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Hamlet: Solitude


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011

"Only the brave may enter"

We at Solitude have no alliances, giving our members complete freedom over who they wish to hunt down or trade with. We want our members to have as much fun in this game as possible, and any pvper knows how frustrating it is being aligned with every single town on the map.

The township is run by Farroes and Darroes. We have been running townships since the Sanctum map so we are quite experienced. Our prior towns include Light's Hope, Ordo Olympus. Tempest, New Tempest, and Kamino.

*insert picture of town here*


1. Do not kill any town mates
This rules should be fairly self explanatory.

2. Follow all server rules
Again, self explanatory

3. Do not mine from anywhere in town, but the designated mine.
Always mine AWAY from town so there is not random mine shafts leading into town

4. Respect your fellow town mates.
Punishment for breaking this rule may involve a small fine, up to and including banishment from the town. Don't be a douche to your town mates!

5. Defend the town.
If the town is being raided do anything you can to protect the town and its citizens, report to leader ship any security flaws you see so they can be addressed promptly.

6. Help out around town
There is a lot of work to be done around town, and we need all of you to do your part, Darroes and I cannot build this whole thing by ourselves. (see town projects below)


1.Glass Box around town
-lower glass box to the level it as at the front gate

2.Dig out Chasm o' Death
-dig out chasm in front of town

3. Apartment Hallways
-we need someone to make the apartment hallways look a little better

4. Donate
-the township can always use coin and rare blocks. All donations go towards taxes, buying materials for builds in town, and paying for services rendered. Every little bit helps!

5.Harvest Obby
-we currently only need about 4 more stacks of obby for the runes above town


Want to join us here at Solitude? Fill out the application!
*please note we are currently only accepting 1 mason to town, anyone who has a pending invitation to town is still welcome to join*

Time zone:
Classes: (eg. warrior/crafter)
How long have you been on HC:
Why do you want to join:
Will you help with town projects:
Do you understand and agree to all town rules:

--Citizen List--

If you are a citizen of the town and do not appear on this list please tell Farroes/Darroes in game!

Farroes (temp mayor)
Darroes (Mayor to be)
Whiteninja1970 (sic)

If you go inactive for an extended period of time we understand, just let us know before hand and your stuff will be saved. Inactivity is considered longer then a period of 2 weeks. I will be taking screenshots of peoples valuables who go inactive, and storing there stuff in a safe spot until they return if there plot needs to be cleared. The only way to save your plot if you go inactive is to inform management before hand.


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
pics will be up in a few days, gonna redo this whole page when I am not sick anymore


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
updated town page a bit, still need to get some screenies in there.


Jul 16, 2011
San Jose, CA
Congrats, Ive also been looking through your town regions and Ive noticed there are people on your regions that are citizens of other towns. Get the screenies after you finish :p


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
yeah we have a few citizens i havent added to list yet. Thanks for the heads up though, appreciate it! You should join us btw :p


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 29, 2011
Town's coming along well so far. Still a lot of work to be done though. I've gotten a lot done on the townhall but we're going to need a whole lot of iron blocks still to finish off the outer shell haha.


Aug 9, 2011
IGN: corlark
Age: 15
Time zone: EST
Classes: (eg. warrior/crafter) healer / crafter
How long have you been on HC: Approx. 8-9 months
Why do you want to join: Seems like a cool town, I like the 'freedom' type of thing, and also, not too many members so it isn't crowded.
Will you help with town projects: Mhm
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Mhm.
Referrals: None.


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 6, 2012
IGN: oo00lost00oo
Age: 28
Time zone: GMT 10+
Classes: (eg. warrior/crafter) Warrior L: 7 / Merchant L:2
How long have you been on HC: Under 1 month
Why do you want to join: I am looking for a town that is honest and hard working, and that deal with all others on a level Field (no alliances) I was also in a town that i didn't like so much, thief's ran around like they owned the place, and wasnt very nice,
Will you help with town projects: I will all the time, i help all the time in my current town, and enjoyed helping
Do you understand and agree to all town rules: Yes i do, But would love to know what are Taxs and stuff like there.
Referrals: None sorry :( Unless you speak to the town im leavings citizens

Thank for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you,


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 13, 2011
ooo0lost00ooo your accepted contact myself or Darroes in game to get added. Also to answer your tax question, its 20c a week. Vote twice and its paid for :p

Welcome to Solitude!


Legacy Supporter 6
Feb 6, 2012
ooo0lost00ooo your accepted contact myself or Darroes in game to get added. Also to answer your tax question, its 20c a week. Vote twice and its paid for :p

Welcome to Solitude!
thats awesome.. im online at random times, tried joining your channel, But it wouldn't let me lol.. will try to catch you online when i can,,