First off I'd like to thank the herocraft community for maintaining a respectable stance against griefers, and running a damn good server and doing a damn good job at it.
Secondly, I'd like to discuss some scenarios which make the current griefing laws a little less than noteworthy.
Shortyy_od come's to Arcadia. He kills me, loots my tombstone, takes chests/signs/beds I had. Weapons. Etc.
Other raiders, friends of his, and them, continously do this. As well as Spawn Camping in my bedroom and Drevarius's bedroom -- which went unpunished.
We all know how you can kill, loot, then recall out so you face no imminent threat whatsoever when you jump someone. We know how laggy pvp can be and how it's pretty much nonsense. Usually the person giving chase has the advantage due to mechanics which I care not to explain. Basically when you stop, they just automatically hit you, even if you dodged what you saw on your screen.
Point is - they take our items, and place them in the world.
What does this do? How does this effect griefing as it is? Well let's say they stole items I had on me. Then placed them in a tunnel they dug straight down and out near our town. Those items can no longer be touched, they're now theirs. Permanently as long as the game world exists, until THEY remove them. OR report someone for griefing their bed in which case they get it back. (I was just spawncamped writing this while afk in my house :> isn't herocraft fun?)
Basically. My point is, if someone places a thousand beds all over the game world, and they're stolen YOU CAN BE BANNED FOR IT.
That's a tad ridiculous, I think the griefing rules should allow lee-way for destroying 'raiders' camps, obvious structures that are small, took no time to build, or are just hallowed caves with chests/beds/signs in them. They're pointless objects that take 1 minute of RL time to build. Only actual houses/lodges/structures should even be taken into consideration when pulling the griefing rule IMHO.
As it is, the PVPers have the advantage, they want to keep something they stole, they just place it in the game world, anywhere, and it's permantently theirs even though it was us crafters/hard working citizens who choose a different lifestyle to make said materials.
Now I know if we take away that ability - that means crafters/miners would have the advantage of being able to get their materials whatever means you'd grant us as a boon to do so, which is why I'm going to make it clear that I'm not. I'm simply stating the fact that if raiders want to take a serious stance on raiding, they should take the time to build structures as we do nearby and assault us from a fortress. Small camps should not be protected by standard griefing rules. No matter how many beds you can shove in a small cave with signs and small chests. They should not be considered griefing unless you actually built a structure beneath or above ground. Or placed walls, doors, etc.
I was rolled back and punished because I broke 12-16 beds about 25-30 blocks away from Arcadia's Barracks and took the chests and signs back they stole from me. Every sign there had names of the raiders that were constantly spawn camping and recalling to their cove. With our tombstone resources and such. It should only be fair that we are allowed to root out small 'encampments' like these without retaliation from the same people who ALREADY ''harrass'' us constantly by pvping us when we're in the middle of trying to develop the new map, throw fireballs at us while we're on ledges, push us off, and otherwise PK us in our own rooms without changing our spawn.
You know why they don't? because it's good exp to place a camp 45 seconds walk away, kill me 5 times, recall with your 2 paladin friends, and do it every 5 minutes. They know we can't defend ourselves and these guys are trolling as hard as they can within the rules. Which is why I think they need to be heated up and bent a little to be reforged.
If you agree, reply here with thoughts and opinions. Oh... And I'll attach some cool pics of SC'ing at it's best after I edit this post.
Also--I do realize this allows "PK Griefers" more leeway because they'd be able to steal your beds, but even if they took our beds and chests. They're replaceable and it'd give me more of a reason to complain when they don't break our beds and spawn camp.
Secondly, I'd like to discuss some scenarios which make the current griefing laws a little less than noteworthy.
Shortyy_od come's to Arcadia. He kills me, loots my tombstone, takes chests/signs/beds I had. Weapons. Etc.
Other raiders, friends of his, and them, continously do this. As well as Spawn Camping in my bedroom and Drevarius's bedroom -- which went unpunished.
We all know how you can kill, loot, then recall out so you face no imminent threat whatsoever when you jump someone. We know how laggy pvp can be and how it's pretty much nonsense. Usually the person giving chase has the advantage due to mechanics which I care not to explain. Basically when you stop, they just automatically hit you, even if you dodged what you saw on your screen.
Point is - they take our items, and place them in the world.
What does this do? How does this effect griefing as it is? Well let's say they stole items I had on me. Then placed them in a tunnel they dug straight down and out near our town. Those items can no longer be touched, they're now theirs. Permanently as long as the game world exists, until THEY remove them. OR report someone for griefing their bed in which case they get it back. (I was just spawncamped writing this while afk in my house :> isn't herocraft fun?)
Basically. My point is, if someone places a thousand beds all over the game world, and they're stolen YOU CAN BE BANNED FOR IT.
That's a tad ridiculous, I think the griefing rules should allow lee-way for destroying 'raiders' camps, obvious structures that are small, took no time to build, or are just hallowed caves with chests/beds/signs in them. They're pointless objects that take 1 minute of RL time to build. Only actual houses/lodges/structures should even be taken into consideration when pulling the griefing rule IMHO.
As it is, the PVPers have the advantage, they want to keep something they stole, they just place it in the game world, anywhere, and it's permantently theirs even though it was us crafters/hard working citizens who choose a different lifestyle to make said materials.
Now I know if we take away that ability - that means crafters/miners would have the advantage of being able to get their materials whatever means you'd grant us as a boon to do so, which is why I'm going to make it clear that I'm not. I'm simply stating the fact that if raiders want to take a serious stance on raiding, they should take the time to build structures as we do nearby and assault us from a fortress. Small camps should not be protected by standard griefing rules. No matter how many beds you can shove in a small cave with signs and small chests. They should not be considered griefing unless you actually built a structure beneath or above ground. Or placed walls, doors, etc.
I was rolled back and punished because I broke 12-16 beds about 25-30 blocks away from Arcadia's Barracks and took the chests and signs back they stole from me. Every sign there had names of the raiders that were constantly spawn camping and recalling to their cove. With our tombstone resources and such. It should only be fair that we are allowed to root out small 'encampments' like these without retaliation from the same people who ALREADY ''harrass'' us constantly by pvping us when we're in the middle of trying to develop the new map, throw fireballs at us while we're on ledges, push us off, and otherwise PK us in our own rooms without changing our spawn.
You know why they don't? because it's good exp to place a camp 45 seconds walk away, kill me 5 times, recall with your 2 paladin friends, and do it every 5 minutes. They know we can't defend ourselves and these guys are trolling as hard as they can within the rules. Which is why I think they need to be heated up and bent a little to be reforged.
If you agree, reply here with thoughts and opinions. Oh... And I'll attach some cool pics of SC'ing at it's best after I edit this post.

Also--I do realize this allows "PK Griefers" more leeway because they'd be able to steal your beds, but even if they took our beds and chests. They're replaceable and it'd give me more of a reason to complain when they don't break our beds and spawn camp.