on my grammer maybe soon enough my knowledge of the vast vocabulary of the english languge will improve in a quite positive manner.
yet an idiot who talks with big words is still an idiot


Ancient Soul
Staff member
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
Great to see this thread heat up :)

Damn I miss the runecraft plugin. How about vanilla 1.9 with just runecraft? :D
Dear god yes. I would run to that server and probably never return.


Apr 25, 2011
I'd say Herocraft is awesome because of the community, I've made some great friends through towns I've joined and the people I have encountered. I'm slowly losing steam on the actual mine craft server, It's slowly losing its appeal but that's probably because I've logged so many hours on it. I still try to remain immersed in the community as best I can though.


Jun 21, 2011
Reasons to log in: Work on and see large projects come together, horde supplies of renewable resources for my shop while waiting for the duel crafter/combat change.

Looking forward to: New systems in place to manage more radical PvP elements. Fine tuning of server. Incorporation of future minecraft versions. The day when a group put together the "Las Vegas Strip" of Herocraft.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 17, 2011
Orlando, FL
I wish we could see the opinions of everyone who's left or doesn't play on the server on a lot of these topics hit upon from various people.


Jun 29, 2011
The players and the uniqueness of this server is why I keep coming back. all of you make this game so fun to play, whether I fuck around in o chat with random people or spam brutal with sexual harassment :D


Legacy Supporter 2
May 30, 2011
Well... I took my first steps in minecraft on Herocraft. I saw minecraft from a friend posting screenshots of it. And it looked really cool, so i asked my dad, gave him $15 and he bought it. I was already whitelisted on Herocraft before i even bought minecraft, so when i bought it I instantly went on HC and i took my first very few steps in minecraft. Good times, my first town i joined was Oasis which was terrible, so i left that and joined DarkForge, its where i met that awesome Guy named Capn_Danger, after about 4-5 days i was escalated to TIC. I also remember when i met gabi(?) he joined Darkforge and i was the one to show him around.... (Damn i feel like an old member).

After another 2-3weeks the dreaded map wipe came, I was very excited because Danger, Fuckingsoup98 and I already had plans for the next "Forge"; Skyforge, I came up with the idea of it and we already were going to start it the map before, but we heard about the map wipe and stopped. The second the map was wiped we took out the explorers costumes from Halloween, tightened our belt, put on our hats, and we explored the new and really fucking laggy generating world. We eventually found the spot and then the first rollback on the map occurred, so everything we did for that day was lost and we started over in a different area, it's surprising enough that entire space where skyforge stood was once uneven mountainous terrain, we flattened it and started building the temporary crap, This is where i met Diavolo1988 who is still an awesome active member. Fuckingsoup and I built the middle tower, and Capn_Danger and Soup built the roads, we gave out our free 10x10 plots. I can't even remember how many times i wish i had safefall in skyforge.

I built a home and sadly enough I went inactive from Herocraft for about 3-4 months, then I came back and was happy to see Diavolo never burned down my home, but i did see one of my greatest friends on Herocraft went inactive; Capn_Danger, I came back to Steamed becoming mayor. He couldn't stay mayor for long because he had another town he was mayor of, that's when Domitius took over and became King of KoE, I was overjoyed that my little Skyforge became the Capital of the Kingdom of Edolas. But again all good things must come to an end, new ideas need to be born. Kainzo was planning another map wipe. I was very sad this time because i didn't even really get to enjoy Skyforge like I wanted to... I never burned down Diavolo's home, or turn his lava into obsidian. His house was ugly in skyforge but one of the first homes there. So time passed and the Map Wipe came which was born into the pvp - madness it is today... Zeal brought new adventure to HC with the Heroes plugin, I became the first Healer during that 5 second uptime I CnP'd it in. Afterwords i began to set out for helping find where the first town of SSS be laid down, Arcadia was my first town in the new map, which i found about 4-5 stacks of coal for within the first hour of the map being up. Trinitydown wen't inactive so i decided to leave the SSS and I joined D101.

In D101 i met that "other" Neo; Neotetro, I was astonished by the buildings of D101, it was probably the most beautiful town I've ever seen on any of the HC maps, and the most secure. I asked Neo where i could build my home and I chose the plot next to Apherdite's home that never really got finished and it was mainly left there for show. I built my sexy home, and I stayed in D101 for awhile. I mastered Healer while in D101 and i chose Druid where i got to level 36 and switched right before Kainzo announced the classes are getting mining exp, I facepalmed and moved on to my Warrior class to never touch Healer ever again. This was a bit of a time jump to when I joined up with KoE again and started up Skyforge which very quickly became unappealing to me, I soon met the Treecreepers and I hated them at first then I talked to them through Mumble and realized they were cool people, and they were just bringing another challenge to Herocraft, they brought a lot of pvp to HC and stalled server projects, made everything harder for everyone. I liked that, and this led up to where I am today, I may be leaving Skyforge and passing mayor to someone else, someone i can trust with my .49c and my gold stash.

But Orange you never really answered the question you just told us a story about your time on Herocraft and a damn good but long one.

Well... I'm not really sure what keeps me here on Herocraft, I don't know whether it is the community of people and the awesome staff members or just the fact I've been here for... about 10months almost 11 months. (My 1 year is on November 25th). But I believe it may be both of those reasons that lead me to stay here in this wonderful place.

*Thanks for reading!*


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 26, 2011
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
I logged on to Herocraft for the first time after PineappleChicken pestering me at school that this was the best server ever, and I was a bit reluctant. But I decided to give HC a chance, but I had very low expectations. When I spawned, I'll admit, I was a bit confused, but then I got a grip on how everything works, and I loved it right away. Herocraft, is more than a simple Minecraft server, it's taking a previously bland game, and spicing it up to the max. I tried to go on to other servers after HC, but they weren't good enough, and all I could do was resort to trolling. (20 minutes in I had the troll title next to my name XD) I realized that HC is unique, Heroes adds something to the game that can't be recreated, and that's why I come back. To play enhanced Minecraft, but not only that, in a group of people working together to build, sell, buy, and mine, which all comes together to form a community. And Herocraft has the best community that Mincraft has witnessed.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
I got into Herocraft thanks to my long time friend Darroes, he told me about this great game called 'minecraft' that I had never heard of, and at that time I was bored of playing warcraft becuase it turned to shit, so I thought I would give it a try.

At first I only played single player even with Darroes nagging at me to come try herocraft, but I was having to much fun, eventually one day I was at his house and I looked over at his screen and saw him walking through a town he was part of (Madlum lol) and I realized I was missing out.

I applied for herocraft, joined the server and then applied to be part of madlum, but the leader never got back to me, and then madlum died. Thats When Darroes and I started Light's Hope, which lead to Ordo Olympus and Tempest.
Since then I have never been able to stop trying to run a town, and it seems to be on my mind far to often, I always think I could of done better then what I did, so I am constantly trying to improve upon my towns (sometimes completely restarting (old/new tempest).

During my stay I have met a lot of great people on this server, and I am sure there is lots of great people I am not close enough to yet, but I always seem to be to busy to just hang out and talk to people in game, maybe thats something I will need to work on lol.

So I suppose what keeps me here at Herocraft is my constant need to better things I have already built, my friends, and to be honest, I couldnt see my self playing anywhere else. I see a lot of staff and players sacrificing so much to make this a great server, and I feel a great need to do my part.


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 7, 2011
I like the people here. But also I look forward to the thrills of mining, finding gold, iron etc.


Queen Bee
Jan 12, 2011
I like that this has turned into a thread about experiences in Herocraft :)

I remember before we brought Herocraft out officially, we played on 2 maps before-hand, and I had absolutely no fathomable idea of what the server would become. Our first private map was really gorgeous, it was a lush green biome with hints of sand around the land - this was when it was just Kainzo, Bosnic and myself. I remember having no idea what the 'objective' of minecraft was. I didn't understand the toolbox or how to make anything, even after Kainzo explained it to me several times. I eventually resorted to the wiki, until it came time to build a house. While I was digging a little staircase through to a future mineshaft, Kainzo was busy on the surface, building us a lovely wood house. I returned to the surface and was astonished. "How do you make a house?!?!" I asked. I had assumed you had to put blocks into the toolbox in the shape of a house and it would give you a pre-built one (haha)... Yes, I was really that much of a noob.

But after a week on that map, we decided to move on - our seed ended up being an entire map of only snow, which got old pretty fast. Not to mention, Bosnic's ex-friend (he ended up being a total douche) griefed the hell out of our castle and my floating up-side-down pyramid, so we hocked that map.

We decided that we really wanted to make the next map our live map, so we generated several until we found a spawn-area we really liked. We discussed with the 3 other people playing what we wanted to do with the map, and decided we liked the idea of a city where we had roads and plots for houses. So we brought the very fresh server live with only a pathway into the future city explaining the rules and our sweet Runecraft to keep us from going crazy and getting lost. We posted our SMP thread and immediately got a few people to join us. We terraformed a flat city with a huge lake and castle at the helm, and we began setting up plots. Kainzo claimed the castle as his "abode", and I claimed a small plot directly next to the castle and built my first ever home in Minecraft.


And a castle that Alator built his Lands directly next to! :) It was nice having neighbors.


We were at a point where the most people on at any given time would be 6, but we really wanted to increase our player-base, so we began more actively recruiting players. We had many 'incedents' on this map, such as Hannebal destroying half of the houses in one row of the town with a giant dirt placement (like Neo, but much smaller scale ;] ). But Kainzo and I decided we would like to hire more staff, so we brought on our very first moderator - Aiuax - who quit due to the massive issues in the game, and claimed he would come back during beta. While we did have many, many good times on the DH City Map, what with BuddahHoppers Super-Gay Throwdown hosting, bugged chickens stuck under the city and a large influx of new players, and we wanted to branch out on what our server was about, so we introduced player-run towns. So spawned many lovely cities such as Addanc, Mercury City, Duushdale, and Deepholme.

http://forums.disposableheroes.net/index.php?showtopic=7069 - Sweet, innocent Algebraic.


The Halloween update came and ruined everything, so we created the next map, Kingdom. This map is honestly a blur to me. I do recall that we still had Runecraft in, and I had a primary house in the side of a mountain and a room of probably around 25 teleporters for each of my houses in each town. But I do remembers some of the bigger names, like EIC, Sovereign Hollows, and a couple other towns. This was before anyone was allowed to know what kind of power the admin's held - we didn't want to ruin their innocence. We kept this map for several months, before moving on to Sanctum.

Oh sweet Sanctum. After we announced the map wipe, Kainzo, TheTXlibra, myself and a select other few worked tirelessly on the Sanctum Spawn tower - all done by hand! Most of you probably remember Sanctum like it was yesterday, but for those who don't, Sanctum was the main safehaven of the map. It was a ground-to-sky tower made originally of obsidian and glowstone. I'm sure anyone who played this map can attest to the joy of, after each death, running down the tower again ;). Sanctum map did hold many exciting adventures, including the server's battle with hackers, griefers and thieves. There was a large gathering, for the first time, of evil players. And the Monarchy of Blasphemy was born. Now, Blasphemy players weren't all 'bad-seeds', like you may be thinking. Many of them were good players just wanting to have fun, but we had issues with many of them, and after their Combat Highlord was banned (After 5 chances, mind you), the Monarchy fell apart, and a new, sad excuse for a clone server was born from the ashes. We don't talk about that place here. But after many months of Sanctum fun, and sucking the land dry of resources, it was time to move on, once again.

If you haven't been here with us since October 1st, 2010, you can only imagine just how far we've come. But we're closing in on Herocraft's One Year Anniversary. It's a celebration bitches!

[Yes, I know I left out a lot, but too much has happened within the last year to recount all of it, but if you want to relive the fun of the past - before we moved to these forums, you can visit forums.disposableheroes.net]

TLDR - It's been a hell of a ride, LONG LIVE HEROCRAFT!!


Queen Bee
Jan 12, 2011
Oh yes. We had someone come in, hack in fire and burn down half of duushdale and a few other places. There was also mass duping, and thievery :p


Legacy Supporter 2
May 30, 2011
Damn, sounds like a nice guy. I wonder how he hacked in fire though =P

I don't really have other history, other than He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was a complete douchebag.

Nice Edit @Apherdite =P