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Suggestion Healer Specs and More


Oct 22, 2012
Get your facts straight! XD

I admitted to being wrong. Don't be an asshole LOL XD OMG HEHEHEHE

Im a max wizard and feel cleric is overpowered. Any time a cleric can essentially just run around and absorb damage without even considering attacking, and then win when the other player runs out of many is crazy. I was able to get all of my combos and skills off in short succession 2 times in a fight because of replenish and still lose.

Casters, aside from Pyro, really stand no chance at all against a Cleric. The only thing you can do is either hope the Cleric makes a mistake, or run away using skills like root, web, and piggify until time runs out, ending in a draw.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 31, 2011
Now, I could be wrong, but I'm fairly positive that Kainzo himself has stated that HC isn't balanced based around 1v1. 2v2? I'm willing to bet a Sammy and Ninja duo would beat, let's say, Ranger and Cleric. That's a little bit of an unfair example, but the point is that just because there is a Cleric on one team, doesn't ensure victory. It because almost an entirely different game when two Players can focus on one enemy and dump all of their skills. 3v3? That's even more variables thrown into the mix.

It seems to me that the more players that are involved in a fight, the less of an impact a Cleric's 1v1 capabilities have.

But no, you apparently want to judge Cleric based on 1v1 skirmishes. >.>

Shall we judge Paladin as well based on skirmish? Sure, why not?

-Paladin does 58dmg compared to Cleric 47 hoe damage with Might. So a Paladin beats Cleric in terms of melee.

-Paladin's armor reduces a whopping 72% compared to a Cleric's 52%. Obvious winner.

-Paladin has 1055 HP, compared to Cleric's 955. It's a small margin of 100hp.

-Mana is where Paladin loses out to Cleric. Paladin only has 135 mana compared to Cleric's 218.

-Skills. This is where it gets tricky. But it seems that Paladin has multiple damaging skills with other effects, compared to Cleric's Smite that does 100dmg with no added effects. Paladin also has less healing skills, but makes up for that with skills like Disarm, Shield, Divine Stun and Shield Reflect. Let's also not forget that Paladin also has Invuln.

It should also be noted that in a 1v1 Skirmish, Paladins can use just about all of their skills aside from Taunt. Can't say the same for Cleric. Ampul is useless and a bad skill to begin with. Revive does nothing. Clerics can use Group Heal, but why spend 25 mana for 210 HP when you can spend the same mana on chant for 350 HP?

So based on that comparison, and the fact that Paladin's have beaten me (60 Cleric) in skirmish, would you say Paladin is OP? I mean, if Cleric is OP, and you're basing that on skirmish 1v1s, why wouldn't Paladin be considered OP as well?
-Yea, Pladin got better melee damage, but those 9hp don't really matter in a real fight.

-Paladin got better armor, yea. Have you ever seen how many classes who bypass armor?
most of them actually do, only rogue specs and warrior specs deal meele damage witch get absorbed by armor (healers and casters don't really dela meele efficient (except pyro)).

-Yup, paladin got more hp, but those 100hp is not too much..

-again, yea. Cleric got more mana, witch make them being able to heal more. And again, survive LONGER..

-Paladins got two pure damage spells, bash and strike. Bash is around 90hp, and strike is around 70hp, while smite does 100hp..
Disarm don't really matter against healers or casters, ninjas backflip away the secound you disarm them, dragoons jump away, samurais use windwalk and run away. Another warrior spec would just disarm you back, and you're as far..
Shield is only useful while fighting mobs, or in big group fights.
Divinestun is great, however it's hard to cast on someone due to the warmup..
Shieldreflect is also good, this is the paladins best spell, and does most against ignorant people, who don't see that the paladin use this skill.
Invuln is not really too useful, this cost 4omana (witch paladins seems to always lack), and make you able to pray one more time..

-You can't say that a class is less good than another, because it's based on group fights, therefore skills like revive and groupheal don't matter in a skirmish, but has to be concidered while thinking about balance.

-What I would concider as the paladins best skills is reckoning, conviction and soulfire.
After using conviction and soulfire, you got 45% mana left (or so). reckoning const 20 mana, while pray cost 25.
Therefore you otfen use pray instead.

-After all, I would concider Paladin as a good class, but not as good as cleric.
Cleric got a bit less damage, but they rely on mana, and not stamina (thinking about damage). Paladins can use strike + bash then be unable to sprint, while clerics never loose their ability to sprint.
A class don't get good becuase it has many skills it can use..

However, this thread is about healer specs, just felt like a clarificaition was necessary.


Nov 29, 2012
I haven't had a chance to test out balance yet, STDs. I'm hoping to mess around with it today once the server is back up.

At a glance, I see great potential for it. The only turn off for me is a lack of hp bars for one's group members. This will make it a tricky skill to use effectively, especially in the middle of a group battle. I'll let you know what I think of it after I've had a chance to use it in a few situations.