Name: Schmitlab (Dillon IRL)
Age: 24
How long have you been playing Minecraft? Herocraft?: About a month. About a month.
How did you hear about Mith? From my buddy Downfall325
Class/Profession? (please include levels and intended class/profession if not specced yet.) Level 4 noob. Haven't really decided what i wanna be yet but if there's anything that is Paladinesque then most likely that. And for proffs probably Blacksmithing or something along the lines of that.
What is your primary interest in Herocraft? (Pve, Pvp, Building, Mining.): Everything interests me honestly. Most likely a good balance of PvE and PvP since i play a lot of WoW

Why do you want to join?: I love playing games with friends and i'm always looking to make new friends as well and from what i've heard from Downfall this is a great town full of a bunch of kind people so it's sounds like a good fit for me.
Do you agree to follow all town rules?: Absolutely
What other towns have you been a member of and why did you leave?: None
Do you have a Mic/Can you join TS?: Yes already have TS downloaded because it's what my guild in WoW uses

Tell us about yourself!!: My name is Dillon and i live in Canada. I'm currently in the works of becoming a Border Service Agent and also starting to take some computer programming classes. I obviously have played hockey my entire life and still continue to play it. As stated above i play a lot of WoW and love the guild like environment. I have a 90 Prot Paladin and love everything about Paladins for some reason (I'm a Paladin Junkie). That's pretty much the jist of who i am but if you'd like to get to know me better i'd be more then happy hop into teamspeak and chat with you