- Joined
- Sep 30, 2012
1. Minecraft IGN / Age: PancakeHeroXii - 14 years old.
2. Position applying for: Herald
3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: About 2-3 months
4. What's your favorite color?:Green Mostly. Sometimes blue, depends on my mood.

5. Timezone (please use GMT if out of US): EST
6. Do you have a youtube/twitter (Account)?: Youtube: PancakeHeroXiiHC -
7. What are your areas of expertise?: Making videos, making youtube backgrounds w/ photoshop and editing videos<intros, color correction, and basic editing>.
8. What sites do you frequent that you would recommend HC on?: MCF. Youtube. Maybe facebook.
9. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I would love to become a herald and be able to help out the server and make it more popular!