Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I will not be as active on HC anymore 
I wanted to add a few names that made my active times the best. @Shadownub @Sigpit @madsplatter @Jayzy3 @Aburrido_burrito @Leeness @HolyRane @SonOfAGunner and finally @Lastivity and @The_Player_189
Though I will pop in-game and forums.
I will be on the server not nearly as much.
This may last 1 week 1 month 1 year or even forever (copied from Shaddywallpoo)
I'll be gone for nearly 2 weeks starting on Tuesday and after im not sure when I will really become active again.
Anyways just letting the few that care, know.
<3 - P5

I wanted to add a few names that made my active times the best. @Shadownub @Sigpit @madsplatter @Jayzy3 @Aburrido_burrito @Leeness @HolyRane @SonOfAGunner and finally @Lastivity and @The_Player_189
Though I will pop in-game and forums.
I will be on the server not nearly as much.
This may last 1 week 1 month 1 year or even forever (copied from Shaddywallpoo)
I'll be gone for nearly 2 weeks starting on Tuesday and after im not sure when I will really become active again.
Anyways just letting the few that care, know.
<3 - P5