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[Hamlet] Glaciem [KO] [28] [Honorable Evil] - Recruiting


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 2, 2011
Quick Update:

UnderCity has been cleared! Feel free to pick out a plot, just mark it with your name on a sign and then get building! Regarding any form of building code, we don't want to restrict you too much but just make sure it looks good. Fitting in with the theme of things would be nice IF possible. (11x11)

Work has begun on digging out the farm area below the UC.. So if you are feeling hungry, don't complain. Grab a pickaxe and help out! (Thanks to all those who do!)

We will soon be starting on a town wall/ring/marked boundary myself and Upb34t are still open to suggestions so if you fancy yourself a builder try making some designs on a creative world and PM'ing me and Upb34t the pics via the forums or Skype

Regarding Skype, could I please ask that everyone changes their Skype name to their IGN. I understnad this can be difficult for some people if they use this Skype as their personal Skype but if possible, please do!

Security has been good lately, with our new redstone torch lifts and such. Just a quick reminder to remember to replace redstone torches! Also, don't mine your way out of Glaciem! This will only create raiding routes for people..

TS has been made, try and get on whenever you can. IP - dhts.zapto .org PASS - dhrocks
A Glaciem TS pass will be made soon! To find out what it is just ask around in /ch gl :)

I am hoping to have more town events, get you all active. Maybe team raids? Inter-town competitions etc..

On that note! We will need a PvP arena, probably located on an ABOVE water plot. If you have any smart ideas contact myself or Upb34t and we will try to mark our a spot for it.

The Bank is yet to be made, that needs to be done please ASAP. In the meantime feel free to sell all your gold to me at my Panorama shop :)

On a final note, please light up around/in/on top of your houses!! We want to limit the amount of mobs spawning in the UC as much as possible!

Good job with everything guys keep it up,

<3 Trop


Glowing Redstone
Dec 10, 2011
Quick Update:
The Bank is yet to be made, that needs to be done please ASAP. In the meantime feel free to sell all your gold to me at my Panorama shop :)
Or sell ya gold to me when Im online I shall be minin soon so I can make gold shops aswell (to lazy and watin for Warshard) :p
P.S. GAHWD you love Colors @Troppicz


Feb 27, 2012
1. IGN: NautX
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: exactly 1 day
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate): Seeing as I have been playing minecraft for only 1 day and such...and my good friend Steven_B (who is also acting as somewhat of a mentor...as much as it pains me to say...) is a resident of your town, I see no better place to start my eventual deathgrip on all that is minecraft >8D
4. Towns you've been in: none...im homeless...
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: umm...cuz i may or may not have a few select members of your family locked inside my basement? Is this considered a threat? You decide :D
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: no idea, about as much effort as i put into anything else....which is OVER NINE THOUSAND % !!!!
7. Referrals / Warrantor: Steven_B
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: i once stole a tree...but the charges were dropped....
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC: ive only been playing a day....
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: i do and im mostly always on...but dont expect me to be too talkative...sometimes its better not knowing wat im really saying....

Welp...anything else u need to know about me before im in? my bloodtype? maiden name? employment history? thats an easy one actually...anyway...yea...umm..........:confused:?


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 2, 2011
Ahahaha a very nice app, despite not much experience in Minecraft, Steven assures me he can keep you in line :)

Welcome to Glaciem! Get with myself or Upb34t (or Steven? xD) in game :D


PS. Reviewed your Herocraft app as well xD


Feb 25, 2012
1. IGN: Bagzy95
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: Herocraft - about a week. Minecraft - when it came out( played on classic)
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate): I am looking for a town with nice community, and Glaciem seems like a good choice.
4. Towns you've been in: I've been in some unregistered town, didn't stay long.
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: I like building/designing structures and I am dedicated to my projects. I also like PvP.
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: My playtime here will be 90% spent around towns projects.
7. Referrals / Warrantor: I don't have any, except myself.
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: None.
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC: Depends on my chores, on weekends I'm pretty active(5+ hours).
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: Yes I do, every time I'm online - my skype is on.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 10, 2011
Congratulations, you've been accepted :D

1. IGN: Bagzy95
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: Herocraft - about a week. Minecraft - when it came out( played on classic)
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate): I am looking for a town with nice community, and Glaciem seems like a good choice.
4. Towns you've been in: I've been in some unregistered town, didn't stay long.
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: I like building/designing structures and I am dedicated to my projects. I also like PvP.
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: My playtime here will be 90% spent around towns projects.
7. Referrals / Warrantor: I don't have any, except myself.
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: None.
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC: Depends on my chores, on weekends I'm pretty active(5+ hours).
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: Yes I do, every time I'm online - my skype is on.


Feb 25, 2012
1. IGN: Kirabo
2. How long have you been on Herocraft & Minecraft: A bit less than a week on this server, a few years on minecraft. Like Bagzy, I've been in the whole story since MCC.
3. Why do you want to join our town (please elaborate): Not certain how you'll understand this, but Bagzy was the one who recommended this town to me, and 'tis the main reason that I'm joining. Otherwise, from what I've read, it seems like a mature and pleasant enough community to play in, and that's something I like.
4. Towns you've been in: Again, like Bagzy, I've been in a single unlisted town, but that is all.
5. What do you think makes you indispensable for Glaciem: This town seems a place for serious builders, and I consider myself one of those. I put heaps of detail into everything I do, so much so that some people call me awkward. I also know the game mechanics quite well, and thus am a well-off PvPer.
6. How much effort are you willing to put into the town: Pretty much all my time will be divided between building in this town, gathering materials for this town, and PvPing for this town. I'll call it a 100 percent.
7. Referrals / Warrantor: Bagzy. (Getting a bit annoying, heh.)
8. Any case of town theft / rule breaking before: None, SIR.
9. How much time do you usually spend on HC: If I'm playing Minecraft, I'm playing it on this server. And I play a lot of Minecraft.
10. Do you have skype and can you get online frequently: I do. And if my computer is online, my Skype is, as well.