Say me Dielan Audie Ironee Rob Gab all went on a PK spree, we'd start from zeal in this situation and scout around and setup a camp near some big structures, then start hitting it one at a time, then come in force if we see resistance, once or two of us stay behind and gaurd the camp. If we get wiped out, we come back and try again. If we want to keep resources (because we're so ''hardcore pvpers'' we have time to build stuff, RIGHT? no.) then we'll move them to a far away location. That's just part of it imho. I think it'll just make things more interesting to see people be ALLOWED to retaliate pretty well against raiders. Not this crap about people in townships being overran by 3-5 bandits when we have 10-15 people on.
I'd also like to say this is a poor example but you get my point. And finally -- Arcadia specifically has mostly non-crafter based classes -- it's just most of the pker's we fought were paladins and just taking turns on ''invulnerability'' against us and the ones on CD were fleeing then recalling if needed to. They were using every effort to gain advantage why shouldn't we be able to at least destroy (and pillage them back?) their beds, chests, and other goods they rightfully stole, and we rightfully steal back. Those types of items shouldn't be bannable by keeping. Hell we should even be able to fill their holes (if they're lazy) back up with other materials so they gotta show some effort in attacking us.
It's not hard. It'd take 10-15 minutes to get back to Arcadia from Zeal, another 10-15 making a place to attack us from on the outskirts. 100 or 200 maybe more blocks away. These guys just don't need to run rampart and cause people to have terrible times playing something that should be fun or exhilarating. PVP can be fun and enjoyable -- if done right. Spawn Camping and being able to mindlessly steal / zerg because we can't retaliate by bunker busting if need be, is just retarding the system. Make things more intricate and things will be more exciting. I gaurentee it.
If anyone who PK's 'amok' the wilds of Herocraft disagrees with this, then it is in my honest opinion you're just trolling and/or a pussy. Show some effort since you obviously don't want to mine or build creatively with a town. Even if you're in a town, that makes it easier to use the system this thread's achieved so far in laying out as far as changes go.
You can't say 'break a bed and replace'. Walking back isn't a harsh enough punishment against raiders that we can do in retaliation. For a very simple reason, it takes us hours to 'farm' the materials we get, but it only takes them minutes to walk to towns. IF that.
I can also be the first(?) to suggest that small structures that can be built or small caves shouldn't be considered griefing if they took <10 minutes to build. or so. I'd deem anything 'small' as <25 blocks x <25 blocks. This is the same regioning prowess you get as a donor, so anything smaller than that should definately be griefable in the wild if it appears to be a raid camp. (As in multiple beds of small or big parties of raiders) -- if it looks like someones house and has a sign saying such, maybe leave it alone, unless you chase a bunch of raiders back to it and the signs' lying
. Only structures using real building materials and show effort should even be considered when observed @ for griefing issues. And ALSO structures that are in the process of being built.
Regardless, leniency is our most powerful tool against them at the moment.
I'd also like to say this is a poor example but you get my point. And finally -- Arcadia specifically has mostly non-crafter based classes -- it's just most of the pker's we fought were paladins and just taking turns on ''invulnerability'' against us and the ones on CD were fleeing then recalling if needed to. They were using every effort to gain advantage why shouldn't we be able to at least destroy (and pillage them back?) their beds, chests, and other goods they rightfully stole, and we rightfully steal back. Those types of items shouldn't be bannable by keeping. Hell we should even be able to fill their holes (if they're lazy) back up with other materials so they gotta show some effort in attacking us.
It's not hard. It'd take 10-15 minutes to get back to Arcadia from Zeal, another 10-15 making a place to attack us from on the outskirts. 100 or 200 maybe more blocks away. These guys just don't need to run rampart and cause people to have terrible times playing something that should be fun or exhilarating. PVP can be fun and enjoyable -- if done right. Spawn Camping and being able to mindlessly steal / zerg because we can't retaliate by bunker busting if need be, is just retarding the system. Make things more intricate and things will be more exciting. I gaurentee it.
If anyone who PK's 'amok' the wilds of Herocraft disagrees with this, then it is in my honest opinion you're just trolling and/or a pussy. Show some effort since you obviously don't want to mine or build creatively with a town. Even if you're in a town, that makes it easier to use the system this thread's achieved so far in laying out as far as changes go.
You can't say 'break a bed and replace'. Walking back isn't a harsh enough punishment against raiders that we can do in retaliation. For a very simple reason, it takes us hours to 'farm' the materials we get, but it only takes them minutes to walk to towns. IF that.
I can also be the first(?) to suggest that small structures that can be built or small caves shouldn't be considered griefing if they took <10 minutes to build. or so. I'd deem anything 'small' as <25 blocks x <25 blocks. This is the same regioning prowess you get as a donor, so anything smaller than that should definately be griefable in the wild if it appears to be a raid camp. (As in multiple beds of small or big parties of raiders) -- if it looks like someones house and has a sign saying such, maybe leave it alone, unless you chase a bunch of raiders back to it and the signs' lying

Regardless, leniency is our most powerful tool against them at the moment.