What is your IGN (case sensitive)? xXCrazzyJXx
How long have you played HC? Not very long just recently started my buddy Volkaine wants me in town so we can dominate in pvp and hang out.
How old are you? 25
Why do you want to join Windhelm? To hang out with Volkaine and Khallancat, though I must say I'm an avid gamer and that I have alot to bring to a table.
Other Towns you were part of? None pretty new to Herocraft.
What class are you? Currently rogue and crafter

Future spec plans (class and profession)? Undecided, alot of the rogue specs look very attractive, also I really want to be a smith but I can be whatever we need too.
How often are you active in game? Just started, so it'll depend on my schedule for now, I have 2 kids so life can be busy but as long as Volk is around I'll try to be pretty active

Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Totally! Someone's gotta keep that city floating.
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? Abso-lutely!
Have you read our rules? Yup yup. Traitors get skorned. Follow authority figures