Read up on the guides and new systems! Here.
    View the LIVE Map here @ hc.to/map
    Stuck or have a problem? use "/pe create" to to open a ticket with staff (There are some known issues and other hotfixes we will be pushing asap)
  • Guest, Make sure to use our LAUNCHER! Read more here!

How To Getting Started - WIP


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Welcome to...
Credit to Herocraft Founders/Admins for Rules and Getting Whitelisted Sections, Domitius for Terminology, and Galaxial for a large portion of the Useful Commands section.

Table of Contents:
I. The Rules

II. Getting Whitelisted

III. Terminology

IV. Beginning Your Journey

V. Useful Commands

VI. Other Mechanics and Aspects

I. The Rules
For the full version of the rules, check with the thread below. This will not always be 100% up-to-date.​
For full rules, go here.​
For our Terms of Service, go here.​
You may not:
  • Build/Mine within 100 blocks of a town without Mayor's permission.
  • Abuse glitches/game mechanics
  • AFK Macro'ing
  • Modify/Hack your client
  • Harass players and/or staff
  • Pixel art viewable from the online map
  • Multiple Accounts
  • Redstone Circuits that cause massive lag
You may do the following:
  • Trade anywhere on the map
  • Loot chests
  • Loot a player's corpse
  • Destroy rare blocks (Consists of: Emerald Blocks, Diamond Blocks, Gold Blocks, Mossy Stone Brick, and Cracked Stone Brick)
  • PvP
Town-Specific Rules
  • Personal Regions fall under towns
  • Any use of town power for malicious intent
  • Looting chests (If not a member of town)
  • Removal of unwanted intruders via lava
  • Breaking into otherwise impenetrable areas
  • Destruction of a player's structure without repairing damage
  • Placing blocks in/around another player's structure
  • Leaving any abusive messages
  • Teleporting players to you in order to kill them
Chat Rules
  • Giving unwanted attention/discomfort to another player
  • Impersonation of Herocraft Staff
  • Any form of solicitation, excluding services indigenous to Minecraft or Herocraft
  • Must use English in main channels (Includes e-bonics and poop)
  • Spamming, begging, whining, etc.,
  • Encouragement of rule breaking
  • Discussing religious/political views
  • First Warning: Warning received
  • Second Warning: 3-Day suspension
  • Third Warning: 1-Week suspension
  • Fourth Warning: 1-Month suspension
  • Fifth Warning: Permanent ban
  • Staff have the right to escalate punishment


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
II. Getting Whitelisted
For the Original Post of this info, go here.​
For advice on your Application, go here.​
NOTE: Your application will be reviewed within 24 hours. Acceptance time varies case-by-case, depending on if you do as the Proctor asks expediently.
  1. Be sure to read the Server Rules, found above, or here.
  2. Vote for Herocraft - It's not required, but is appreciated; you can do that here!
  3. Special key = {HCxy}, where x is the first letter in your IGN (in game-name) and y is the number of characters in your IGN. Example: Notch's key would be {HCN5}
  4. Read up on the server. Herocraft is a unique server and we code some of our own plugins. This means new players have a lot to pick up on. The best way to do this is to read up on our Wiki, a wide-ranging guide to all matters Herocraft. Be sure to read up on our brand new game-changing plugin - Heroes.
  5. Fill out the following application and post it in our Applications forum!
Minecraft In-game name:
Location & Age:
Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when):
How did you hear about Herocraft?:
Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?:
Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?:
Reason you should be accepted:
Special key (DON'T LEAVE BLANK!):
Additional Info:
NOTE: Do not do the following:
  • Post on other people's applications, unless a Proctor, Mod, or Admin
  • Contact Staff about your application, you will be ignored/rejected
  • Bump your application; Be patient, it will be reviewed


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
III. Terminology
Herocraft has some terminology that not everyone will understand. Here is list by Domitius , edited by me.​
Bastion - The name of the Main Map's spawn city. Also the name of this Map Era.​
Chest shop - Sign shops are automated shops set up by Crafters that can buy and sell various goods. Left click on them to sell to the shop and Right click on them to buy from it.​
Citizen - Someone who belongs to a town.​
Coin - The lifeblood of the Economy, Sometimes you referred to as just "c". You can check your wallet by typing "/money" into the Chat Box and send money by typing "/money pay [playersname] [amount]"​
Donor - People who have donated to the server, they receive different perks for each level of Donor.​
Greylisted User - A player that has not been whitelisted, and has limited permissions when it comes to chat and building/mining.​
Help Chat - Help chat is where players ask questions and other players answer and try to help you out. Shortcut is "h".​
Heroes - The Class Plugin developed and used by Herocraft, made with Combat Classes and Crafter Professions.​
HeroWiki - A wide-ranging guide to all matters Herocraft. Click Here to explore!​
Herogate - A Herogate is a portal located in spawn to take you to a set destination or world. Each portal details its destination.​
LWC - Lightweight chest protection system. These are used to lock your chest(For a fee) so only people you choose can have access to the chest.​
Nexus - The Multiverse's teleportation hub, it allows you to teleport between Warshard and Bastion.​
Offtopic Chat - Offtopic chat is the general chat in the game. If it doesn't belong anywhere else it ends up there. Note, all chat rules still apply.​
PE - Short for Petition. They are used to contact Admins or Mods about issues you may experience. For example, if your house is griefed, stand at the site of the grief, and type /pe new My house was griefed​
Region - A set area of protected blocks that can be purchased by any player, though Donors Tiers 3+ receive a discount, and larger regions. Also used by towns, for a fairly large area to be used by the Town itself. Right and left click with a piece of Coal to detect if there are regions.​
Spawn City - This is where you first spawn at in the Bastion world. It is centered around the coordinates 0, 0. As the center of the map, it has quests, a Black Market, and the Nexus.​
Staff - Coders, Designers, Balance Team, Heralds, Architects, Guides, Proctors, Mods, and Admins; These people are tasked with different responsibilities in order to keep Herocraft up and running.​
Trade Chat - This is where players talk about trading blocks, items, gold, and services. Shortcut is "t".​
Tour Chat - The chat channel for new players to seek help from Guides and other players, it is accessible through /ch tour. It is also the only Global channel a greylisted user can use.​
Warshard - The map mainly for greylisted users, anyone can mine and build in this Free For All map. Careful, though; Griefing is perfectly legal in this world!​


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
IV. Beginning Your Journey
[anchor=IV-A]Section A[/anchor]​
Upon first logging in, you will find yourself in a small room, with a hallway leading out of it. Follow it out, and you will have taken your first steps through Tutorial Island. Make your way through, reading all of the signs that you see, in order to gain wisdom about the server and its rules.​
Once out of this beginning section, go through the path given to you. You will reach Profession Village, where you will be able to walk around and take a look at each of the Crafter Profession Specializations available to you. Make sure to look at all of these, as it may very well impact your choice later on. Once done with Profession Village, you will get to the Combat Paths area. Speak to Monk Drea, and he will be able to explain what the next step is. You will go around and speak to all of the 4 Path Masters, and return to Monk Drea. Then, you make your choice in what Path you wish to be, and talk to the selected Path's Master.​
After this, head on out of this area, and take a look at the other important things on the island. When you're ready to leave, go through the Maze out by the water, and you will make your way to 2 Portals. One is for Whitelisted members, the Bastion Portal. The other is the Warshard Portal, for Greylisted users. Go through whichever portal applies to you, and have fun on your new journey!​
[anchor=IV-B]Section B[/anchor]​
So, you're ready to choose your Heroes Classes? Here's a brief rundown of the basic commands for Heroes selection.​
  • /hero choose <Class> - This is the command to choose a Combat Path. The options for this at the beginning of the game are Caster, Healer, Rogue, and Warrior.
  • /hero profession <Class> - This is the command to select a Crafter Profession. At the start of the game, the only option for this is Crafter.
  • /hero confirm - This command is to be used after each of the above commands, in order to finish the selection process.
  • /hero cancel - This command is to be used after one of the first two commands, in order to cancel the selection for that class.
  • /hero reset - Use this command very wisely. It will permanently reset any progress you have made in the Heroes plug-in; Any and all experience, levels, and masteries in all classes, Combat and Profession, will be lost. Again, this can't be reversed once performed.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
V. Useful Commands
Here is a list of commands that are beneficial to a player's life on Herocraft. Note, staff commands will not be documented.​
General Chat Functions:​
  • /rules - Generates a basic set of rules for quick reference. Please use the Rules above for the full version.
  • /motd - Shows the Message of the Day shown when you log in
  • /who - Displays a list of all online players
  • /getpos - Displays your current coordinates in your chat box
Channel Usage:​
  • /ch list <Page #> - Lists formed chat channels, with nine per page
  • /ch who <Chat Name> - Lists online players in the named Chat
  • /ch <Chat Name> <Password> - Joins the named chat, or if already joined, sets the chat focus. Password not always required
  • /ch leave <Chat Name> - Leaves the specified chat channel
  • /tell <Player> <Message> - Sends a Private Message to the named player
  • /ch ignore <Player> - Ignores all future messages from the named player
iConomy Commands​
  • /money - Displays your current coin balance
  • /money rank <Player> - Displays the named player's rank in the economy
  • /money top <Amount> - Displays the highest <Amount> of richest players; Names and balances
  • /money pay <Player> <Amount> - Sends the specified amount of money to the named Player.
Heroes Commands:​
  • /hero choose <Class> - This is the command to choose a Combat Path. The options for this at the beginning of the game are Caster, Healer, Rogue, and Warrior.
  • /hero profession <Class> - This is the command to select a Crafter Profession. At the start of the game, the only option for this is Crafter.
  • /hero confirm - This command is to be used after each of the above commands, in order to finish the selection process.
  • /hero cancel - This command is to be used after one of the first two commands, in order to cancel the selection for that class.
  • /hero reset - Use this command very wisely. It will permanently reset any progress you have made in the Heroes plug-in; Any and all experience, levels, and masteries in all classes, Combat and Profession, will be lost. Again, this can't be reversed once performed.
  • /skills - Lists your available skills
    • /skills <Prof|Prim> - Lists your available Profession or Primary skills, respectively.
    • /skills <Class> - Shows all skills for the named class
  • /hero armor - Lists the armor you can use
    • /hero armor <Class> - Lists the armor that the named class can use
  • /hero tools - Lists the tools you can use
    • /hero tools <Class> - Lists the tools that the named class can use
  • /skill <Skill Name> - Performs the named skill
    • /bind <Skill Name> - Binds the named skill to the named item. If item, right click to use skill. If a block, left click to perform the skill.
  • /hero verbose - Toggles Experience/Mana gains in chat
  • /hero who <Class Name> - Shows all online players of that class
  • /hero whois <Player> - Shows the Classes and levels of the named player
  • /level - Shows your current Combat, Profession, levels, and experience in Combat class
  • /level toggle - Changes between the Combat or Profession Levels/Experience to be shown on the Minecraft Exp Bar
  • /mana - Shows your current out of total mana
  • /hp - Shows your current out of your total health
HeroBounty Commands:​
  • /bounty list <Page #> - Displays current bounties of online players
  • /bounty view <ID> - Views information about a certain bounty
  • /bounty accept <ID> - Accepts the specified bounty
  • /bounty abandon <ID> - Gives up on the named bounty
  • /bounty new <Player> <Reward> - Sets a new bounty on the named player for the set price
  • /bounty cancel <ID> - Withdraws a set bounty from the list of available bounties
Petition System:​
  • /pe new <Message> - Creates a new PE
  • /pe list - Lists all open Petitions made by you
  • /pe list closed - Lists all of your closed petitions
  • /pe view <PE ID> - Displays your petition and any comments that have been added to it
  • /pe comment <PE ID> <Msg> - Adds a comment to the specified Petition
  • /pe close <PE ID> <Msg> - Close your Petition and leave a closing comment
NOTE: Use the PE system wisely, not as a place to complain. Do not message staff to check on your petitions



Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
VI. Other Mechanics and Aspects
[anchor=VI-A]Section A[/anchor]​
We have a few different other communication systems apart from in game or these Forums. Here are a few things that you may want to keep noted:​
  • Teamspeak: Our Teamspeak IP is ts.hc.to. As for the password, ask in game and it will be given to you.
  • IRC: We have an IRC channel, which you can access with this link, or the Chat tab at the top of the Forum.
  • Other Sites: Our lovely Herald Team has made a few different things for the use of Herocraft.
    • Herocraft Blog: A Blogspot made for Herocraft, by Herocraft, it has some updates, fan-art, and basic Town information.
    • Google+ Page: A page on Google+ used to convey some information about Herocraft, or just share videos.
    • Facebook Page: A place for Herocraftians to gather together and chat, post pictures, and such from the comfort of Facebook!
    • YouTube Channel: A place where Heralds upload videos of and for Herocraft, whether it's a tour of spawn, or some Events!
[anchor=VI-B]Section B[/anchor]​
So, you've worked by yourself for awhile now, and you probably want to play with a group of people, establishing your place in the world. Well, with Towns and Guilds, you can!​
  • Hamlet: The first stage of official development for a town. They are granted a 4-chunk radius region, requires an original payment of 5,000c, and a weekly tax of 400c.
  • Town: The second stage of a town, you are granted a 6-chunk radius region of protection, requires an original payment of 15,000c, and a weekly tax of 500c.
  • City: The third stage of township development. They are granted an 8-Chunk radius of region protection, require an original payment of 20,000c, and a weekly tax of 700c.
  • Capital: The first step in establishing a Kingdom. This will grant your Township a 10-Chunk radius region of protection, requires an original payment of 30,000c, and a weekly tax of 1,000c.
**Each of these also require different amounts of different materials.**​
[anchor=VI-C]Section C[/anchor]​

On top of killing mobs and players for Combat Experience, you can perform Quests. These can be found in Bastion, and reward you with some money, and a few hundred experience.​
  1. Find a quest giver withing the Bastion spawn area. Some of these are Knight Edgar, the Postman, or Lor Lightcut.
  2. Approach the NPC, and right click it. Read what it has to say, and go into /ch l (Local Chat). When it asks if you will help them, respond with "Yes" in the previously mentioned channel.
  3. Go and perform the task given to you. For example, collect and return 15 leather, kill 20 mobs, etc.,
  4. Return to the Quest giver with any requested items, and tell them, in /ch l, "Yes" when they ask if you have what they need.
  5. At this point you will receive the set amount of Experience and money.
  6. Most quests are repeatable every 24 hours, with a few exceptions.
[anchor=VI-D]Section D[/anchor]​
Herocraft uses a different Healing system than what is found in Vanilla Minecraft. Here, your Hunger Bar becomes a Stamina Bar, used for Heroes Skills for the Rogue and Warrior classes. So, if you eat the foods listed below, you will get a temporary heal buff, with the length depending on what you eat. During this temporary Heal Buff, sprinting or going into combat will cancel it.​
  • Cooked Meat
    • Steak, Pork, Chicken
  • Baked Goods
    • Bread, Cookies, Pumpkin Pie
  • Plant-Based Foods
    • Apples, Watermelons, Potatoes, Carrots, Mushroom Stew
[anchor=VI-E]Section E[/anchor]​
The Heroes Plugin is quite expansive, and the core of this server. There are 4 different Combat Paths, each with 4 different specializations, also known as specs. Then, there is the profession side of things, which deals with Crafter-based classes, with a current total of 9 Crafter Specs. The link, hc.to/wiki, can take you to our Wiki, which contains a larger database of information on the classes. Also, patch notes can keep you up to date with the latest changes in the game.​
/bind <Skill Name> will bind the named skill to the currently held item for quick use. If it is bound to an item, right-click with it. If the skill is bound to a block, left-clicking will activate the skill. This can be easily undone with /unbind on the bound item. Commonly used for COMBAT skills.​
For normal skill use, use /skill <Skill Name> to activate its use. Commonly used for UTILITY skills.​


Nov 12, 2012
Wow, that's pretty comprehensive and easy to understand, well done! Wish you'd had it up a few days ago when I was trying to figure this place out :D


Legacy Supporter 8
Oct 19, 2011
Awesome work haha this will help a ton of people out[DOUBLEPOST=1353365187,1353365155][/DOUBLEPOST]This could also go on the wiki maybe?


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Wow, after chatting with Davros_ yesterday, I did wonder about the info available to guides - and here it is, yay!

A few suggestions:
  1. The Rules - are already in two places (Forums and Wiki) - and these two versions differ. While I absolutely agree that the best thing is to put the words in front of readers and not require them to click on a link, setting up a third list, that will be even more vulnerable to not getting updated when the others do/DON'T, is a dangerous path to be taking ...
  2. The Wiki - is NOT "the most up to date source of information on Herocraft" (it's taken me a bit to come to terms with this, lol) and I think we should stop calling it this. Maybe a better description would be "a wide-ranging guide to all matters Herocraft". Fact is, the Wiki will never be up-to-date - unless it is updated by Kainzo and the coders at the time that they make changes to the game's mechanics. And that ain't how it works.
  3. There are already several very out-of-date stickied threads in the Guides section. If/when this thread gets stickied there, the others should be unstickied to reduce confusion.
Haha, Falker57 , of course most of this material is already in the Wiki! However good lumps of it aren't and would be very useful in the Wiki. TheMormon , I trust you'll be fine with me trawling the OP for material for the Wiki? Thank you.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Noted, I'll be doing updates as I see fit with what I need to do and what is brought up over time this weekend. Many thanks for the compliments and advice. :) And of course, Witch. Anything to help the community.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 10, 2012
Did we ever get a ruling on emerald blocks?
I've never heard them explicitly called griefable, I was under the impression it was still only gold and diamond

Also, it would be useful to say that people can dig into your base, as long as they replace blocks behind them, in the section of things people are allowed to do


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Unless they are listed, they aren't griefable. Though I think we will add them to the list as griefable in the near future.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Unless they are listed, they aren't griefable. Though I think we will add them to the list as griefable in the near future.
Oh, I thought it just hasn't been touched - It said that Iron and Lapis were still griefable there, and I thought I heard something about Emerald. :eek:
Also, it would be useful to say that people can dig into your base, as long as they replace blocks behind them, in the section of things people are allowed to do
I already have that covered in the griefing section. ;)


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Both versions of the rules:

The following actions are permitted:
  • ...
  • Destruction of rare blocks outside of towns and Spawn.
    • Rare blocks consist of diamond, gold, emerald, cracked-stone brick and mossy stonebricks.


Legacy Supporter 9
Jul 15, 2012
Under petitions, I suggest adding:

/pe view [PE ID] - Displays your petition and any comments that have been added to it.

Btw, in the Wiki I've been using this convention for brackets in commands: square brackets for [required variables], round brackets for (optional variables ie a page number). I've been avoiding angled brackets because of the widely-accepted convention of using these to designate <URLs>. Your thoughts TheMormon TeamShovel ?