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Suggestion Friendly Fire

Aug 6, 2011
I'd like to see friendly fire implemented. I think turning FF on would allow for a higher skill ceiling and encourage larger groups of players to require some teamwork and skill to play effectively. With FF off you can bash your friends brains in w/o worry, which seems wrong, and creates a significantly lower skill ceiling.


Holy Shit!
Sep 4, 2012
Republic City, Earth Kingdom
I'd like to see friendly fire implemented. I think turning FF on would allow for a higher skill ceiling and encourage larger groups of players to require some teamwork and skill to play effectively. With FF off you can bash your friends brains in w/o worry, which seems wrong, and creates a significantly lower skill ceiling.
Would kill AoE skills/classes, and make group fights horrid.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
Party leaders can toggle on and off intra-party combat as they please.
Aug 6, 2011
People don't seem to be comprehending that this is a suggestion.
In other games with FF enabled, the aoe classes do just fine btw.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
I understand that it is a suggestion, I'm saying that if the parties wish to have the higher irritation of hitting each other then they can in fact do so.
Aug 6, 2011
Its a suggestion about making the game more about skillfully organizing a party, rather than just inviting everybody and spam attacking all over the place.
Helps more skillful people defeat larger numbers of people.
Aug 6, 2011
I see far too often , in my opinion, groups of people that apparently do nothing but hunt lost souls and/or solo people. This doesn't seem conducive to a fun atmosphere, and helps bring balance in I think.


Legacy Supporter 6
Retired Staff
Feb 22, 2013
I see far too often , in my opinion, groups of people that apparently do nothing but hunt lost souls and/or solo people. This doesn't seem conducive to a fun atmosphere, and helps bring balance in I think.
If you prevent them from spamming AOEs they'll spam single target attacks.
Aug 6, 2011
And if they don't aim them well they will hit their buddy instead tho right?

I guess I can't expect minecraft players to have any sense of competitiveness, lets just leave the server as a gankfest on the random people who join the server and get camped for 8 hours straight by some losers with no lives. People say DOTA was notorious for a toxic community, but I say herocraft is far more toxic lol.
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Nov 30, 2013
FF would be awesome and add a great dynamic to group play, as well as make winning outnumbered fights significantly more feasible. Unfortunately I can't imagine your average minecraft player being interested in that quality of pvp.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
Friendly Fire would make using AOE skills counterproductive. It would make players stick to more assassin (Single-Target) classes and we already have too many ninjas....
Aug 6, 2011
Theres too many ninja's because the skillset is OP lol.. just reading the skills anybody can tell its pretty ridiculously OP. And as I said before There's a lot of games with FF enabled with AOE classes, and its great. I can understand that due to a lack of experience with gaming that you'd think FF would be a bad thing, go play some games with it enabled and I think you'll come around to it.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
You do realized that if this where to be added, EVERY class would need to be reworked to accommodate the change?
Aug 6, 2011
Explain with more detail? I don't see how anything would need to be reworked.
Bard type abilities need to be reworked to only affect party members? But they are already like that correct?


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
Explain with more detail? I don't see how anything would need to be reworked.
Bard type abilities need to be reworked to only affect party members? But they are already like that correct?
If you can't comprehend why changes would be needed, then you didn't thought this through. If it was changed, all aoe skills would need to be altered. Skills are created with the fact that you don't hurt party members in mind.

With that said, something like megabolt would be useless in a team fight since it would also hurt your allies. A berserker attacking on the front lines wouldn't whirlwind or he would be hurting others. Skills would need to be changed mechanically and number wise to accommodate the additional risk. This would only promote classes that focus on single target skills to be chosen.

This would also completely destroy the shaman class. Most of it's skills are aoes. Unless it's a 1v1, your totems would be useless since you party members would never stand next to them.

This isn't as simple as you think. Changing a core mechanic like this would effect everything and I believe Kainzo would never do such a thing.
Aug 6, 2011
Can't comment on a unreleased class, but the skills ingame so far have been demonstrated on other games with FF enabled, and it has worked out great in those. It brings a lot of depth to strategy, placement, situational awareness into play. I can understand if the goal of the game is to keep it as simple as possible to bring in more of the lowest common people in, that this suggestion would be a step in the wrong direction.

I have trouble understanding your thought process with your example of megabolt. I'll give you an example scenario to help you out. You and your group are about to face off with an enemy group, You start off with a blizzard focused on the center mass of the enemy group and move to use megabolt, and now melee are clashing and you switch to things like fireball unless an enemy brings enough room into play for you to use an aoe on him.

This isn't a new concept and has been played out in several games, with nearly identical skill mechanics. I believe your fears are unfounded.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 28, 2011
This isn't a new concept and has been played out in several games, with nearly identical skill mechanics. I believe your fears are unfounded.
But these games have been made with this in mind. Herocraft has been designed where party memebers aren't affected. You can't just make such drastic changes without some prior work.
With your Megabolt example, that may be fine a the beginning of the encounter, but what about afterwards. When your melee classes have collided, you won't be able to use any AOE skills in the risk that you may hit a teammate. You'd be limited to use your single-target skills. People would be scared to be near there allies and would make fights a collection of duels. While it may work for melee classes, magi will be hit the hardest. Many classes will be rendered useless due to their reliance on AOE skills. I'm not saying I don't want more skillful play in HC, but I don't think this is the way to go about it.
Aug 6, 2011
Explain with more detail? I don't see how anything would need to be reworked. /quote

The only difference would be that you dont blindly fire into allies, it affects melee and magi the same. And your right, less tactical people would think, "oh we have to pick a target and try to solo him and stay away from allies" While the most skilled people would be able to work together to focus down targets, all the while avoiding whacking eachother with their swords and aoe'ing themselves.

Being the top ranked wizard from darkfall I think I can safely say that the system will work fantastically with FF turned on.